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The Jealousy Behaviors of Each Zodiac Sign

The Jealousy Behaviors of Each Zodiac Sign


Explore the influence of zodiac signs on jealousy behaviors and gain insights into how to handle them for a stronger love connection.

The Role of Stars in Shaping Jealousy Behaviors Based on Zodiac Signs



Each zodiac sign carries specific characteristics in its profile. Therefore, it’s common to analyze that, in various situations, people of the same sign tend to have very parallel behaviors. This is mostly due to the influence of the stars at the time of our birth. Hence, it’s easy to identify someone’s sign based on their actions and reactions in a given context.

When it comes to love life, the signs also influence many characteristics, behaviors, and decisions. We all have a jealous, insecure, and attached side in love, but some signs tend to take this very seriously. To help you make the relationship more warm and serene, we’ve listed the main characteristics related to the jealous behaviors of each sign.


These natives, being impulsive and possessive, may often have frequent bouts of jealousy. Despite often tending towards non-monogamous relationships, Arians feel very threatened when they find themselves in a situation where another person arouses their partner’s interest. Faced with feelings of jealousy, an Arian may provoke intense fights, complete with shouting and swearing.

Tip: Let Aries speak their mind to avoid fights and confusion. Always listen to their explanations attentively and, in moments of conflict, don’t point fingers at problems they cause.



TaurusInsecure and restless, Taurus natives tend to be very jealous when their partners decide to do something without their company. Often, what makes a Taurian jealous are details and nuances that their partner might not even notice. Faced with this feeling, this native rarely expresses discomfort, as they are the type of person who doesn’t explain their dissatisfaction but will sulk and pout.

Tip: Try to involve the Taurian in all your decisions. This way, they will feel more present, loved, and secure, countering jealous thoughts.




Gemini natives are not usually possessive, but they feel strong jealousy when their partners engage in intense and long-lasting conversations with others. Valuing communication and intellectual engagement, Geminians feel threatened by deep dialogues between their loved ones and others, interpreting this as a sign of mutual attraction. Dealing with a Gemini’s jealousy is complicated because, internally, they will be eaten up by insecurity and worry, but externally, they won’t show any discomfort.

Tip: Always be honest and avoid margins for mistrust. Always strengthen the dialogue within the relationship with the Gemini native, showing complete interest in what they say.



It’s not very difficult to see a Cancerian in a bout of jealousy, as they are naturally extremely sentimental and commonly insecure. Being quite intense and taking the emotional side very seriously, a Cancer native sets very high expectations for their partner in love. Thus, any reaction from their loved one that does not meet the Cancerian’s emotional needs is already seen as a threat to them, sparking terrible jealousy crises that are hard to control.

Tip: Always maintain an open and honest dialogue with the Cancerian about your emotions and try to give them as much as possible so they feel secure with you.



LeoThe egocentrism of Leo natives makes them quite jealous, as they always want to be the center of attention, and any act that deviates from this is already seen as a threat to them. Leos also likes to feel needed. So, when a Leo feels sidelined in your life, they will fall into a quarrelsome jealousy crisis, thinking that their space for attention may have been replaced by someone else.

Tip: Always show and exalt the importance of Leo in the relationship. Don’t give margins for other people to occupy the space of attention they want to have in your life.




VirgoVirgos value a love language called “acts of service.” This means they show love by doing things for their partner, like cooking, washing their partner’s clothes, completing tasks, etc. So, when they notice that someone in their loved one’s life is doing this type of action, a jealousy crisis will be triggered in the Virgo native, who will think they are being replaced.

Tip: Demonstrate what you feel clearly and objectively, and strive to understand Virgo’s love language, not letting anyone else occupy this space in your life.



As much as Pisces, the Libran is very attached and must always have their loved one close by, showing reciprocity. Very dedicated to the relationship, Libra natives tend to feel jealous whenever they interpret that they are being put in second place. They can emotionally hurt their partner when they are amid jealousy crises, resorting to delicate blackmail during fights.

Tip: Always show affection for the Libran and keep them informed about everything happening in your life. Otherwise, they will feel betrayed.



ScorpioOfficially known as the most possessive and resentful sign of the Zodiac, Scorpio has jealousy so ingrained that its natives’ outbursts are almost routine. Intense and observant, Scorpios are soft-hearted inside and feel threatened by any trivial sign their minds interpret as malicious. Quietly, they accumulate insecurities and jealousy in silence. However, when a conflict within the couple erupts, they will “spit out” everything they’ve held back as if it were poison.

Tip: Matching the intensity of a Scorpio is essential, especially because it builds a safety net for this native within the relationship.



Despite being quite detached and laid-back, Sagittarians do feel jealousy. When they feel threatened in a way that triggers this emotion, they tend to analyze situations cautiously before jumping to conclusions. If they decide something is indeed causing them discomfort or insecurity in the relationship, they are very straightforward and unafraid of hurting anyone with their words, leading to honest conversations with their romantic partner.

Tip: Maintain open communication with a Sagittarian, and don’t try to deceive them or say that their jealousy is all in their head, as these natives are smart and great analysts.




CapricornCapricorns never compromise on trust in romance. Very grounded, when doubt or uncertainty arises, they show their jealousy clearly and directly. Situations that trigger these feelings are more concrete and explicit, as Capricorn natives do not usually pay much attention to paranoia or abstractions.

Tip: Always listen to what the Capricorn says, as they rarely bring up irrelevant issues or those that don’t add to the relationship.



AquariusDespite trying to appear detached, Aquarians are potentially great jealous types. Subtle situations or small acts, like a lack of attention or minimal disinterest from their partner, are enough to trigger jealousy in them. Not knowing how to handle these crises and opposing the idea of jealousy, Aquarians often take out their anger on their romantic partners, fostering ugly fights.

Tip: In the event of a conflict in the relationship, do your best to calm the Aquarian and bring them back to reason, talking frankly.



The jealousy crises of Pisces natives can be like true Mexican soap operas. As intense as Cancerians, they set very high emotional expectations of their partners. Born under this Water sign, they tend to exaggerate things when it comes to jealousy, love, and insecurity and will create a scene, complete with tears when they feel jealous.

See Also
Capricorn Man

Tip: In these moments of drama, try not to worsen the jealousy crisis and soothe the Piscean with love, affection, and attention, pampering them.



As we can see, all Zodiac signs have weaknesses in love that can lead to major jealousy crises. While some suffer by crying and making a fuss, others simply analyze the situation and try to resolve their insecurities rationally. Each sign reacts in its own way, according to its zodiacal peculiarities. Therefore, when you’re facing such a situation with your partner, consult Astrology and see what it says or recommends.



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Daily Horoscope for Your Sun Sign

Click the image to read the Daily/Weekly/Monthly Horoscope for your Zodiac Sign.

Daily Horoscope Aries Taurus Gemini
Aries Taurus Gemini
Cancer Leo Virgo
Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces


About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day, ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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