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Is Your Trash Stealing the Good Energy of Your Home?

Is Your Trash Stealing the Good Energy of Your Home?


Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that focuses on creating harmony and balance in one’s environment. It involves arranging and organizing spaces to promote positive energy flow and enhance well-being. One aspect of feng shui is decluttering and removing house trash or unnecessary items.

Trash and Garbage: The Energy Villain



In Feng Shui, clutter is considered stagnant energy that can block positive energy flow in a space. It is believed that a cluttered environment can lead to feelings of overwhelm and stress and even impact various aspects of life, such as relationships, health, and prosperity.

Here are some tips to address house trash and create a more harmonious environment according to Feng Shui principles:


Declutter regularly.

 Take time to go through your belongings and remove items you no longer need or love. Dispose of or donate items that are broken, damaged, or no longer serve a purpose.

Trash is everything we discard or don’t use in our homes. Therefore, it carries an energy of rejection, stagnation, of unnecessary things. It is a stagnant, lifeless energy, but it is inevitable to have trash cans in our homes as we produce garbage daily. So, learn how to deal with this energy, control it, and optimize it so that it doesn’t hinder the harmonization of your environment:

In the kitchen, never place the trash can near the stove (as it symbolizes prosperity), near the refrigerator, and especially not close to where you prepare food. It should preferably be outside the kitchen, but if that’s not possible, place it as far away as possible from the above-mentioned items.

Always opt for colorful and cheerful trash cans. They will soften the aspect of stagnant energy in your kitchen and bathrooms. And remember: your trash can ALWAYS have a lid and preferably be foot-operated.

Have small trash cans. This way, they will fill up quickly and compel you to take out the trash more frequently. Keeping rubbish in cans for many days not only spreads negative energy but is also unhygienic. If possible, empty the trash cans daily.



Clear out hidden clutter

Don’t forget to address overlooked areas, such as closets, drawers, and cabinets. These spaces can accumulate clutter over time, so regularly declutter and organize them.

Do not have a junk room in your house. We repeat this in almost all of our Feng Shui articles. It is common to have the habit of storing things we rarely use in a room in the house, and along with these things, there is often a lot of trash and items that serve no purpose (and we stubbornly refuse to throw them away). Let go, do not keep room for junk. If you need to store seldom-used items, make that space clean and organized, properly labeled, and without trash.

Do not keep trash at the entrance of your home for too long. Those black bags filled with debris and garbage at the doorstep of your house or business greatly hinder the entry of positive energy into space. The trash at the doorstep acts as a barrier, a wall that prevents anything good from coming in. Therefore, only place the garbage at the door close to the time of collection.

Beyond being a responsible citizen, it is an action that will energize your environment.


Pay attention to the flow of energy

In Feng Shui, it is believed that energy, or chi, needs to flow freely through space. Arrange furniture and objects in a way that allows for easy movement and promotes a sense of spaciousness.

Trash cans and garbage are associated with dead, stagnant, and stagnant energy – obviously. That’s why Feng Shui does not recommend having trash cans next to the kitchen stove, especially not on the sink or in areas where food is prepared. Why? Because food preparation is sacred and is associated with health and prosperity.

What to do? Have trash cans outside the house, if possible. In apartments, it is ideal for keeping the trash can away from the stove and refrigerator. And invest in colorful, beautiful, and cheerful trash cans that help make the kitchen and bathrooms more beautiful, stylish, and energized! 😉



 Some Useful Tips

Empty the kitchen and bathroom trash cans frequently (have smaller models that will require you to do this more diligently).

Keep the trash cans covered.

Avoid accumulating organic waste that can cause unpleasant odors (to do this, cook the right amount of food and avoid waste).

Do not place trash cans on the sink or countertops where food is prepared.

Recycle paper, metal, glass, and plastic (organize them in a box or bag and take them to recycling centers – you can take them to the supermarket when you go shopping).


Avoid accumulating trash…How?

See Also

Refuse leaflets, brochures, forms, newspapers, and other free items – ones you know you won’t use – which will only add to a pile of papers.

Share newspapers and magazines. Send them to neighbors, stores, clinics, and beauty salons.

Embrace the shopping trend without plastic bags and buy less at the supermarket by doing weekly shopping.

Remember, Feng Shui’s objective is to create a harmonious and balanced living space. By decluttering and addressing house trash, you can improve the energy flow in your home and create a more supportive and uplifting environment.


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Ministry Earth is a collective Awareness-Raising, Perception-Building Initiative from Humanity Healing International, Cathedral of the Soul Educational outreaches created to introduce the perspective of Ethical Consciousness and Nonhuman Personhood to its Animal & Eco Ministries. Ministry Earth is a  Service-Oriented Initiative and its Magazine is a Copyrighted Publication of OMTimes Media, Inc. Broadcasting and Publishing House.


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