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2024 – Embrace the Powerful Energy of ‘8’

2024 – Embrace the Powerful Energy of ‘8’


Experience the vibrant energy of ‘8’ in 2024 and seize the opportunity for action, success, and new adventures.

Stepping into the Year of Action: 2024 – Embrace the Powerful Energy of ‘8’

By Greer Jonas



Happy New Year Everyone! We have officially entered 2024.

2024 is the global year of the powerful energy of ‘8’ (2+0+2+4=8). According to numerology, the eight represents action, success, and taking chances. It should give us some more pizzazz and outdoor choices than in the spiritual, inward thinking 2023 (2+0+2+3 =7).

2023 was quite a year for me, and I have observed, obsessed, and over-slept during it. I was not the only one. Many of us were in a dark hole. The dark hole was partially due to LaCovida (my new word for the Covid environment) and its ramifications, especially in New York. Stores and people were ordering from Amazon, and more stores were closing.

Greer JonasAnd now it is January 2024; let us all take a breath and say out loud: “Enough”!

I believe the main lesson of this time in our lives, 2023-2024, is to step out and claim our vitality. And harmony must be sought. Not just living in our opinions of each other and not just communicating over a computer screen.


The Global Seven ~ 2023

2+0+2+3 = 7. The ‘7? is the yin vibration. A quiet time of self-reflection. It represents the spiritual, inward search for understanding. We look into the unknown to find the answers. What is the meaning of my life? Possibly learning a lot about yourself, have you had major revelations? Was it frustrating because you could not get things done? Did you feel like you were running around in circles?


The Global Eight ~ 2024

2+0+2+4 = 8. The ‘8’ is the yang energy that vibrates power, prosperity, and charismatic leadership. The energy could shake things up for you if you are willing to open up to your new and interactive life. Some of you may be feeling like you are on a rollercoaster ride! And some may be afraid of or too insecure to compete.



The Mirror of Yin Yang

LaCovida has been difficult, especially isolating with only Zoom to shout out “hello.” Many of us are getting used to this method of conversation. But, honestly, perhaps this is a time intentionally put in place for us to experience the extremes as if looking in the mirror.

The thoughtful meditative ‘7’ in 2023 searches for understanding (the yin). We ask – what is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of my life? How do I lift up further into enlightenment, or how do I get out of this mud?

Seven’s mirror is the ‘8’ (the yang) – looking outward, acting with strength and presence. A strong lesson as we walk into 2024. If we leave out the yin, we may falter out of balance in a confused state. Remember to breathe and to wear steady shoes!

Yes! 2024 is the exact opposite energy as in 2023! Action: get things done now! Instead of moving with the wind, yang moves with the fire.

The ‘eight’ is the energy of empowerment, success, and charismatic leadership. None of this ‘mind’ stuff. (LOL.) You are here to act, produce, and be seen. Does it seem scary or exciting? Perhaps both.


Harmony and balance must be sought, or you will run over your ‘opponent’ or lose your place!

It can sometimes feel like walking in the ocean or through the mud. Slow and steady is the key. Knowing something needs to change is the door. Be gentle with yourself and let go of self-judgment.


In Search For Harmony: The Infinity Symbol

Turn the eight around and see the bigger picture… the infinity symbol. There is no beginning and no end. In perfect harmony, we have balance in our lives.

This symbol has a long history with a mathematical edge. But in a spiritual and philosophical approach, the infinity symbol is about limitless possibilities: spiritual love, beauty, and balance.

Where there is light – the yang (such as the sun), there is darkness – the yin (like the moon.) Where there is movement (yang), there is stillness (yin)/ logic (yang) and intuition (yin). If out of balance, we would have chaos or very confusing lives. Too much yang could produce harsh and controlling actions. Too much yin could produce spacing out and a lack of meaning in life. Thus, the combined lesson of our time here is to unite the yin and the yang. To connect ‘thought and spirit’ with ‘action and being present.’



The concept of ‘power’ becomes empowerment. ‘I’ and ‘We’ unite. In perfect balance, we find harmony.

Yin Meets Yang ‘Harmony and Understanding’ meet ‘Action and Empowerment.’ ‘One Step at a time meets spontaneity,’ Overdoing on either side is not suggested!!!


So, What About You in 2024?

What is Your Personal Year?

The environment and theme of what is in store for you, specifically during this Global Year of Empowerment, is called your ‘personal year.’ You can find this number by adding your month and day of birth to the current year and then reducing the sum.

Check out more about 2024 and your Personal Year.

For example, if you were born on April 1st and the current year is 2024.

4 +1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 13/4 Your personal year is ‘4’

One exception is if the sum adds up to a double number such as ‘11’ or ’22. In this case, do not reduce.

For example, if you were born on February 1st and the current year is 2024.

2 +1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 11/2.

Here, your personal year is ‘11/2’. This is a master year of inspirational ideas.

Visualization Exercise

Find your personal year for 2023 and 2024 and see the definitions below.

Ask: What have you accomplished in a spiritual, transformational way in 2023? Next, connect to the vibrant yang energy of 2024 to make things happen. Write your vision for 2024 in your journal. What will you make happen?

There is no need to think about how. It is part of the process to put it out there. And then, every day, you will take the opportunities that are presented to you. You may hang your vision up in a special place.


Here Are The Personal Year Themes.

1- A year of new beginnings, leadership, taking action, and inspiring others. What is your vision? Anything is open to you if you take action.

2- Forming relationships of all kinds, love, business, family, and cooperation. Time for a new relationship or building on the one you have? Go in with a partner to start a new business?



3- A year of creative expression and uniqueness in art, music, writing, dancing, and speaking. Time not only to create but to make money at what you love.

See Also
love Numerology

4- A year of building something new: organization, perseverance, and skill. This can be a perfect time to create and empower a new vision

5- Embracing freedom and change as you share yourself with people and seek new opportunities. Perhaps it is time to find a new business or at least share your ideas with people who can strike the match.

6- A year of compassion, birth, and service with your loved ones and community. What can you do to serve others in a big way?

7- In the seventh year, you may find yourself bonding with the inner you in the eight global years. You may change this thought form into reality.

8- Eight is the year of charismatic leadership, abundance, and empowerment. What will you do to start and lead a new project?

9-The nine years is all about transformation, change, and completion. How will you drop the energy-depleting relationships or old patterns that no longer suit you?

11- The master 11 year is a time of leadership and inspired ideas that make a difference

22- In the powerful 22 master year, you can strengthen or begin a relationship, build a business, or begin a dynamic project.


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About the Author

Greer Jonas-OmtimesGreer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist, painter, blogger, and teacher living in New York City. She has been practicing intuitive numerology for 30 + years. Greer works with clients and at events around the world by appointment, both in person and online. She is the Ommie Award Winner for the Category of Numerologist Columnist and OmTimes Numerologist of the Year.

To make an appointment, contact Greer at / Art site:



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