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The High Priestess Card: Tarot Arcana April 2023

The High Priestess Card: Tarot Arcana April 2023

High Priestess Card Tarot

The High Priestess Card is a complex archetype about inner transformations and spiritual secrets.

2023 April Arcana: The High Priestess



“A priestess is a woman who lives in two worlds at once, who perceives life on earth against the backdrop of a vast, timeless reality. Whether or not she is mated to a human partner, she is a woman in love, wedded to being, to life, to love itself. Having offered herself, body and soul, in service of spirit, she mediates between matter and spirit, between human and divine realms. She may or may not be sexually active, but she will always honor sexual energy as a link to the source of life itself.”

~ Jalaja Bonheim, Aphrodite’s Daughters: Women’s Sexual Stories and the Journey of the Soul

Who is the High Priestess Card in the Tarot?

The High Priestess doesn’t tell its secrets. Instead, it notes its existence, calling attention to the world of the invisible, consciousness, intuition, and sensations. Despite being mysterious and enigmatic, the non-real world can also be apprehended, but it requires maturity and inner search. It needs the presence of the High Priestess.

The Priestess in Tarot is the card of wisdom, serenity, and mystery. It represents feminine qualities, such as patience and knowing how to listen. It is a Card addressed to the feminine principle, indicating the wisdom and patience of knowing how to listen to conclude. The Priestess is strongly linked to the power of intuition, purity, and compassion. The main attributes of the card are mystery, intuition, revelation, resignation, faith, and wisdom.


The Archetype of the High Priestess Card Aligns with the Energy of the Moon

In that sense, the Priestess is like water. It receives, understands, and protects. At the same time, she is very silent and reflective. It is difficult for the Priestess to communicate this immense wisdom that sometimes even she does not rationally understand.

The Negative Side of the card of The Priestess: You are afraid to reflect on your attitudes and life and avoid reflection as much as possible. This fear of thinking about traumatizing experiences and remembering bad moments prevents you from evolving. Yet, even in the worst memories and events, we can find the support and strength to evolve mentally and spiritually.



The Priestess Archetype also symbolizes the difficulty in exposing your feelings in a relationship, which could be the fear of falling in love with someone single or a constant doubt that you really like the person.


The Message of the High Priestess Card

When the High Priestess shows up in our lives as an archetype, It indicates that some internal conflicts may appear but that it is possible to win this battle with the use of intuition and the particularities that only feminine energy is capable of providing, such as, for example, the openness of concessions and the gift of balancing and reinventing oneself. It also announces that something we have been holding inside is damaging us and needs to be revealed or resolved. Finally, it also calls us to pay attention to our health, especially our glands and hormones.


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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