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2023 Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse Astrology Forecast

2023 Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse Astrology Forecast

April 2023 Aries New Moon

2023 Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse – April 19, 2023, 9:12 PM PDT

April 20, 2023, 12:12 AM EDT / 4:12 AM GMT

29 Aries 50

2o23 Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse



To listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl discuss the 2023 Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse Astrology Forecast, click the player below.


“Whatever you can do or dream, you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” — attributed to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

You’re in a hurry. You’re on a mission. And boy, have you got company, as in, the rest of the world. But in your haste, remember that quote. And if that’s more than you can manage right now, remember three words: “begin,” “boldness,” and “power.” They sum up the extraordinary force of the 2023 Aries New Moon.

Aries’s impulsive, unpremeditated gusto has been running especially high this season, with amplifying Jupiter stoking the fires. Everyone’s already feisty, excitable, and amped up; a lot of people are outright aggressive, combative, and stirring up fights. The 2023 Aries New Moon takes those inclinations to the max and hurtles them – and all of us – into the future.

It’s the year’s second New Moon in the sign, so far into the last degree that it’s almost at Taurus. (March’s was at the very beginning of Aries.) That degree leads to extreme expression of all traits of Aries, which are combusting within individuals, situations, and events. Adding to its force: it’s a total solar eclipse (visible only in strips of Australasia), which supercharges the lunation.


 The Power of Eclipses

On top of which, it’s in a square – a demand for action – with Pluto. A solar eclipse in a Mars-ruled sign pressured by the lord of death and rebirth? Nothing about this combo is subtle. Pluto is the agent of evolutionary change and ruler of power, secrets, and subterranean impulses. The square to him pushes forces out of psyches, closets, back rooms, and all manner of other hidden places. It’s like a plant sprouting through concrete, with such velocity and ferocity that the concrete explodes.



And, because Pluto has only recently arrived at the first degree of Aquarius, this eclipse is christening – and, actually, catapulting us into – his 21-year visit to that sign. Pluto will retreat from and return to this degree multiple times through December 2024, a process acclimating us more and more to radical changes in society and technology. Each pass over this sensitized degree will trigger the energies of this eclipse and its hardwired Plutonian action.

This event is also teeing up issues that will carry through the next two years. The 2023 Aries New Moon launches eclipses through March 2025 on the Aries/Libra axis, which pits personal identity against relationships. So we’ll be revisiting, resetting, and rebooting the challenge of expressing our identity while maintaining relationships (from specific connections or agreements to the ground rules we operate by).


Clearing The Path for the Future

The kick-off is weighted toward the individual and the future. A situation or person may well leave you – all eclipses blot something out – if it is not on the same trajectory. On the other hand, you may likely leave a situation or person in the dust as you zoom ahead. Whichever they happen, departures will be quick, possibly unexpected, unapologetic, and permanent without looking back.

It’s all part of moving into a different phase of existence and a different phase of how we get along with each other. Think of this solar eclipse as installing a new operating system. Remember what happens with a computer, phone, or device: It shuts down and reboots on the timing you can’t control. When it comes back up, it’s changed. Some functions are gone or different; some new ones are now present. It’s an upgrade, in theory, although some learning curve or bugs may be involved.



Becoming More Mindful

Keep this in mind as you set intentions and goals. If you go into the event with those in mind, they will be in the picture as impulses erupt, and you will have uncommon boldness and courage to run with them. (Refer back to the introductory quote.) You will probably not, however, be thinking them over much. Or thinking much at all. Everything that launches now blazes with instinctive, organic life force, overriding social niceties and your usual internal constraints and propelling you into the personal superhero territory.



You’ll be feeling, burning with, and flying on this eclipse for months. So, watch for a noticeable flare in issues in mid-May, when Jupiter crosses the eclipse’s degree and squares Pluto, still at the spot he’s occupying at this eclipse.


 The Next Reboot

See Also

However, the next reboot – the next installment of Aries/Libra eclipses – will not come until fall. We’re in overlapping eclipse families this year; April’s solar eclipse is the pivot point between them. It’s 10 minutes away from Taurus and conjunct with the North Node in Taurus, which shows where we are collectively heading. (All the departures and brash moves really are moving us ahead.)

The eclipse is ushering in the crossover from the past two years resource-oriented Taurus/Scorpio eclipses. They have been lighting up, clearing out, and shutting down issues of individual and joint finances, including what we own, invest in, and get back from investments. We’ll get two more pulses of wrapping up at May’s Scorpio Full Moon and late October’s Taurus, which wraps up the cycle. Their worldly issues remain active factors as the Aries/Libra eclipses hurtle us forward now and again in October.

Their energetic difference? Dealing with, shutting down, or transforming financial, sharing, or investment matters is putting stories of the past to rest. Daring, risk-taking action, and rearranging relationship dynamics are molding future stories. So stretch, breathe, and dress accordingly. And you’re off!


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About the Author

Kathy Biehl is a professional astrologer with more than 30 years of experience. She has been translating astrology for the mainstream since high school and has a knack for combining humor and pop culture with her guidance. Visit to sign up for her mailing list, listen to her forecasts, and book a session for her. Find her on Facebook at Empowerment Unlimited and the Astro-Insight Lounge and on YouTube at the Professional Aquarian Channel.  Listen to her radio show Celestial Compass on OM Times Radio.


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