Shamanism: Rituals of Healing and Power

Shamanism is, in fact, a set of ancestral beliefs. It encompasses magical practices (and evocations) to establish a deeper contact with the spiritual world.
Shamanism is a form of religious expression that allows the shaman to enter a trance, connecting with the spiritual world. From this connection, he can deal with many things, influencing nature, treating diseases, predicting the future, and warding off evil, typical functions of a High Priest.
The shaman can go into another state of mind through the reception of a transcendental nature or transformation. This type of manifestation is generally very characteristic of ancient peoples worldwide. Whether in America, Europe, or Asia, Shamanism is an intrinsic part of the history of each of these continents.
Shamanism’s basic concept of healing is that “No one heals another. The cure is within each one”. Therefore, to enhance the improvement, rituals were created. These interventions elevate the vital energy and connect the practitioner to what he desires. It can be an entity, transformation, restoration of health, power, prosperity, love, and compassion, among others.
Some Shamanism Rituals
Held in Peru, it connects people with their Spirit and Pachamama (Mother Earth). The individual also receives the energy of the condor, the eagle of the Andes. For the Incas, this ritual frees the person from their limitations, ties, and everything that no longer has value in their life.
Created in India, the Shiva Ritual is celebrated every New Moon worldwide, where there are devotees of this entity. Shiva is a Hindu God known to be the Destroyer or the Transformer. This is because tradition states that he is responsible for destroying to be born something new. This stage of change converges with that of the New Moon. The lunar phase has the ability to initiate the generation cycle of everything that happens in our lives. Soon, when going through this ritual, you will have physical, mental, and emotional transformations.
This ritual was developed by Count de Saint-Germain. He was born in 1696 in Transylvania, Romania. Known as the “Ascended Master of the Seventh Ray,” he created the most powerful spiritual force on the planet. The Violet Flame is an energy of clearing that burns away karma to purify and bring about personal redemption.
The shaman prepares a sacred drink. Then, gives the patient and conducts energetic passes. The energy emanated by the passes comes from the astral and physical planes. The positive charge scares away negative energies, cures the individual of any illness, and restores balance to the body and Spirit.
In Shamanism, the Full Moon symbolizes fertility, power, and sensuality. In the ritual, the person achieves everything he wants. The Full Moon’s energy shows the practitioner how he can deal with emotions and helps him remember past lives. It is one of the preferred energies for performing magical cults. The ritual arose many years ago. The shamans of the time worshiped the Sun and Moon gods as they were supreme energy sources that flowed to Mother Earth.
Shamanism encompasses diverse ancestral beliefs and magical practices to establish contact with spirits and the entire spiritual world. Know here the powerful Prayer of Shamanism.
Shamanic Prayers: Spirituality X Religion
Because it is spirituality and religiosity, there are several prayers of Shamanism for different moments of life. The prayer of Shamanism is no different from other prayers. They are prayers and praises to the beings of the spiritual world that are done with an open heart and mind. When doing the shamanic prayer, it is necessary to believe in the words and concentrate deeply on what is being uttered. The prayer of Shamanism is a supplication, a thank you, and an act of recognition of the weakness of human beings and the great power of these spiritual beings.
Oh! Great Spirit of the North, who gives wings to the eagles of the air and rolls the thick snowstorm before You. You cover the Earth with a shining carpet of crystal, especially where the deep tranquility of every sound is wonderful. Temper us with the strength to remain a part of the blizzard; yea, make us thankful for the beauty that flows and deepens over the warm Earth in her awakening.
Oh! Great Spirit of the East, the Land of the Rising Sun. You who hold in Your right hand the years of our lives and in Your left hand the opportunities of each day. Support us so that we do not forget our opportunities nor lose the hope of each day and all years in laziness.
Oh! Great Spirit of the South, whose warm breath of compassion melts the ice that surrounds our hearts, whose fragrance speaks of distant spring and summer days, dissolves our fears, transmutes our aversions, and ignites our love into flames of truth and existing realities. Teach us that he who is strong is also kind; he who is wise tempers justice with mercy; and he who is a true warrior combines courage with compassion.
Oh! Great Spirit of the West, the Land of the Setting Sun, with Thy mountains high and free, prairies deep and wide, bless us with the wisdom of peace that follows restraint and freedom who lives like a flowing tunic on the wings of the good life – disciplined. Teach us that the end is better than the beginning and that the sunset does not glorify anything in vain.
Oh! Great Spirit of the Heavens, on days of infinite blue and mixed with the endless stars of the night of each season, remind us how immense and beautiful and majestic you are beyond all our knowledge or knowledge, but that you are not so far from us either. , the highest of our heads or the lowest of our eyes.
Oh! Great Spirit of Mother Earth under our feet; Master of Metals; Germinator of the seeds and Granary of Earth’s hidden resources, help us to give thanks unceasingly for Your present bounty.
Oh! Great Spirit of our souls, who have long burned in our hearts and in our deep aspirations, tell us now and always of all that we need to know of the greatness and goodness of Thy gifts to life, that we may be proud of the inestimable privilege of living.
1996 – Noel Knockwood, B.A. elder
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Humanity Healing is a Nondenominational Network committed to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Healing and Growth through Education and Spiritual Activism. Spiritual Activism is expressed by Compassion in Action.