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Power Numerology of July 2023

Power Numerology of July 2023

Power Numerology of July 2023

Power Numerology is the practice that studies numbers and how they influence people, it tells us what our strengths are and how to enhance them.

Power Numerology of July 2023



July is the seventh month of the Gregorian calendar, has 31 days, and its name is very similar to the name of the sixth month: June. But the similarities are only in spelling.

There was the Roman calendar before the current calendar was implemented, and the first month of the year was March.

The fifth month was called Quintilis, renamed July in honor of Emperor Julius Caesar, born on July 13 in 100 BC.

Numerology July 2023

In geometry, seven can be represented by the heptagon or the union between the square and the triangle. The square – 4 – is the archetype of the earth, matter, and logic, and the triangle – 3 – is the archetype of the spirit, light, and first intuition. Because of this union, 7 is considered the number of connections between God and man and heaven and earth.

In the seventh month, the predominant energy wave is of reflection of observation.

The Numerology tip for July is to look at your own life as an observer, step out of the central position and admire the projects from above, and look at the whole.

It is the moment in the timeline to evaluate the material, emotional, and spiritual repercussions of what was initiated in month 1.


 Relevant Questions to Ask in July

How did these projects unfold?

What were the biggest mistakes?

And the successes?

The Seven-month cycle is heading towards the end; what is still needed and possible to adjust to having a good harvest?

Another tip for those in tune with vibration 7 is to take care of your health; at this stage, the energies are concentrated in the mind and spirit, and the physical body is weaker.

Be careful with excess food and drink, and decrease the intensity of physical exercise. It’s time to rest your body.



If you are starting the month manifesting some disease, take advantage of the spiritual moment to investigate the real cause. Diseases appear as a learning process, and our body is the vehicle of manifestation of consciousness on this planet and, at the same time, a school.

When we do not understand a spiritual/emotional lesson well, the energy stagnates in our field and materializes in some part of the body. The part of the body, system, or limb that is “sick” reveals to consciousness the emotional cause of the disease.


Want another Numerology tip for July? Adopt a kitten! They are great for cleaning the environment of any negative energy and also brighten your day!


Your Personal Power Numerology Forecast for July.

How to Calculate Your Personal Year Numerology

Write the date of your last birthday and add all the numbers until you find only one number.

This is your Personal Year vibration until your next birthday!

Example: Peter had a birthday on 07/15/2023

Calculation: Birth date numbers

1+5+0+7+2+0+2+3 = 17 = 1+7 = 11

11 is the vibration of Peter’s Personal Year from 07/15/2023 to 07/15/2024.


How to Calculate Personal  Power Numerology of the Month

Now let’s calculate the Personal Month! For this one, we need the vibration of the Personal Year, which you already discovered in the previous calculation.

Now you need to add your Personal Year + the month number; in this case, let’s continue with Peter’s Personal Year, which is 11:

Calculation: Personal Year + Month

11 + 7 (July) = 18 > 1+8 = 9

9 is the vibration of Peter’s Personal Month that goes from 07/15 to 08/15


Ready! Now we have enough information to analyze the Power Numerology predictions for the year 2023, specifically for July.

Number 1Number 1:

It’s time to start over, you are full of energy, and the world is open to your ideas. Wake up early and chase your goals; this is the month to plant.



Number 2Number 2:

You’ve already planted, so keep watering; the seeds need water to sprout. This is the month to work hard and make the necessary partnerships to nourish your projects. Patience and cooperation.



Number 3Number 3:

Wow, the first sprouts are growing; celebrate! This is the month to celebrate the good progress of your planting and accept invitations to parties. Have fun; you deserve it.



Number 4Number 4:

Wow, your plants are growing strong, but there are threats; pests have also grown. This is the time to organize; you should prioritize what will give strength and what has a future. First, remove the pests from your crop. Otherwise, your plants weaken.



Number 5Number 5:

You realize that everything is going well, but some things are out of your control, be prepared; storms may occur. The month of unforeseen events, trips, and unplanned changes. Be versatile and let go of mental rigidity.



Number 6Number 6:

How beautiful your plants are; they have grown and are flowering. Appreciate the beauty and harmony of nature. Month to take care of your look, decorate your house, and dedicate yourself to maintaining good relationships. Love is in the air! Family too!

See Also
Numerology-should I change my name



Number 7:

So, you’ve thought about everything you’ve accomplished in the past few months; you’ve come a long way. A month to reflect on yourself and your past decisions contemplate your own life, and how much you deserve to rest. Be alone a little, have your space.



Number 8:

Congratulations, you won! You worked well in the planting, it’s time to harvest, and you have many fruits to pick. In the month of material return, all your effort from the past 8 months will be rewarded, and you will be recognized for what you did. So celebrate and work a little more to harvest everything.



Number 9:

Say goodbye! It was all beautiful, but it was over, the harvest had passed, and the land needed to be clean for the next seeds. Thank the cycle with love and clean out what didn’t serve to start the next cycle with clarity!



Number 11:

You are always searching for personal and professional fulfillment, and you are a great fighter, capable of many achievements. You can’t bear a dull and lackluster life. This is your month to Jumpstart things.



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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day, ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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