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The Daily Tarotscope October 21 2023

The Daily Tarotscope October 21 2023

Tarotscope October 21 2023

In the Tarotscope October 21 2023, the cards unfold a narrative of solitude, unexpected turns, and a cautionary tale about materialism. Let’s journey through their wisdom together.

The Daily Tarotscope October 21, 2023

The Moon-Major arcanaTarot Arcana for the Day – The Moon (Number 18)

Angel of the Day: Yabamiah

Word of the day: Instincts

Color of the day: Summer Yellow

Number of the day: 294

Associations: Pisces (astrology), Water (element), Path 29, Sephirah: Netzach.

The Moon symbolizes intuition, dreams, illusions, and the subconscious. It represents the realm of emotions, mysteries, and things that are not immediately apparent. This card suggests that October 21st may be a day filled with heightened intuition, vivid dreams, and perhaps some confusion or illusion. It’s a time to trust your instincts but also to be wary of things that may not be as they seem.

On this day, it might be beneficial to pay close attention to your dreams, feelings, and gut reactions. While the Moon’s energy can be mysterious and elusive, it can also provide profound insights if you’re willing to delve deep into your subconscious.


Reflection on the situation: Three of Cups (Reversed)

The Three of Cups in its upright position is a card of celebration, friendship, and collaboration. However, in its reversed state, it speaks of isolation, neglected friendships, and a lack of teamwork. This suggests that on this day, you might feel a sense of detachment from social circles or experience moments of solitude. It’s essential to recognize if this isolation is self-imposed or a result of external circumstances. While alone time can be rejuvenating, ensure it doesn’t lead to feelings of loneliness or neglecting valuable relationships.


A potential action to take: Wheel of Fortune (Reversed)

The Wheel of Fortune is a card of destiny, karma, and unexpected change. It warns of bad luck, resistance to change, and missed opportunities when reversed. Life is a series of cycles; sometimes we find ourselves in challenging phases. This card encourages you to be adaptable, not to resist the natural flow of events, and to be open to the lessons that come with unexpected turns. Remember, every setback is a setup for a comeback.


Expected outcome if that action is taken: Four of Coins (Reversed)

The Four of Coins, when upright, speaks of saving, control, and financial stability. In its reversed position, it warns of greed, hoarding, and an unhealthy obsession with material possessions. This suggests that resisting change or cling too tightly to what you have might lead to an unhealthy attachment to materialism. It’s a reminder to find balance in your relationship with wealth and possessions and to recognize the true value of intangible blessings.October 21st, 2023, may present moments of solitude and unexpected challenges. However, by embracing change and maintaining a balanced perspective on material wealth, you can navigate the day with wisdom and grace. Remember, life’s true riches often lie in the connections we nurture and the lessons we learn.


Your inner voice, your instinct, knows everything. ~ Henry Winkler



Daily Horoscope for Your Sun Sign

Click the image to read the Daily/Weekly/Monthly Horoscope for your Zodiac Sign.

See Also
Tarotscope August 2024

Daily Horoscope Aries Taurus Gemini
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Cancer Leo Virgo
Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces


About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day, ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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