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Karma and Reincarnation: How Are They Connected

Karma and Reincarnation: How Are They Connected

Karma Reincarnation

Karma upholds the principle that if we do good things, we will replicate our days with positive situations, while if we are filled with evil, at some point, we will be touched in the same way.

Karma and Reincarnation



The energy surrounding us and even the one we radiate is vital for our life to proceed positively.

Bad feelings and ideas affect those who feel them more than those who inspire them.

Over time, hatred, envy, resentment, and revenge translate into a magnet for these types of feelings. Karma becomes a mirror of our inner world that creates a magnetic field to attract in equal or greater measure what permanently abounds in our ideas and hearts.

Your states of mind do not occur randomly. They occur because of vibratory and karmic patterns.

~ Frederick Lenz


What is not overcome persists and can be transmitted between generations, social or family groups. Karma is used as a synonym for destiny, but the truth is that it is totally alterable if behavior patterns are also modified.


Types of Karma

Karma – what is it?

INDIVIDUAL – Bad deeds tend to generate a greater number of bad deeds. The chain cannot be stopped even after having had several lives to overcome it. The consequence? Diseases, deformities, orphanhood, loneliness.


FAMILY – The family that we get is also closely linked to the Law of Karma. An unresolved situation leads to family members being assigned with dementia, alcoholism, and drug addiction.


KARMA-SAYA – With sexual acts, a bond is created that goes beyond the physical plane. The multiplicity of partners can also cause much of the karma to be transmitted, and people remain united. Astral marks or “Samskaras “are created that must be worked on.


GROUP – A consistent collection of Individual karmas (thoughts, deeds, and intentions) can lead to serious situations collectively. Disastrous situations many times named “acts of God,” such as Floods, tragic accidents, and pandemics.



POSITIVE KARMIC ENERGY – If debts are canceled on the karmic plane, one transcends and achieves a new life.

In short, if good deeds are done, more noble actions will be attracted, and energies will be balanced. For example, a home with an abusive father.


According to the ancient Law of Karma, the only way to ward off negativity and prevent it from transcending over time and becoming generational karma is to employ high levels of patience, humility, and forgiveness.

Thus, another energy is spread to children and siblings, and karma does not multiply. On the contrary, if more violence is generated, it will be unstoppable, with very serious consequences for other future generations.

 Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.

~ Confucius


When karma is lessened, many areas begin to activate and improve. It is like a plug that opens and allows situations that seemed impossible to happen to become a reality. Think and feel only positive; the rest will come little by little.

Karma isn’t fate. Nor is it a punishment imposed on us by some external agent. We create our own karma. Karma is the result of the choices that we make every moment of every day.

~ Tulku Thondup


There are many interpretations of Reincarnation, and you will find that many talks about it never happening in plants or animals, only in human beings. The controversy around the topic, especially in the scientific community, is immense.

Some believe that when people die, they reincarnate into another body but with the same Soul; Reincarnation can happen every time death comes.

As the Matter changes and the Soul strengthens more.

If there is no more reincarnation, it is because the purpose for which one comes into the world has already been fulfilled. The mission was achieved, and the learning process was accomplished.



Does Reincarnation Exist?

Reincarnation: same Soul, different body

It is every man’s obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it.

~ Albert Einstein


We have all questioned ourselves about Reincarnation.

Did we inhabit another body at some point? Did we suffer? Did we die several times? Who were we, and why have we come to exist again? Recurrent memories can represent visions of the past that are not understood.

Through hypnosis, this mystery could be deciphered.

Young people who remember phrases that are not in line with what they have lived find in Reincarnation an explanation.

The Catholic religion opposes the idea of Reincarnation. The concept of another life after death is subscribed to in the Resurrection, a fact manifested after the death of Jesus, widely propagated in the Bible.

Souls never die, but always on quitting one abode pass to another. All things change; nothing perishes. The Soul passes hither and thither, occupying now this body, now that… As wax is stamped with certain figures, then melted, then stamped anew with others, it is always the same wax. So, the Soul is always the same, yet wears at different times different forms.


See Also


How Does It Happen

 As we live through thousands of dreams in our present life, so is our present life, only one of many thousands of such lives which we enter from the other more real life and then return after death. Our life is but one of the dreams of that more real life, and so it is endlessly, until the very last one, the very real life of God.

~ Leo Tolstoy


The continuous evolution of the Soul is the most widespread explanation for the reason for Reincarnation. Another existence, another vital challenge.

Achieving perfection is the goal, and only a pure spirit can rest. The body is just another means that offers several opportunities to mend the path. Debts contracted in the past appear in new lives.

In this way, some suffer more than others or are more fortunate and loved. Tragic events happen continuously, while the Soul does not become perfect.


Signs That Speak of Reincarnation

If you have felt that you have been to some place before or known another person on another plane, it may mean that your Soul has been attached to another body.

  1. Great empathy with people with whom you have had little contact.
  2. Affinity with remote times, even with a degree of identification.
  3. Fears and phobias.
  4. Dreams that repeat permanently.
  5. Strong intuition.

The karma of souls can be altered with good deeds and contemplative life. The practice of yoga increases consciousness and helps us work with Karmic knots in our physical and emotional bodies.



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About the Author

Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.


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