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The Chariot Card – Tarot Arcana September 2023

The Chariot Card – Tarot Arcana September 2023

The chariot

The ruling Arcana of September is “The Chariot,” offering professional, financial, and romantic growth. Discover how to use this energy to your advantage!

The Chariot: Ruling Arcana of September!



The ruling Arcana of September is “The Chariot,” revealing fundamental energies to achieve goals and attain satisfaction in relationships, work, or spiritual life. “The Chariot” has swift energy, tending to bring about significant changes this month.

Thus, “The Chariot,” at the same time, represents stability and growth. Lessons learned up until now remain and will fuel development in all areas of life. However, care must be taken to avoid falling into procrastination and stagnation cycles.

“The Chariot” is a positive arcana, indicating victories and growth. However, like all tarot cards, “The Chariot” also has negative aspects, which drive actions taken from the ego. Thus, the card also symbolizes ignorance, impulsivity, and arrogance.

By consciously using The Chariot’s vibration, achieving goals becomes more fluid and enjoyable. According to the tarot, discover the trends for love, health, and work in September!


The Chariot in Love

The Chariot” indicates the opportunity to take control of relationships. However, this does not mean dominating someone; it truly brings to light what is important to you in love.

Thus, relationships become more balanced and enjoyable for singles and those in a relationship. Conversations may become more fluid and empathetic; The Chariot indicates success and solutions in the couple’s communication.

Yet, it will be a challenging year, as the dark side of “The Chariot” points to the ego as primarily responsible for all decisions and actions. Therefore, a lot of self-observation is needed to achieve harmony in the relationship.



The Chariot in Work

“The Chariot” symbolizes progress for entrepreneurs and those working in companies and organizations. However, only the energy of the 7th Arcana cannot solve financial problems and achieve growth at work.

In this sense, it’s essential to align goals and act consistently to harness the energy of The Chariot. For this, it’s vital to understand what you want for your professional life. For those wishing to transition careers, the energy is positive. Still, it’s necessary to establish a well-structured plan to avoid headaches.

Therefore, the “The Chariot” card calls for acting with caution, as you can only boost your growth by freeing yourself from purely egoistic desires. With this in mind, to clear doubts and identify what makes sense in the professional field, you should look inward; meditation can help.

For entrepreneurs and those seeking stability in a company, the 7th arcana points to positive trends, provided energy and commitment are invested in achieving goals.

In general, “The Chariot” introduces the concept that awareness is only beneficial when aligned with self-responsibility. The Arcana invokes clarity of mind and purpose.

>Focusing on achieving clarity of mind and purpose can be helpful when working or building relationships. This means taking specific actions to ensure that your goals and intentions are clear and acting in alignment with them. One way to harness the energy of The Chariot is to set clear and specific goals for yourself and to take deliberate and purposeful steps towards achieving them. This can help you stay focused and motivated and can also help you build stronger and more fulfilling relationships. Additionally, it can be helpful to practice mindfulness and self-reflection, as this can help you gain greater clarity and insight into your thoughts, feelings, and motivations. By taking these steps, you can harness the energy of The Chariot and achieve greater success and fulfillment in both your work and your relationships.


The Chariot in Health

In Health, “The Chariot” represents vitality and enthusiasm for accomplishing tasks or having incredible leisure moments. September will bring challenges and mood swings. Hence, the advice is to take good care of yourself, seeking balance for the physical body, spiritual, and emotional fields.

Remember to maintain the quality of your thoughts, as they directly influence your reality. However, thinking positively isn’t enough; you must act in the direction that best benefits your health. To do this, avoid overloading, as it results in excessive fatigue.


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day, ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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