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Numerology – The Ever-Changing Month of May

Numerology – The Ever-Changing Month of May

May 2023 Numerology

The month of May is the exciting number of the 5. Five connects to the ‘fire’ in us and invites us to take action. It is the energy of change and charisma – possibly letting go of your ‘imagined’ sense of defeat. May teaches us to move with the wind and enjoy the sun and the birds. The lesson of the ‘5’ is to break the isolation, lift up from our ever-present over-active mind and connect with people. Enjoy, entertain, dance, run, and walk in the park.

The Ever-Changing Month of May – The Number 5

By Greer Jonas



Are you making a face right now? Would you rather play on your computer and text on your phone? If this is a challenge, perhaps call a friend and plan to take a 10-minute walk.


What Name Should I Choose?

People seek answers beyond the norm and look towards numerology to explain. As we examine the magnetic energy of ‘5’, I have chosen two popular questions about finding a dynamic name.

To begin, we use the alphanumerical definition of a name.

See the Pythagoras chart for clarification.

pythagoras chart

How Do I Find a Successful Business Name Through Numerology?

As a numerologist and innovator, I am often asked the question:

“I just started a new enterprise and want a powerful business name. Where do I begin?” I first tell my clients to examine what message they want their new company to convey. What is the vision for their new enterprise? Who is the audience, competition, and overall goal for themselves?

We only look at the ideas for different business names and calculate their numerological value. Yes, the name needs to pop, but it also needs to have integrity. After that, of course, you must market your product. The name can be the catalyst.

By adding all the alphanumerical numbers of the name, the sum is called the ‘expression’ of the name. Based on the vision you wish to portray to the world, we may tweak the spelling of the name a bit.



To illustrate, let’s take the strange success of a made-up name. “Google”


In my research, I found so many reasons that Google got its name I gave up. One was In 1996, Larry Page and Sergey Brin called their initial search engine “BackRub,” and thankfully, they changed it. Another answer is that Google is a misspelling of the mathematical term ‘googol.’ I even read that someone’s grandson came up with the word. So perhaps a compilation of all these answers is true.



Looking at the alphanumerical sum of the name, it adds to 34, which reduces to a ‘7’. The ‘7’ is the spiritual energy of looking into the unknown to find the answers. WOW, how perfect is that? Google’s search engine has become so popular that it has become a verb.


Should I change my name?

Changing your name can give you added qualities that you may be missing. However, you never lose your original expression from your birth name. Keep in mind that it is not always easy to change your name.

People tend to forget, and it may be frustrating. But if it feels right, Go for it!

I have chosen three popular entertainers who have changed their full birthname to being known by only one name.




Cherilyn Sarkisian changed her name to the popular singer and actor ‘Cher.’

With her full birthname, her expression number is a ‘6’. The six is a very friendly and loved vibration. However, it does not have a punch to attract stardom.

Cher, on the other hand, adds to a ‘7’. The seven energy can be an exotic and unique pioneer blazer unlike any other. This describes Cher, never to be forgotten in dress and voice.




Madonna Louise Ciccone changed her name to ‘Madonna.’ Like Cher, her birthname reduces to a ‘6’ – a good, loving friend, but not a successful rockstar. As ‘Madonna,’ her expression becomes an 8, the energy of a charismatic, prosperous, and successful entertainer.

See Also



And last but not least, the beloved Prince. As Prince Rogers Nelson, he has a ‘1’ expression number. This number is a powerful leader who can inspire new music and entertainment types. As ‘Prince,’ the sum is the master number’ 11′. (When two numbers are the same, they are called master numbers as they are double the energy of that number. So ’11’ is the master number of leadership and inspiring ideas and action. There is no need to say more about Prince. He was unique in every way, not like any other. May he rest in peace.


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About the Author

Greer Jonas-OmtimesGreer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist, painter, blogger, and teacher living in New York City. She has been practicing intuitive numerology for more than 30 years. Greer works with clients around the world by appointment in person and online. A wide variety of private numerology readings include personal exploration, business names, baby names, compatibility charts, and name change sessions. Workshops and lectures include the creative gamut of numerology topics, art, and meditation. She is also available for group events. Greer is 2022’s Ommie Award Winner for the Category of Numerologist Columnist. Contact her at, Art site:


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