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2023 Virgo New Moon Astrology Forecast

2023 Virgo New Moon Astrology Forecast

2023 Virgo New Moon

2023 Virgo New Moon – September 14, 2023 – 6:39 PM PDT /9:39 PM EDT

September 15, 2023 = 1:39 AM GMT

21 Virgo 57

2023 Virgo New Moon – Time for a Fresh Start



To listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl discuss the 2023 Virgo New Moon Astrology Forecast, click the player below.


Mercury is ending his retrograde through the details and practicalities of Virgo. Cheer if you want to (no doubt many people will), and then consider: What are you going to do with what the past weeks brought you?

Yes, do with it. Virgo is all about functionality and use. And conveniently, the sky is presenting a place to park your retrograde experiences — and plant them in your garden. What efficient timing, perfect for, and one of the gifts of, the Mercury-ruled 2023 Virgo New Moon.

As with every New Moon, this one invites beginnings, fresh starts, and next stages. The current ones involve or affect tangible aspects of existence – schedule, systems, body care, habits – as well as how you think about them. Virgo views these – as it views all of life – with critical analysis and an eye to improvement. And boy howdy, haven’t we received a lot of information about that lately?

With Mercury in its direct station at the 2023 Virgo New Moon, pertinent details are fresh in your mind. What have you experienced, tripped on, reviewed, reworked and rethought in the past three weeks? What did you simplify or clear out? What do you want to handle better now? Throw in your Venus retrograde experiences as well (July 22 – September 3). Look at the two retrogrades as a protracted lab of self-discovery. Use what you learned about your wort, the value of your time, and how much (or little) of it you want to continue spending on the same little things, and approach this New Moon accordingly.



Likely, you’re going into the 2023 Virgo New Moon with ideas, if not an actual to-do list. Running daily life more efficiently and supportively is definitely the task, and making bold, deep, sudden, and lasting changes is definitely in order. Habits, schedules, boundaries, the clarity of your thinking – all are in line for next-leveling (maybe even skipping a level or two). (If you know where the Moon is falling in your chart, look at these factors in terms of that area of your life.) The Moon is traveling in a grand trine to the two cosmic change agents, Uranus and Pluto. The link to Uranus is tight, triggering a liberating awakening. (“You mean, I can just ”) The link to Pluto is wider, but the Moon will complete the trine within a few hours on its way out of Virgo, birthing cellular-level focus and processing and giving them staying power.

2023 Virgo New Moon

You could have a bumper crop of ideas. A trine to Jupiter gives the Moon the hyper-optimism and ambition of most New Year’s resolutions, which are typically grandiose goals that typically sputter without much follow-through. Mercury’s square to Jupiter adds to the scale of thoughts and intentions (“I could do this – and this – and also this –”). Other influences will rein them in. The Moon’s opposition to Neptune challenges some of this as magical thinking. The 2023 Virgo New Moon’s inconjunct to the North Node is going to result in tweaking and adjustments necessary for the increased autonomy you’re being called to assume. And the grand trine with Uranus and Pluto promises to shake up your intentions and narrow them down.

So make your lists. Make them detailed and practical and filled with the minutiae of your daily life. You may be unable to pull off everything you think of at the 2023 Virgo New Moon. The most important fresh start may be in your perspective. And that has lasting usefulness.



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About the Author

Kathy Biehl is a professional astrologer with more than 30 years of experience. She has been translating astrology for the mainstream since high school and has a knack for combining humor and pop culture with her guidance. Visit to sign up for her mailing list, listen to her forecasts, and book a session for her. Find her on Facebook at Empowerment Unlimited and the Astro-Insight Lounge and on YouTube at the Professional Aquarian Channel.  Listen to her radio show Celestial Compass on OM Times Radio.


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