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Karma, the Violet Flame, and Transcendence

Karma, the Violet Flame, and Transcendence

Violet Flame

There are techniques to activate the violet flame and cleanse the negative energy or karma that the soul may have accumulated in past lives.

Clean Your Karma With the Violet Flame



Constant use of the violet flame, whether to address present situations or connect with forgiveness, can lead the practitioner to connect with events that occurred in past lives spontaneously.

Generally, these types of occurrences happen during visualizations, meditations, or dreams; however, it is also possible for visions of past lives to arise at any moment.

Contrary to what many may think, connecting with a past life is not always a joyful experience; most of the time, initial contact is linked to moments that produce discomfort, sadness, disappointment, and even pain.

This is because these episodes need to be healed and overcome to contribute to the current process of spiritual evolution and eradicate harmful patterns that may repeat.

Metaphysical schools have developed various techniques that allow practitioners to activate the violet flame and cleanse the negative energy or karma that the soul may have accumulated in past lives.


How to Cleanse Past Life Karma

Cleanse past life karma with the violet flame.

In the study of metaphysics, the violet flame is the seventh and final flame (or ray) that represents living manifestations of Divine Power. In this sense, the violet flame symbolizes the quality of transmutation.

To transmute means to transform, to bring about change; hence the violet flame is also known as the transmuting flame, capable of generating profound and true metamorphosis.

Similarly, as an element of connection with forgiveness, it is attributed to transforming resentment and negative feelings into love and cleansing the accumulated karma from past lives.

Those of us who believe in reincarnation accept the idea that negative programming received or generated by our souls in past lives can negatively influence the present life.

Hence the importance of working with the violet flame to help transmute past life karma and reinforce our positive actions in the present.



Violet Flame and Different Wisdom School

Each metaphysical school or Ageless Wisdom Modalities follows its own system of working with the violet flame and addressing past lives; however, most use visualization as the main action tool.

A simple technique involves recreating the image of the vision or memory of past lives and visualizing it surrounded by bright violet light. Then, hold the image without forcing it until it naturally fades into a point of white light.

Another method involves visualizing a flame or violet light moving through the body, from the feet to the head. Again, don’t rush or slow down the visualization; follow your pace and breathe slowly.

You can pause the violet flame’s journey when it reaches the area of the heart to purify any negative emotions and sensations that arise from the connection with past lives.

Then, allow the violet flame to continue until it reaches the head and exits through the crown. You can accompany the visualization with affirmations such as “I AM THE TRANSMUTING VIOLET FLAME, I AM FORGIVENESS.”

In the book “Discover Your Past Lives with Karmic Astrology” (2016/Portuguese edition), astrologer and writer Dulce Regina advises releasing karma by activating the violet flame while reciting several times an affirmation by yogi and Hindu guru Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952).

A person’s negative or positive karma depends on a universal law known as the law of cause and effect. Nothing in the universe escapes this law. From the physics perspective, Isaac Newton also described this law when stating that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, which is one of the fundamental truths governing the universe’s functioning. And, of course, humans cannot escape this reality.

Many of our actions generate a reaction, and every cause has an effect. Based on this understanding, it is clear that our actions generate energy that returns to us with the same intensity and manifests within us according to our own actions. In other words, if we consciously or unconsciously harm someone, that harm will eventually return to us. This is precisely what is referred to as negative karma.

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.

~ William Ernest Henley



See Also

Destiny can be modified by ourselves day by day. While many times we lead a morally correct life, we may feel like victims of events that seem to defy all logic and do not correspond to our actions. These negative situations may result from past actions in previous lives that continue to affect us, often without us even realizing it. In addition, we often generate negative karma when we hate, act with violence, harbor resentment in our hearts, and many other things that can cause these negative situations to come back to us at the most unexpected moments.

The good news is that it is possible to transmute negative karma if we put into practice the ten secrets that we are about to reveal to you:

  • Learn to remain silent in moments of emotional turbulence.
  • Do not judge others.
  • Pay attention to things that make you happy.
  • You should not fight or resist; just keep moving forward.
  • Keep hope and faith alive. The negativity of each situation and how it affects you is a matter of perception and is in your mind. Therefore, you can change it.
  • Always forgive.
  • Meditate on your actions.
  • Use your imagination to visualize positive and pleasurable situations.
  • Speak and think positively at all times.
  • Give love regardless of what you receive in return.


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About the Author

Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.


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