Sapphire – Gemstone Advent Calendar 16 December 2023

One of the stones associated with Saturn is Sapphire and there are the themes of hardship, pressure, violence and transformation.
Sapphire – Numerology and Homeopathic Gemstone Remedies
By Giovanna Franklin
The number for today is 8 (16+12+2023). This is the number of Saturn.
Saturn had a bad reputation in astrology as the planet of responsibility, the taskmaster. There is another side of Saturn, which is a little more wild and loves partying. As with everything else, there is always a polarity.
One of the stones associated with Saturn is Sapphire. This stone is much harder than quartz and amethyst, and that’s one of the reasons why it is much more sought after and expensive. Its hardness is an important characteristic that helps understand this remedy.
The name is Greek, and it simply means “blue”.
Like all gemstones, there are the themes of hardship, pressure, violence, and transformation, or “transcendence,” as I’d rather call it.
What differentiates Sapphire from other remedies is its incredible resilience. People needing this remedy may have come through terrible experiences of abuse and violence. Yet their demeanor throughout their ordeal is apparent calm, almost detached. It is, of course, a defense mechanism that psychologists call Dissociative Disorder. We can see the qualities of Saturn: patience, resilience, biding your time.
The negative energy accumulated yet unacknowledged still needs an outlet, though, usually a physical one. We see many physical conditions that “don’t make sense” to the medical world: test results are clear, yet the suffering is real and tangible. They are then labeled “psychosomatic symptoms” and dismissed.
Sapphire is one of the remedies included in my book Gifts from the Earth, which is available on Amazon.
To learn how to use gemstone remedies and make your own, check out my new course:
My book Gifts from the Earth is available from Amazon.
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About the Author
Giovanna Franklin is a qualified homeopath based in the UK. She stumbled into homeopathy many years ago while looking to help her autistic son. As well as running a busy international practice for the last ten years, she is also a teacher, clinical supervisor, and author of Gifts from the Earth, Gemstone Remedies in Homeopathy.
Visit Giovanna Franklin on her website
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