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The Temperance Card – Tarot Arcana July 2023

The Temperance Card – Tarot Arcana July 2023

The Temperance Card

The Temperance Card Arcana is an archetype of equilibrium and balance, at least in searching for these qualities.

The Temperance Arcana and the Wisdom of the Middle Way



If you have ever heard about the teachings of the Buddha about the “middle way,” you know that the wisdom of Life resides in avoiding the extremes of attitudes and perspectives in Life.

It is said, “Just as a guitar with a loose string produces no sound, a guitar with a string too tight ends up breaking the string.” Balance is a requirement for the expansion of consciousness. The Buddhist perspective is expressed in one of its most famous sutras: The Loving Kindness Sutra.


The Temperance Card

The Arcana presents a woman with a feminine face and some masculine features pouring water from one vase to another. The polarities revealed in the Temperance Card of the Tarot show the renewal of Life, alchemy, flexibility, and the process of achieving balance.

The virtue of prosperity is Temperance; the virtue of adversity is fortitude. Francis Bacon


History and Iconography of the Temperance Arcana

The woman pouring liquid was a fairly common allegory during the Middle Ages to represent the human virtue of Temperance: it was supposed that she mixed water in wine to decrease its effects. But, interestingly, the same image served during the first centuries of Christianity to illustrate the opposite: the miracle performed on the Wedding Feast at Cana, where – by order of Jesus – the water turns into wine.

Temperance Card Arcana brings us the connection with the spiritual world, mainly with the angels, who are divine messengers that transit between the worlds of the living and the higher beings.

The Divine water that flows from one vase to another is the symbol of the flow of Life and the movement and expansion of consciousness-the spiritual evolution of human beings.

The reason, emotion, spirit… These are the three elements weighed and balanced in the next challenges and what you will have to achieve in your Life.



Understanding the Temperance Card Arcana in Your Love Life

The alchemical possibility and the transformation of water reflect the capacity for transmutation that we all possess within us and indicate how we can use this energy to change. The main words that define this card are transmutation, truce, temporality, and transformation.

In love, the Temperance Card is extremely positive. It presents the importance of knowing how to deal with and conduct a relationship. It demonstrates harmony, balance, flexibility, and the possibility of the emergence of positive alliances. The partnership between those involved highlights these aspects of dialogue, friendship, affection, and attention that help build this relationship.

If you are still single, don’t hold on to looking for love, everything happens in due time. Instead, try to occupy your mind with things that give you pleasure.


Understanding the Temperance Card Arcana in Your Professional Life

The Temperance Card Arcana is the expression of patience, of waiting. It’s time to work calmly, investing in your future; take advantage of this harmony and tranquility in your work, as it is a very stable and safe period.

But if you are unemployed, this is a great time to invest more in your career and look for courses, specializations, and everything that contributes to increasing your knowledge.

Temperance brings the positive message that we need to maintain balance to achieve success in everything we plan. When planning calmly, carefully, and wisely, it will be easier to achieve what you desire.


The Transcendental Symbolic Meanings

The Temperance Card Arcana illustrates one of the states of human Initiation, where step by step, we witness a new alchemy of the soul :

The careful elaboration of polarities.

The transmutation of elements and alchemy.

Renewal of Life

The openness to celestial influences,

Circulation, adaptation, flexibility.

Serenity. Harmony. Balance.


Souls Levels of Interpretations


Spirit of conciliation, absence of passions in judgment, gives a deep sense to things, as it represents an eternal principle of moderation. Excludes rigidity and jamming. Corresponds to the disposition of flexibility and malleability.


Beings recognize and meet each other through their affinities. When influenced by this card, they are happy but do not evolve and cannot get rid of each other. Physical: Conciliation in business, activities, and enterprises. It gives the stimulus to weigh the pros and cons and find a way to establish a compromise, but without worries if the enterprise will succeed. Reflection is a decision that cannot be taken immediately. From a health point of view: disease is difficult to cure because it feeds on itself.

See Also
Tarot Astrology Forecast June 2022

Challenges and shadow:

Disorder, disagreements. Indifference. Lack of personality, passivity. Inconstancy, irregular mood, imbalance. Tendency to let oneself be carried away by the current, submission to fashion and prejudices. Spillage, exit, involuntary flow. Things follow their course.



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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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