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Shungite – Gemstone Advent Calendar 22 December 2023

Shungite – Gemstone Advent Calendar 22 December 2023

Gemstone Advent Calendar Day 22 - Shungite

Karma 5, linked to Mercury, emphasizes communication and fame. Shungite, a 2-billion-year-old protector against EMF pollution, is today’s choice.

Shungite – Numerology and Homeopathic Gemstone Remedies

By Giovanna Franklin



This is a day with karma 5, which is related to Mercury.

Mercury is all about communication and technology; this is why everybody hates Mercury retrograde because that’s when things tend to malfunction!

The number 5 in numerology is also related to fame, to things that are going to be remembered over time: Chanel number 5, the Jackson 5: when you are starting something that you want to be memorable, think about a day with this karmic number.

Regarding technology, I thought that Shungite would be appropriate, as this is a great protection against EMF pollution.

This homeopathic remedy was proven for the first time in 2017, so it is very recent. However, its healing properties as a stone have been known since the 1700’s.

Shungite is a black, lustrous, non-crystalline mineraloid consisting of more than 98% carbon. It was first described from a deposit near Shunga village in Karelia, Russia, from where it derives its name. Believed to be around 2 billion years old, shungite was formed in the Paleoproterozoic era when continents first became stabilized.

The healing properties of Shungite were already known to the Czar Peter the Great, who established the first spa in Russia, where this mineral was discovered.

This homeopathic remedy is described in more detail in my book Gifts from the Earth, available on Amazon.

To learn how to use gemstone remedies and make your own, check out my new course:

My book Gifts from the Earth is available from Amazon.



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About the Author

Giovanna Franklin is a qualified homeopath based in the UK. She stumbled into homeopathy many years ago while looking to help her autistic son. As well as running a busy international practice for the last ten years, she is also a teacher, clinical supervisor, and author of Gifts from the Earth, Gemstone Remedies in Homeopathy

See Also
Moonstone Gemstone Advent Calendar

Visit Giovanna Franklin on her website


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