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4 Signs That You Should See a Therapist

4 Signs That You Should See a Therapist


Everyone experiences sadness, anxiety, and other unpleasant thoughts and emotions at certain points, but these mental health challenges can become overwhelming for some people. Do you need to see a therapist?

Do You Need to  See a Therapist?

By Brooke Chaplan



Suppose you’re struggling with your mental health. In that case, it’s important to recognize the signs that you should see a therapist so that you can get the help you need to live a happier, more fulfilling life.


Unhealthy Eating and/or Sleeping Habits

Suppose your mental anguish has caused you to eat or sleep more or less than what is considered to be healthy. In that case, a therapist can help you adopt better habits so that your mental health struggles don’t continue negatively affecting your physical well-being. Changes in how you eat, or sleep could result from anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions that are often treatable with counseling, medications, and other treatment methods. On the other hand, suppose you notice that your eating and sleeping habits seem unhealthy or that they have changed dramatically. In that case, you should consider reaching out to a therapist.


Communication Challenges

You might experience extreme anxiety in social situations or when you need to speak to others. Social phobia is a real mental disorder that can majorly impact personal and professional relationships and cause extreme loneliness and depression. Whether your communication challenges result from past traumatic events or an undiagnosed anxiety disorder, a therapist will try to get to the root of the problem to find the best solution. When you’re comfortable, your therapist may even recommend that you attend group therapy sessions to start communicating with more people in a safe and supportive environment.


A Pattern of Toxic Relationships

Find yourself going from one bad relationship to the next. A therapist can try to help you realize why you’ve adopted this pattern in your life. For example, you might find yourself more inclined to associate with negative people in your friendships, romantic relationships, and even professional relationships. Your therapist will work with you to identify the cause of why you continuously seek these types of people. You should definitely meet with a therapist if you have a pattern of getting into physically or mentally abusive relationships.



Thoughts of Self-harm

Any thoughts of self-harm should be taken seriously, and you shouldn’t hesitate to see a therapist if you’re having these episodes. Thoughts of self-harm may even progress to suicidal thoughts that a qualified therapist should analyze so that an appropriate treatment plan can be rendered. Harming yourself or ending your life isn’t a solution to your problems, and a therapist will try to help you address the real issues that are causing you to have these negative thoughts so that you can start working toward a true solution.


Meeting with a therapist may offer the best chance to resolve your mental health obstacles. You can schedule an appointment with a local therapist who will do everything possible to bring more positivity to your life.

See Also
Spiritual Trauma


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About the Author

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at or Twitter @BrookeChaplan


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