Are You Cursed?

We all have our traumas. One of these is characterized as part of curses, usually passed down through our own genetics. In other words, the problem that afflicts you so much may have been caused by a great-grandfather who experienced or generated the same situation.
Discover If You Are Cursed
Since antiquity, problems related to curses have been growing. Many families were killed in remote times because the whole family was rampant with unresolved curses and charms. With this, there was judgment and disorder in these generations.
However, nowadays, things are different. Many powers are being weakened thanks to spiritual protectors who can break any hereditary curse. Among these, we can highlight sacred mantras, charms, and blessings. They are of extreme importance for a more peaceful and joyous life with oneself. For, believe it or not, all people who are cursed today still have a heavy burden and great distress in their hearts. The moment we start to free ourselves from this, we feel like a feather falling in a gentle breeze.
The curses that run through our families can be transmitted to the seventh generation of the following families. That is, even the relatives of our great-great-grandparents can be responsible for the embarrassment we face today.
From the moment one of the curses is broken, as through mantras and prayers, the entire generation is healed; however, some residue may still pass on to the children, usually male. In this case, it is recommended that they also chant mantras and seek to take care of any evil that may torment them.
Before seeking treatments and spiritual healing, it is important to understand the real intensity of the curses. Sometimes it is not about curses, and we become paranoid about the idea.
We advise that the case be studied in a detailed manner. Curses usually result in abortions, sudden deaths of close people, irregular menstruation with unpredictable mood, hallucinations, sudden loss of appetite at a certain point in life, etc. In these cases, which occur frequently and not sporadically, spiritual counseling would benefit the healing of curses.
It is common for us to live with a very heavy mind during the week. Life’s problems overwhelm us, and all our energy fades before the weekend can arrive. Most of the time, we blame our responsibilities and blame ourselves. However, it’s interesting to know that sometimes a curse from the past is still present in our lives.
The curses of our ancestors can be of various types and reasons. Debts related to spiritual, romantic, and financial situations. Some entities contacted at the time may have been the cause of such a curse that persists to this generation.
Today, to eliminate any of these curses that afflict us so much, we will work on the mantra for the deliverance from curses, better known as Aad Guray Nameh. It is very powerful and helps us clean any cursed trace passed down through blood and spirit.
The following mantra, of Indian origin, is written in Hindi. Its intonation in this language is possible, knowing its translation, which is right below. After, its chant in any language is valid for our hearts and souls.
Aad Guray Nameh
Jugaad Guray Nameh
Sat Guray Nameh
Siri Guru Dayvay Nameh
Here I bow to the primal wisdom
I bow to the wisdom that transcends all years
I bow here to the true and powerful wisdom
I bow to the great and invincible wisdom that invisibly dwells within us
During the intonation of this chant, always keep in mind that the extremities, being the Om at the beginning and the end, should be pronounced from the back of the throat, passing through the roof of the mouth until the lips touch on the letter “M.”
This symbol of the mantras refers to the totality and power of the universe, the great and wonderful divine power.
When this mantle is chanted, whether in Hindi or in English, always keep a peaceful place and a glass of water in mind. Try to relax in a calm and inducing manner to prepare your body to expel all curses.
Five Signs You May Be Affected By a Curse
The effects of a possible binding curse can be quite negative in our day-to-day lives. It completely alters our feelings, attitudes, how we deal with certain things, and the behaviors we start to have, and often we don’t even know that we are under the influence of black magic. Below, we will describe five symptoms of a cursed person so that you can be aware if this happens to you.
Temptation is present in our lives in various forms. It can be carnal. It can be a hidden desire, a kind of will. It is even more incited when the sender of the curse defines this situation as ruining you. The cursed person can be induced to keep the sender of the curse in mind or even be prevented from being with him. Be aware of your most submerged feelings.
Going through a bad phase is normal for everyone or even a bit of bad luck. But when it happens very frequently, this could be a symptom of a cursed person. Constant problems, loss of objects, daily delays, setbacks that tend to disturb your mind, and events can demoralize your life and those around you. It’s as if bad luck is connected 24 hours a day.
When confusion invades your mind, you feel completely lost, unable to make decisions, and with a random feeling about everything in your life. This could be a symptom of a cursed person, especially if you do not usually have this attitude. A recent revolt, a feeling of anguish, and being guided by spirits you cannot see. Pay attention to your decisions and attitudes.
A spiritual disturbance can often only be felt through dreams. When you dream too much, with unmatched intensity, or have frequent nightmares without explanation, the curse takes over your life. They generate strange behaviors and thoughts that do not leave your mind.
When you feel isolated, physically or mentally, from the rest of the people, a feeling that can affect your discernment concerning your decisions is a symptom of a cursed person. Do everything to get out of this impasse and the expressed desires of the sender of the curse.
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About the Author
Cathedral of the Soul intends to undertake the challenge of creating a multidimensional healing space that is dedicated to those who seek to enrich, enlighten, and heal themselves while serving and assisting in the healing of others. Cathedral of the Soul is one of the many spiritual outreaches of Humanity Healing International, a registered 501C3 nonprofit with Church status.
Cathedral of the Soul is developing an Animal Ministry program. If you want to volunteer and help animals, join the Facebook groups @circleofprayersforanimals
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Cathedral of the Soul intends to undertake the challenge of creating a multidimensional healing space that is dedicated those who seek to enrich, enlighten and heal themselves while serving and assisting in the healing of others. Cathedral of the Soul is one of the many spiritual outreaches of Humanity Healing International, a registered 501-C3 nonprofit with Church status.