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OMTimes Magazine October 2023 Edition with Christina Donnell

OMTimes Magazine October 2023 Edition with Christina Donnell

OMTimes Magazine October 2023 Edition

OMTimes is excited to have Christina Donnell PhD on the cover of the OMTimes Magazine October 2023 Edition.

OMTimes Magazine October 2023 Edition

OMTimes Magazine October 2023 Edition
Click the cover to read!


Christina Donnell, PhD is a classically trained clinical psychologist, author, and spiritual teacher, who studied Eastern traditions and the shamanic energy practices of the Q’ero (Care-o) Indians of Peru for nearly three decades. She is the founding director of The Winds of Change Association which cultivates humanity’s evolving consciousness. Her latest book is Encounters with Living Language: Surrendering to the Power of Words.


Thanks to the generous support of the Cathedral of the Soul, OMTimes Magazine is now available to all at no charge.


OMTimes Magazine October 2023 Edition with Christina Donnell PhD

  • Christina Donnell PhD – Encounters with Living Language
  • Karma, Violet Flame, and Transcendence
  • Adoption Reincarnation and Past Karma
  • Karma and Reincarnation: How are They Connected?
  • Rising to the Challenge
  • Positive Vibration: 7 Days to a More Empowered Life
  • Spiritual but not religious: How values connect on climate
  • When to use Reiki for Your Pet?
  • The Art of Learning to Love
  • How to Use Rose Quartz to Attract More Love The Transcendental Facets of Eucalyptus Essential Oil
  • Book Spotlight – Encounters with Living Language


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