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Numerology Forecast: True Love is Freedom

Numerology Forecast: True Love is Freedom

Numerology February Love

February, the ‘2’ month, typically reminds us of ‘love,’ especially in the United States, as we celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14.

True Love is Freedom



The Number Two

The ‘2’, according to Numerology, represents love, companionship, connection, and balance.

It is Duality – As above, so below. Without darkness, what is light? I See You. You See Me. I share my heart. You share yours. We connect in the freedom of acceptance. We are different and unique souls, not tied together, so one breaks off if there is a disagreement. We listen, learn, meet, and sometimes take a needed vacation from each other.

“Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.” –Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.



14/5 is Karmic Freedom

Reflecting even deeper into inner freedom, let us look at the ’14/5′.

’14/5′ is a promising numerical combination in many modalities, especially Chinese Numerology, a ‘karmic debt’ number.

One belief is that in a past life, you may have infringed on someone else’s freedom or lost your independence in some way during that lifetime. The number’ 14/5′ can appear in a few different ways on this earth. One is in your numerology birth or name chart. It can also appear on an address or a date, such as January 13, 2024. (1+2+3+2+0+2+4 = 14/5) Whether ’14/5′ appears in your chart or not, the important lesson of ‘Karmic Freedom’ is for all of us. It is about letting go of our past negative attitudes and habits.

What does freedom mean to you? Are you feeling repressed in some way in your life? Outside factors such as political, socioeconomic, and upbringing can have a major influence. And, of course, we are here to make a difference toward change in our world. And with that, we need to be conscious of our attitude and actions towards others.

Self. And what about inwardly? Despite all blocks, we have the right not only to exist but also to love and flourish. Examine your ever-present and sometimes obsessive mind. Here, judgments and fears greatly affect our vision of freedom.

Do you judge others? Do you feel like people are criticizing you? Are you pointing your finger at yourself, like you are never enough? Stuck in the mud with no chance to ‘free’ yourself? Perhaps you are your own prisoner.



The Formula of Karmic Freedom

LoveBreaking down the numbers of ’14/5′ according to Numerology produces a dynamic formula. 1 = Independence and Leadership; Fearless. 4 = Grounding; the Builder and Organizer, (the nest) . The sum is 5 = Change, Energy, Effervescence, Creative Action, and Aliveness (the wings).

Essentially, ’14/5′ is: Come forward with strength and pride (1). Understand that building takes time and order (4) = energy and freedom (5). With love for yourself, you can now freely include your dear ones. As you gain strength and acknowledgment for your gifts, share your freedom without trying to change the other. As you do this, you may find new choices in friendship, work, and living situations.


Slow and Steady

There is a fine balance of order and chaos. To reach out to all possibilities in our lives with permission to fly, love, and enjoy our talented wings. This reflection replaces retreating with fear and inhibition.

Don’t forget your nest. Take your time and share the fun and adventure!

See Also
Numerology February 2020 Bob Marley Ed Sheeran

Here is a daily affirmation I try to live: “I love myself. I can enjoy my life and be the creative person I want to be. I open myself to experience challenges and have fun accomplishing them. I embrace change and aliveness and share my love and life with others open to the adventure.”

What is yours?


About the Author

Greer Jonas-OmtimesGreer Jonas works with clients around the world by appointment in person, online, at events, and in webinars. A wide variety of private numerology readings include personal exploration, business names, baby names, compatibility charts, and name change sessions. Greer is 2022’s Ommie Award Winner for the Category of Numerologist Columnist and OmTimes Numerologist of the Year. Contact Greer at, Art site:

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