The Health Benefits of Cat Therapy

Cat therapy has shown that the company of a cat promotes physical and psychological improvements, which is why it can be healthful to have one around.
Cat Therapy
Have you noticed that many people are adopting cats as pets lately? A few years ago, dogs were the favorites for home companions, but currently, many people prefer cats’ cuteness and independence for pets. In addition to being beautiful and very clean animals, cats can be true holistic therapists. Having a cat at home can reduce the blood pressure and stress levels of the people in the house.
Cats are Small Holistic Therapists
Several studies analyze how having a cat at home affects our health. Here are some examples:
A study conducted by the University of Minnesota over 10 years used 4,000 American volunteers to point out the relationship between the presence of cats at home and improved heart health. According to the study, Americans who owned cats as pets had a 30% lower chance of having a heart attack than those who did not.
Dr. Karen Allen at New York State University also led a study evaluating how cats and dogs can reduce human stress. She selected real estate agents – a profession with high-stress levels – and a history of hypertension and suggested half the group adopt a cat or pet dog. Six months later, the doctor measured the blood pressure of the participants. All of them had increased blood pressure due to the high level of work stress. Nevertheless, those who had adopted pets had a 50% smaller increase than those who did not have the company of a pet when they got home.
According to a paper presented by the University of Buffalo to the American Heart Society, cats are true therapists because their presence generates immediate relaxation upon arriving home, which also helps to relax the blood vessels, reducing stress and the risk of heart attacks.
The paper also reports that the presence of a pet causes our brain to release oxytocin, a hormone known as the love hormone – which brings greater empathy, patience, concentration, and learning ability, reduces aggression, and increases trust in other people. In addition, when we have the presence of oxytocin in our body, we reduce the amount of cortisol, the stress hormone. So that’s why we feel physical and emotional well-being, bringing harmony to the body and mind, thereby benefiting our immune system.
5 Benefits of Living with a Cat
You have learned enough to see that cats are much like you and me.
~T.S. Eliot
Cats are wonderful animals. They love independence but also being pampered. Sometimes they seem to hate the world, but at other times they are so affectionate that it can be bothersome. These animals’ uncertain and confusing behavior is extremely similar to human beings. Perhaps that’s why techniques like cat therapy have begun to gain strength in emotional health.
For years, equine-assisted therapy (therapy with horses) has shown incredible results with children with autism, self-esteem issues, or cerebral palsy. Although there is no scientific basis to prove it, there is no doubt that as a complementary therapy, it can improve patients’ motor and emotional skills.
Similarly, cat therapy has shown that the company of a cat promotes physical and psychological improvements. Again, it may seem unbelievable, but cats can bring much more benefits than most people believe.
What is Cat Therapy?
What sort of philosophers are we who know absolutely nothing of the origin and destiny of cats?
~ Henry David Thoreau
Cats are little energy transformers, and when adopted as a therapy, they can be an effective treatment for anxiety, stress, and depression problems. It improves the quality of life and creates a special connection between the cat and its owner. In addition, according to various studies, people suffering from some type of heart disease show progressive improvement after living with a cat.
It is quite curious that the same research carried out with dogs has shown completely different results. Dog owners, unlike cat owners, continued to keep the average. People who adopt and own cats are less likely to suffer from a heart attack.
Cats are often recommended for people living alone, especially the elderly. Indeed, people suffering from some form of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s, can have memories when petting cats, slowing the neuronal degeneration they suffer. The animal’s purring, in turn, stimulates some fundamental nerve endings when remembering past stories.
Brief History of Cats
A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.
~ Ernest Hemingway
For hundreds of years, cats were treated as infernal beings. It was believed that they were the faithful companions of witches, messengers of misfortune, and emissaries of the devil. Moreover, their untamable and unpredictable character was feared by both ordinary and powerful people.
In some civilizations, however, the presence of cats was always sacred. In Egypt, they were revered for protecting the most important God. He was born and died with the sunrise and sunset, respectively, and it was during the night that he became easy prey for his enemies. The eyes of the felines, associated with lions, would reflect the sun’s rays during this period.
Legends aside, the history of cats as domestic animals has also been quite curious. Cats initially remained wild, unlike dogs, which were used as shepherds and hunters.
According to recent studies, it is believed that they decided to approach humans when they noticed that humans would provide them with food. The docile appearance facilitated the initial feeding of these animals by farmers who, in the end, accepted their thanks for the excellent work these animals did as rat hunters.
It would still take several centuries for cats to be accepted as companion animals. Until the 19th century, having pets was considered unusual and frowned upon, as supporting these animals would be a waste of money.
Of all God’s creatures, there is only one that cannot be made a slave of the leash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat, it would improve the man but deteriorate the cat.
Mark Twain
Some Benefits of Cat Therapy
Improves Symptoms of Depression and Stress
Cats can notice an improvement in people suffering from stress, anxiety, and depression disorders. Their purring is relaxing, stimulates concentration, and creates a welcoming environment.
Provides Companionship
Cats are the best pets for those living alone. Cats can be very independent when they want to be, but they can also be very affectionate. On the other hand, sometimes they can be so annoying that you might wish they weren’t there!
Cats Are Playful and Entertaining.
You will always have fun with them. But remember, providing them with proper nutrition, keeping up with their vaccinations, and trimming their nails (unless you want them to scratch all your furniture and curtains) is necessary.
Petting them, hearing them meow and purr, and watching them play can stimulate many patients.
An Opportunity to Teach Valuable lessons to Kids
Adopting a cat is a great opportunity to teach responsibility to children as they must care for, feed, and train the animal, which is not always easy. Therefore, it is important to talk with children about this so they know the importance of the tasks they have to perform.
Don’t forget to emphasize that an animal is NOT a toy. It’s wrong to hit, drop, or pull the animal’s tail. Living beings should be respected and loved. Your pet will surely be much happier if treated this way.
Also, animals can bring valuable lessons about aging and death, aside from teaching sentience and compassion.
They Don’t Require Much Care
Unlike other animals, cats don’t need much care beyond vaccinations or feeding. They are very clean creatures and will always use the litter box once they learn to use it. They clean themselves and do not demand constant attention.
However, it’s good to bathe cats from time to time. It’s also necessary to ensure the food provided is suitable and don’t forget to have regular check-ups with the vet. Remember, a healthy cat represents a healthy human being.
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About the Author
Ministry Earth is a collective Awareness-Raising, Perception-Building Initiative from Humanity Healing International, Cathedral of the Soul Educational outreaches created to introduce the perspective of Ethical Consciousness and Nonhuman Personhood to its Animal & Eco Ministries. Ministry Earth is a Service-Oriented Initiative, and its Magazine is a Copyrighted Publication of iSpirit Media and Publishing, Inc. Broadcasting and Publishing House.
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Ministry Earth is a collective Awareness-Raising, Perception-Building Initiative from Humanity Healing International, Cathedral of the Soul Educational outreaches created to introduce the perspective of Ethical Consciousness and Nonhuman Personhood to its Animal & Eco Ministries. Ministry Earth is a Service-Oriented Initiative and its Magazine is a Copyrighted Publication of OMTimes Media, Inc. Broadcasting and Publishing House.