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Living In Service: A New Universal Dream

Living In Service: A New Universal Dream

Living In Service

Discover the universal dream of Living In Service. Move beyond the unhealthy pursuit of wealth and fame to collaborate for the greater good.

Living In Service



Discover the true dream beyond material wealth and competition. Embrace collaboration and elevate humanity together.

The American Dream can seem to pursue us relentlessly. It is portrayed everywhere: in movies, television shows, commercials, magazines, and social media.

Regardless of where we live in the world, most of us have felt that pull to pursue this kind of prosperity. It can make us hunger for greater wealth and luxury: a bigger house, a better car, the latest smartphone, a boat, a swimming pool, or fame or prestige.

A New Universal Dream
Click the Book Cover to learn more!

The trappings of wealth aren’t inherently evil. Being famous or admired by others is a common fantasy. But the relentless pursuit of the American Dream is an unhealthy trap because no amount of wealth or success can ever be enough. We can find ourselves pitted against others pursuing the same dream while believing that there isn’t enough to go around—so someone else must lose for us to win.

The crises of our modern world—global warming, viruses, endless wars, and political upheaval—have shaken some people out of our pursuit of that kind of dream. We have begun to focus on more important things. We are all part of the same Divine whole—not in competition with each other— but in collaboration. The only way for us to win anything is if the whole of humanity is lifted and elevated.

We must be compassionate and caring toward others. We must do whatever we can to help create a better world that works for all of us. In short, we must evolve together.

The good news is that many of us fully embrace this reality and recognize the positive possibilities despite the many crises. Realizing this foundational truth is where the conscious journey begins.



While each of our journeys will unfold in a unique way, all of them will involve renewing and restoring our connection with the Divine, life, and each other. Recognizing our connection provides us with clearer intention and deeper meaning; living in recognition of this connection brings great blessings and prosperity, both financially and in every other aspect of life. Each journey will find us becoming more in harmony with life—but the forms this can take are unlimited.

We might still consider ourselves Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, or something else, but we are likely to embrace those compassionate, universal principles Gandhi believed in. We will transcend religious dogma, race, color, and gender orientation to create an equally nurturing environment for everyone, free from prejudice or bias. We will serve our common goals over our individual ones.

Unfortunately, sometimes our best intentions are stymied by a lack of direction. Even when we are heart-centered and feel called to service, we often simply don’t know how to best spend our time and effort to be effective.

I’ve taken the following simple steps to support my conscious journey and help bring about planetary awakening and flourishing for all. I hope these suggestions might be of value to you as you search for your own path to consciousness and fulfilling service:

1. Go within daily—in prayer, meditation, nature, or stillness practices—and nurture your relationship with the Divine or All That Is, using whatever name helps you best connect to that energy.

2. Commit to serving life (including the natural world around us) first and embrace the reality that your life is about contributing to the greater good.

3. Use the power of your dollar to buy conscious products that support sustainability and flourishing.

4. Bring your personal and professional relationships into alignment with your soul’s unique calling.

5. Enjoy the many forms of prosperity that come back to you through this novel approach to your life, and remember that love’s expression is the grandest and highest gift.



When we live consciously, we know and feel everything outside of our physical bodies to be a part of us, so our everyday actions center around being in service to those around us, including animals and the Earth. Doing things that help others or the Earth brings us joy, regardless of the time and effort we invest in doing this. This consciousness means we never think of service as a sacrifice because we care about others and the Earth, just as we care about ourselves. And when this kind of thinking becomes ingrained in our nature, we feel grateful and deeply fulfilled by each opportunity to share our unconditional love.

If each person or family in the world found just one service project in their community and committed to volunteering even a small amount of time each week or even each month to that project, what might our world look like? The saying “Many hands make light work” is true. Feeling and following this impulse to civic duty is a critical part of the path that leads us to the creation of a New Earth and a New Humanity.


What does it Mean to Live in Service?

It’s worth remembering that living in service doesn’t mean you have to give up your personal life and spend all your time volunteering for causes; it simply means that you spend time in service to others or the Earth each month, or each week, or even each day, if you have time to do so. Any time spent in service is worthwhile. Be as generous with your time as you can be, and allow yourself to give less when you feel overwhelmed with personal concerns and commitments. Almost everyone can give something; No gift given in service is too small.

We are here on the Earth to prosper and create fulfilling lives for ourselves and a way forward for our children and their children for generations to come. Every day, more stories pop up of people joyfully embracing this kind of responsibility and opportunity. It’s like a pot of water beginning to boil. Just before the pot comes to a boil, bubbles start to appear and rise to the surface, letting you know that it will soon be boiling fully.

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When it comes to conscious awakening, we are seeing bubbles! More people are obviously feeling connected to a larger tapestry of others worldwide and accepting the mission to live consciously, connecting their life’s work with the grand vision of a better future for all! I wish the best for you on your conscious journey. If I or Humanity’s Team can ever be of service, please reach out to us anytime.


About the Author

This article is adapted from “A New Universal Dream” by Steve Farrell (published by Light On Light Press, copyright 2023). From the pinnacle of Silicon Valley success as co-founder of two high-tech firms, Steve Farrell pivoted to lead Humanity’s Team, the #1 nonprofit in the world for transformational education. For more than 20 years, Humanity’s Team has offered educational programs in business, science, spirituality, creativity, relationships, healing, and conscious living through multiple platforms, including their Humanity Stream+ streaming service. Learn more at


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