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Numerology and True Love

Numerology and True Love

Numerology True Love Soulmates

Numerology is a science that has existed since the earliest times. It deals with numbers and how they will act in your life. With Numerology, it’s possible to discover your true love and soulmate through their birth date!

Numerology and True Love: Numerology is the Key to Finding Your Soulmate



Numerology will provide value for your soul and your loved one’s soul. Once you have these, you will compare these two numbers and analyze if the combination of your soul and their soul is a match.

Moreover, numerology will only give you more certainty of what you already know because soulmates recognize each other through their gaze! In other words, numerology is the confirmation and a potential indication of whether a relationship may or may not work out. Besides, numerology is advancing more and more. Thus, knowing how to identify your soulmate is a good option.

And what will be the procedure for you to discover your soulmate by the date of birth?

See, it’s not complicated at all!

You will do the following: find out your lover’s birthday or full name.


Numerology and True Love by Methods of Name and Date

First: to discover your soulmate by date of birth, it will be as follows. You will add up all the birth date numbers until you arrive at a single number. For example, you were born on March 4 (month 3) of 1990.

So, in this way, your soul number is 8. Do the same process with your loved one.Add all up until it is a single number.

But you can find your soulmate through their name if you don’t know their birth date.

To do this, the first step is: You will take the vowel letters from your name and your loved one’s name.


Second: you will assign the following numbers to the vowels: A=1; E=5; I=9; O=6; U=3. After assigning values to the vowels, you will add them up. Example:

John  Smith – O=6,  I= 9 or 6+9=15, 1=5=6

Thus, their soul number is 6!



Discover your Soul Number

Now that you know your soul number and that of your loved one, it’s time to understand what these numbers represent in numerology. But, regardless of the result, never forget: soulmates recognize each other through their gaze.

Soul 1 – This is the free soul that wants to emancipate itself and win in life. But it’s the most passionate among all souls. Also, it has a refined taste. That is, it’s the classic figure of a director.

Soul 2 – This is the calmest soul, appeased with peace and love. The one that wants everything to end well. It can listen to both sides and is kind and adviser. It’s the figure of a diplomat!

Soul 3 – Joy is its strength. It never lets anyone be sad, it always supports all people, and everyone loves it. Because its joy is contagious! But it ends up trusting everyone.

Soul 4 – Is that person who likes to do everything alone, they love to work, but it’s their way! It’s very stable and organized, as well as practical. Of course, it can be arrogant to some, but that’s just its nature.

Soul 5 – Loves to travel, to adventure, is not afraid to live! It’s free, lively, and inspiring. It’s adaptable. Put it in any situation, and it will manage to adapt!

Soul 6 – This is the famous “mother hen.” Protects their family from everything and love their friends more than anything. She’s an excellent caregiver and feels happy about it! In other words, it’s more responsible!

Soul 7 – Analyzes every detail, emotion, gesture, and word. It lets nothing escape, not even that feather that flew and landed on the head of the one she loves. That is, it’s rational, critical, and enjoys its solitude.

Soul 8 – If it wants to have the biggest company in the world, it will. It will not give up, meaning its life will be all about that if necessary! More than determined, ambitious, and likes to show off what it has. However, it will be harsh if you are not authentic!

Soul 9 – This is the most loving soul of all. It is that psychologist who will always help you. It will speak little but will listen to everything you have to say. Extremely generous, it will understand even the most complex souls. Patient and unforgettable!



How Can I Find My Soulmate?

Now that you know a bit about numerology, you will soon ask yourself: How to discover your soulmate? I must tell you that it’s not an easy path.

Soulmates are on a higher level of love, much more than any other. They are perfect, a mutual and infinite love. Not all the evil in the world will be able to separate them.

The first step you should know is that they will meet in unusual places, such as:

In a bank line, a chemical toilet, in the restaurant. These are places different from the norm; furthermore, the circumstances are good.

Another thing you need to pay attention to is whether you can connect with the person through their gaze. The gaze is the window of the soul! In fact, know that you may initially feel fear or a different feeling than love.

It does not always occur, as in Romeo and Juliet. Many times, it’s something unknown and frightening.

Lastly, it is important to show that the love of soulmates is greater than anything. It’s infinite. Like Romeo and Juliet, they would enter a family war if necessary, I die, and I kill for you!

Finally, you will try to discover your soulmate by birth date! And confirm if they are your soulmate.

But what is a soulmate?

Now you know how to discover your soulmate, so it’s time to meet your twin soul.

See Also

Do you know what it is?

The first point is that most of the time, twin souls are of opposite genders, such as men and women, binary and non-binary, and so on. Knowing this, it can be concluded that they will be accomplices to each other.

The two will have a bond that will do the following: If one suffers, the other does too, but one will help the other to get up. In other words, they are souls connected to each other. Also, one deeply trusts the other!

But they don’t need to be connected by blood ties. On the contrary, many times, they will be from different families. One is the family of the other.



How Do I Know I Found My Soulmate?

In the end, there will always be doubt about identifying your soulmate and whether they are truly your soulmate.

Therefore, the first step will be to discover your soulmate by birth date. That is, you will resort to numerology.

After that, you will feel that if they are truly your life’s love, it’s almost an uncertain answer.  Only your heart can guide you to the truth.


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