Mica – Gemstone Advent Calendar 15 December 2023

Individual Mica crystals can easily be split into extremely thin elastic plates. Human use of Mica dates back to prehistoric times.
Mica – Numerology and Homeopathic Gemstone Remedies
By Giovanna Franklin
Today’s number is 7, the number of Neptune: 15+12+2023=16=7
Neptune is the planet related to the oceans and, therefore, the subconscious. The planet rules the sign of Pisces, which is the most mystical sign: imagination, spirituality, dream world.
The chakra related to this planet is the crown chakra that links us to the universe.
During the summer, I visited the Isle of Skye, off the west coast of Scotland.
The name is from the old Norse, and it means “misty island” or “island of clouds,” and you can immediately see why: the sky is often overcast. The clouds blend with the mountains, giving it a mysterious and almost magical appearance.
Walking on the beach one day, I noticed some stones, sparkling and shimmering in the sun and I picked one up: it was a grey pebble covered in silvery glitter-like sparkles and I decided to make a remedy out of it, after discovering that it was a piece of mica.
The word “mica” is derived from the Latin word “micare,” which means “shine.” The name Mica was given to this group of minerals because they typically form in thin sheets and have a pearly luster. Some of the more common types of this mineral include Fuchsite, Anandite, Muscovite, and Lepidolite.
This remedy is only available from a Scottish homeopathic pharmacy in 30c potency. The proving was really fascinating:
Provers experienced more focus and energy than usual after a first period of sluggishness.
Physically, there is an affinity with eyes: redness and itchiness.
This is a brand-new remedy that is worth exploring further.
To learn how to use gemstone remedies and make your own, check out my new course: https://homeopathyheal.co.uk/certificate-course-gemstone-remedies/
My book Gifts from the Earth is available from Amazon.
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About the Author
Giovanna Franklin is a qualified homeopath based in the UK. She stumbled into homeopathy many years ago, while looking to help her autistic son. As well as running a busy international practice for the last ten years, she is also a teacher, clinical supervisor and author of Gifts from the Earth, Gemstone Remedies in Homeopathy.
Visit Giovanna Franklin on her website https://homeopathyheal.co.uk
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