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Emerald – Gemstone Advent Calendar 04 December 2023

Emerald – Gemstone Advent Calendar 04 December 2023

Gemstone Advent Calendar Day 04 - Emerald

Green relates to the heart chakra. Emerald can help the individual to open up and soften their heart towards past trauma.

Emerald – Numerology and Homeopathic Gemstone Remedies

By Giovanna Franklin



The numerology of 04 December is a 5, which, in numerology, corresponds to the planet Mercury. This is the planet of communication, of giving and receiving news, and it is very chatty! It is also a good day for commerce, business, and sales.

In numerology, 5 is the number of fame that will be remembered for a long time. Therefore, whatever you do, make sure it is something memorable in a good way!

Emerald is a great gemstone linked with Mercury; green is the color of this planet. Therefore, emerald is one of the gemstones related to this planet.

Emerald is the green variety of Beryl, and the color is due to the presence of chromium.

Its formation is in hexagonal crystals.

Green relates to the heart chakra. Emerald can help the individual to open up and soften their heart towards past trauma. Natrum Muriaticum keeps dwelling on unpleasant experiences, whereas Emerald is completely closed; they do not want to “go there.”

Green is the color of growth, and Emerald was the stone of Isis in ancient Egyptian culture. So, this is often a spiritual transition and can be a route to acceptance and servitude more than an escape to try again. Equally, after a time of sanctuary, the person, more strengthened, may break free of the influence of past traumas by permanently taking themselves away from the situation.

Themes and keynotes:

-trapped feeling




Remedies that follow well, Nat. Mur, Aurum, Lachesis, Oak, Staph or White Chestnut, and Causticum.

Allows the person to speak the truth – sometimes people speak truth and don’t know it.

Calm the nervous system in debility and exhaustion

Useful in all kinds of mental illness – Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy, senility, M.E., and after strokes or brain injuries – madness.

Affinity with the digestive system, especially the liver



Sensitivity of the skin, with frequent inflammation, itchiness, and split skin, wounds heal slowly

Acuteness of senses: hearing, smell, and vision

Desire for dairy food, chocolate, exotic fruits

This remedy is very much needed when we are in a situation where we cannot speak the truth for fear of reprisal. Whenever truth and rights are denied, people feel trapped and cannot speak their minds. Think East Germany or any other place where dictatorships run countries.

Repression and imprisonment.

The provers reported dreams about being sold as slaves, imprisoned, and physically abused.

See Also
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About the Author

Giovanna Franklin is a qualified homeopath based in the UK. She stumbled into homeopathy many years ago, while looking to help her autistic son. As well as running a busy international practice for the last ten years, she is also a teacher, clinical supervisor and author of Gifts from the Earth, Gemstone Remedies in Homeopathy

Visit Giovanna Franklin on her website


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