Exploring the Power of Numerology

The power of numerology lies in its ability to reveal profound insights about one’s personality, life path, and potential outcomes through the mystical significance and vibrations associated with numbers.
The Power of Numerology: A Comparative Analysis of 2023 and 2024
By Greer Jonas
A Comparative Analysis of 2023 and 2024 in Terms of Spirituality, Mind, Action, and Abundance
As we move into October, the first of the double digits in our monthly countdown for 2023, we see the ‘10’. Ten ‘10’ represents new beginnings (1) and reaching into the Zero Place (0) of the Unknown. What is next?
It may be hard to look ahead when confronted with what has been behind us this year (in our personal lives and our world). Perhaps you are feeling like you are being pulled back, not ready or willing to move forward.
Let us open ourselves to October by clearing our minds. To take one step further, accept the challenge and be open to a new vision for yourself. The vision is not what you have accomplished or failed at but what you want to say ‘yes’ to. Reach into that zero place of “I don’t know how” and expand into an opening of “OK, let’s do it!”
I am writing this post to invite all your readers to get out their journals, maybe some colored pencils to illustrate, and connect to a new visualization of what is next.
First, let’s contemplate our lives so far in 2023.

Power of Numerology: The Global Seven-2023
2+0+2+3 = 7. The ‘7′ is the yin vibration of the spiritual outlook in life—seeking the unknown and the unique. Possibly learning a lot about yourself, have you had major revelations? The seven energies may have been uncomfortable for some and inspiring for others. Those who like to move fast may be looking forward to the end of a slow and contemplative life.
….What Next?

The Global Eight: Power of Numerology for 2024
2+0+2+4 = 8. 2024 is going to shake things up if you are willing to open up to a new and interactive life. The yang energy of 8 is power, prosperity, and charismatic leadership. Some of you may find the transition harsh as the quiet, reflective, and sometimes moody vibe of 7 becomes the ‘put on your sneakers and move’ 8. Or you may find it an anticipated sigh of relief!
How about you?
Find Your Personal Year
In numerology, you can discover the theme of the year specific to you by adding the sum of the month and day of your birthday to the current year. This ‘theme’ is called your personal year.
Example: If you were born April 1, 2024, your personal year would be “4”
Note: When the sum adds to a master number, like 11 or 22, you do not reduce because it is a very high vibration and will be a powerful year for you.
Compare your 2023 year to your future 2024 year
Personal Year in 2023 Once you find your personal year in 2023, take a look at how it has been so far. Have you gone deeper into your psyche and made changes? Have you thought of something unique? Or have you been isolated? Or both?
Personal year in 2024—the global year of 8! How very different from the spiritual yin energy of the 7 global years. Are you already feeling it? Like a wake-up call? The 8 is yang, all about strength, prosperity, & charismatic energy. This could be your time to achieve what you have always wanted! If you are open to shaking things up in your comfort zone, you can find yourself with more energy and accomplish tasks that you may have been putting off.
Visualization Exercise
Find your personal year for 2023 and 2024 (if it adds to an 11 or 22, do not reduce); see the write-ups for the master numbers below.
Next: Visualize. Notice how you did this year. What have you accomplished in a spiritual, transformational way? Next, connect to the vibrant yang energy of 2024 to make things happen. For some of you, it may be uncomfortable to be out there. So what small steps can you take? Perhaps go to a local bookstore rather than having Amazon deliver your books.
Write your vision for 2024. What will you make happen? No need to think how. It is part of the process to put it out there. And then every day, you will take the opportunities that are presented to you. You may hang your vision up in a special place.
Power of Numerology – The Personal Year Themes.
1 – A year of new beginnings, leadership, taking action, and inspiring others. What is your vision? Anything is open to you if you take action.
2 – Forming relationships of all kinds, love, business, family, and cooperation. Time for a new relationship or building on the one you have? Go in with a partner to start a new business?
3 – A year of creative expression and uniqueness in all forms —art, music, writing, dancing, and speaking. Time not only to create but to make money at what you love.
4 – A year of building something new; organization, perseverance, and skill. This can be a perfect time to create and empower a new vision.
5 – Embrace freedom and change as you share yourself with people and seek new opportunities. Perhaps a time to find a new business or at least share your ideas with people who can strike the match.
6 – A year of compassion, birth, and service with your loved ones and community. What can you do to serve others in a big way?
7 – In the seventh year, you may find yourself bonding with the inner you. In the 8 global years. you may change this thought form into reality.
8 – Eight is the year of charismatic leadership, abundance, and empowerment. What will you do to start and lead a new project?
9 -The nine years is all about transformation, change, and completion. What will you do to drop the energy-depleting relationships or old patterns that no longer suit you?
11 – The master 11 year is a time of leadership and inspired ideas that make a difference.
22 – In the powerful 22 master year, you can strengthen or begin a relationship, build a business, or begin a dynamic project.
About the Author
Greer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist, painter, blogger, and teacher living in New York City. She has been practicing intuitive numerology for more than 30 years.
Greer works with clients around the world by appointment in person and online. A wide variety of private numerology readings include personal exploration, business names, baby names, compatibility charts, and name change sessions.
Workshops and lectures include the creative gamut of numerology topics, art, and meditation. She is also available for group events. Greer is 2022’s Ommie Award Winner for the Category of Numerologist Columnist and OmTimes Numerologist of the Year.
Contact Greer at greerdjonas@gmail.com www.numerology4yoursoul.com, Art site: www.greerjonas.com
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