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Dealing with Evil People

Dealing with Evil People

Evil People

Our walk-through life sometimes has unpleasant surprises. For example, we may have to deal with purely evil people at work or in our personal lives. And managing to defend ourselves from them without distancing ourselves from spiritual principles can be a great challenge.

How Do We Deal with Evil People?



People with bad intentions want one of two things (both simultaneously): to harm and/or dominate someone, always to achieve some personal, emotional, social, or material gain.

And what to do when we cross paths with someone whose heart is filled with hatred?

Here are some tips!

When someone does us harm, our first action is to question. And that is healthy, as it gets our mind moving in search of answers that will inevitably lead to self-knowledge. But, in these cases, there is not always an answer that can give us some certainty about the people who come and go from our lives. However, we know enough about the spiritual world and incarnations to dare to venture into some paths.


 Karma Balance

This is the most common situation. Call it divine justice or karma, as you prefer. What we did in past lives may be returned to us now through this person who seems to have come out of hell. Perhaps you have done some harm to this person or someone else, and life has brought you together with this malevolent being for a settlement of accounts. Whatever happens to you, we know that nothing is wrong and that spirituality does not make mistakes.


Learning Experience

It may be that your relationship with evil is not a rescue but rather a learning experience. Something inside of you is being worked on through evil, such as your inner strength, problem-solving ability, or even self-esteem. Comfort zones do not make anyone grow, unfortunately. Or have you ever seen someone who has everything completely fulfilled, questioning life and looking for answers to existential questions? So there. Perhaps you do not feel deserving of these actions of evil, and maybe you are not. But something is being healed and transformed in you through these people with a lower evolutionary level.



When you are the Master

It may be that life has put you in the path of a certain person because there is some spiritual affinity between you, and your presence is a comfort in the life of this wandering soul. You may not even know, but it is quite possible that your energy and vibration can help this person improve and find a better path for themselves. You may be a good example, a teacher, or something similar.


Exercising Forgiveness

This is also a common situation: we deal with evil to learn to forgive and love. There may not even be a past spiritual connection between you and this creature, but your paths have crossed so that you can learn to forgive. It seems simple, but it is not. We have a lot of difficulty forgiving, and forgiveness can only be given to those who do not deserve it. If they deserved it, the person would not need your forgiveness.

Forgiveness is, without a doubt, one of the human virtues closest to the divine, as it leads to love and helps to kill the ego. Arrogant people do not forgive. Those who have no empathy also cannot detach themselves from actions and remain frozen in the harm that was caused.

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong”

Mahatma Gandhi


When you are being spiritually tested

Sometimes we have already learned so much that it is time to test what we have absorbed through years of experience and study. In material life, we take exams and tests. In spiritual life, we face trials. This may be the case. It may be that this person is challenging you to show the best in you, as a test orchestrated by spirituality to verify if you have truly overcome some internal difficulties. Therefore, the way you will react to the actions of a certain person can make you progress in incarnation or regress, because you could not stay true to your personal values. The seduction of evil is very strong and can easily take us off the path of light, as it is natural to confuse justice with revenge, for example. Think carefully about how you will act!



What to do when Evil People enter our lives?


This is the first action you can take to deal with this type of person. Revenge or punishment will not get you anywhere, on the contrary, it will put you in the same vibrational pattern as this villain. And, as we are not self-sufficient, asking for spiritual help to have intuitions on how to proceed is always a great idea.



Again, we are not self-sufficient and a direct relationship with evil can leave sequelae, or a secondary effect.  Our mind may not be able to digest certain things and this pattern may even cause diseases in the future. Therefore, in addition to spiritual help, it may be necessary to seek professional help to face the situation in the best way and to know how to act in certain cases. Psychologists and psychiatrists can be very helpful in this regard and are a great way out for those who have this privilege.

Never refuse help!



Some situations can put your health at risk, perhaps even your life. In these cases, the best thing you have to do is try to distance yourself from this person. Learn what you have to learn, take the lessons that the situation brings and live your life in the best way.



Has someone harmed you and apologized? There is no problem in accepting the person’s apologies, no matter how bad they are. And, even if they are not aware of the harm they caused or do not show remorse, forgive anyway. Forgiveness helps the forgiver more than the forgiven. And this does not mean that you have to forget someone’s misdeeds, but it is just a sign that you understand that this person has serious problems and needs a lot of help. Empathy should also be directed to those who still live in the shadows, because loving those who love us or those with whom we identify is very easy. The hard part is turning the other cheek.



“Any kind of evil is the result of some deficiency.”

~ Seneca



You can help this person with your prayers, so that they receive a charge of positive energy and have more chances to wake up and stop harming people. Send colors, Reiki, angels, in short, whatever you are most familiar and identify with. Any help is welcome! Calling the person’s guardian angel is also a good idea. And, when you mobilize to help someone in this situation, you certainly earn points in your evolution. It serves the other, but also serves you.

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If it’s not risky for you, setting some boundaries and expressing how you feel might be the reason your life crossed paths with this haunted soul. Many people have difficulty in setting boundaries and expressing emotions, and, as incredible as it may seem, anger is more effective than love to get this rabbit out of the hole. Get out what needs to come out of you, in the most constructive way for both. Keep in mind that to set a boundary, you will need to act consciously and proactively. If you let things happen naturally, you will be constantly involved in difficult conversations. If you set boundaries, you can control much of the chaos caused by a toxic person.



If this situation happens at work, your salvation may be yourself. The results of your work speak for themselves and are the best way to defend against malicious professional attacks. Don’t waste time or energy worrying about what the other person intends to do against you; instead, keep your focus on your dreams and intentions, do your best and try to exceed goals and expectations. Establish strong relationships with meaningful people who want to support you.



What you bring within you may be the best weapon against any evil. Difficult situations challenge us in various ways, and, as said above, it may be that you are facing a trial. Therefore, staying true to your moral and personal values is essential to face this situation in the best way. Our boundaries are tested and we are required to make decisions that simply define us as either fighters or cowards. Therefore, never exchange a moment of internal unrest for the rest of your life. Doing the right thing is not easy, but it is always the most rewarding.  Never forget that You do have spiritual sovereignty.



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About the Author

Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.


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