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Positive Vibration: 7 Days to an Empowered Life

Positive Vibration: 7 Days to an Empowered Life

Positive Vibration

In just seven short days, experience exercises that can shift us to a more positive vibration and enable us to experience a more empowered life.

Use a Positive Vibration to Lead a More Empowered Life

by Cindy Griffith



Vibration is one of the most important factors in our quality of life and often the least understood. Yes, everyone talks of “feeling someone else’s vibes,” but how often do you think about how our “vibes” affect your life. The quality of our positive vibration is controlled through thought and action. With a simple daily practice, we see how raising our vibrations can change our mental and emotional outlook, thus changing to a more empowered life.

Our vibrations waft out in the air, like the smell of cookies baking in the oven. The cookie aroma will affect anyone walking in the house by creating a feeling of joy, bringing a happy memory, or experiencing hunger! Your vibration is like that as well. Likewise, someone coming near you is affected by your pulse and will often have an emotional, although usually unconscious, reaction.

For example, if our vibration reflects calm and peaceful energy, it will imbue our surroundings with a sense of calm and peace. Those coming in contact with you will, consciously or not, be affected by that calm and peace to the level that they either resonate with your vibration or conflict with it. People resonate with us if their vibrations are similar. The stronger the resonance or similar vibration, the stronger your calming effect will be on the person. If the person’s vibration were opposite, the dissonance, or lack of resonance, would likely make you both feel uncomfortable, similar to simultaneously hearing two radios tuned to different stations.

What determines our level of positive vibration? Thoughts and actions are the main influencers of vibration. Actions based on judgment and negative thinking tend to lower vibration, whereas actions based on thoughts of compassion and love will raise vibrations. None of us constantly vibrate at a high level, which is why our vibration level, like our emotions, goes up and down.



It is not realistic to always think positively. Trying to force yourself to “think happy thoughts” and pretend everything is okay is unhealthy. Instead, we must honor our mental and emotional state at any time. By taking a positive step each day, we can give ourselves the boost needed to help us shift our vibration naturally while still honoring whatever we feel in a given moment. By becoming mindful of how our thoughts influence our actions, we begin to take control of our empowered vibration and have greater influence over our actions and lives.

Many mystics teach that we, like God, create through vibration. God, Creator, Spirit, or whatever we call that divinity, slowed the vibratory rate of a small part of its essence and created matter from that slowing. Using the universal law that teaches “as above, so below,” just like God creates denser, slower matter by lowering vibration, we create a slower, denser life by lowering our vibration. In the same way, we can improve your life by raising our vibratory rate. When we raise our own vibration, we create a life filled with more positive energy, attract more positive people, and struggle less.

You may have heard the expression, “You could cut the air like a knife,” to explain the environment surrounding a difficult situation between people. Why is that? The vibrations given off are so strong and low, creating a palpable shift in the environment.

Another expression, “I felt lighter than air,” explains someone feeling really good. The person’s high vibratory rate is influencing them. Others around that person will be influenced as well! This idea of vibration levels affecting those who come in contact with it is demonstrated in mob mentality, where a usually calm, happy person encounters a group of angry people and becomes angry.

We see this when surrounded by positive people. You find yourself looking at life more positively. Also, you surely have fallen prey to “Negative Nellie,” creating an exhausting lunch visit where you literally watch yourself thinking more negatively.



What does this teach us besides staying away from negative people? First, it teaches that we are in control of our lives. Just like the angry crowd’s lower vibration can change our mental and emotional state and lower our own vibration, we can consciously raise our vibration, thereby changing our mental and emotional outlook. Third, getting together with positive people with whom you resonate will take you to even greater, more empowered heights.

We must choose our friends and environment wisely. The stronger, positive vibration is the most influential, so if you are caught in a place with a lower vibration than you want, focus on raising your vibration higher to compensate! You do that by watching your thoughts and actions to make sure they reflect how you are really feeling inside instead of “catching” someone else’s negativity.

Life changes when we are more aware of our vibration because we stop sending low vibrations into the environment. The Law of Attraction teaches that similar energies are attracted to each other. We may want to attract other empowered, higher-vibrating, optimistically thinking people to increase the number of positive happenings in life. Keeping our vibration high as much as possible increases the opportunity for positive people and things happening around us.

How can we shift our positive vibration in a week? Each day, try one of these suggestions. If one of them does not feel comfortable, just pick another to do that day:

Day 1: Sing or listen to uplifting music, read positive and empowering literature, or watch a funny movie.

Day 2: Spend time with a group of positive people or an inspiring friend.

Day 3: Think of a loving situation or something you are grateful for, and allow that vibration to fill your heart and radiate throughout your body.

Day 4: Try meditating by focusing on your breath for a few minutes.

Day 5: Donate something or volunteer your time. 

Day 6: Take care of your body by getting enough sleep and eating well.

Day 7: Finally, do not place judgment on the vibration; just do the best you can when you can. Judgment lowers our vibration!

The last point is very important: We are human and sometimes need to be in a crummy mood; or experience medical depression. We can’t fake our vibration, but by taking one of these steps daily, we will find that positive vibration rises naturally. With these higher vibrations, we can attract positivity into our lives and start the ball rolling toward a more empowered future.

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About the Author

Cindy Griffith is a Psychic, Spiritual Development Teacher and Blogger. Author of Soul Soothers: Mini Meditations for Busy Lives and her latest book, co-authored with Lisa K., Grow Your Spiritual Business. Cindy teaches throughout the U.S., Online, and in Tokyo. Find more about Cindy, her articles, books, and psychic readings at

Originally shared 1 Feb 2016


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