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Moldavite – Gemstone Advent Calendar 03 December 2023

Moldavite – Gemstone Advent Calendar 03 December 2023

Gemstone Advent Calendar Day 03 - Moldavite

Moldavite is the gemstone for 03 December 2023. Moldavite is a catalyst for spiritual awakening, evolution, and transformation.

Moldavite – Numerology and Homeopathic Gemstone Remedies

By Giovanna Franklin



The 3rd of December gives us the number 4. In numerology, this is the number of Uranus.

The theme of this number is news, something unexpected in any area of life, so watch out for unexpected things that are not necessarily bad. They may be good opportunities that come very quickly, and you need to have good reflexes to seize the moment.

One of the crystals with this uranian, transformative energy is Moldavite.

Moldavite is a tektite, which is a glass that forms from the force and heat of a meteorite hitting the Earth. Moldavite is a distinctive green-colored tektite formed around a Czech Republic crater almost 15 million years ago. It has a wrinkly or fern-like pattern on its surface, and since it is only found in one place on Earth, it is more expensive than other forms of tektite. However, a small piece can still be quite powerful.

Technically, it is not a crystal: it does not possess the typical crystal formation but is rather a blob of molten rock solidified into this translucent type of glass.

Moldavite is very popular for crystal healing as a spiritual awakening, evolution, and transformation catalyst. It is a stone that some people have a quite dramatic response to.

It can be used to enhance lucid dreaming, increase psychic abilities, and align and clear your chakras. But most of all, by asking for Moldavite’s help, you can kick-start a transformation to release any blocks you may have to live your true purpose. Expect synchronicities, breakthroughs, and flashes of insight that propel you forward on your quest to live an authentic life.

Moldavite has recently become popular owing to its association with the extra-terrestrial as well as its spiritual and metaphysical healing properties. Many individuals associate moldavite with transformative powers. The fact that it can only be found in one area on Earth means it will run out eventually, and there will be nothing left for us to mine, which is one of the reasons why moldavite is so expensive.



The Homeopathic Remedy

This is the remedy of truth. By that, I mean that whatever is unresolved or brushed under the carpet will come up and out with this remedy, and this can be a very uncomfortable process. Therefore, I would be careful with this remedy and make sure the patient is ready to embark on such a process.

Moldavite can help those cases that are “stuck” where there is no improvement, perhaps due to some emotional block or other obstacle to cure.

On the physical level, Moldavite is a good remedy for burns, like Cantharis. It can also be useful in cases of exposure to radiation side of effects of chemo, for example.

As a remedy, it has a very strong energy; therefore, it is not a remedy for those with a weakened immune system. Some people cannot handle simply wearing a moldavite pendant!

Uranus is the planet for electricity and quick changes, and Moldavite is the perfect matching gemstone remedy.


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See Also
Numerology Elemental Personality.

About the Author

Giovanna Franklin is a qualified homeopath based in the UK. She stumbled into homeopathy many years ago, while looking to help her autistic son. As well as running a busy international practice for the last ten years, she is also a teacher, clinical supervisor and author of Gifts from the Earth, Gemstone Remedies in Homeopathy

Visit Giovanna Franklin on her website


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