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Pam Gregory: The Astrology of New Earth

Pam Gregory: The Astrology of New Earth

Pam Gregory
SANDIE SEDGBEER: It’s no secret that the world is in a parlous state with many people who’ve been on a spiritual path for several decades, feeling rather jaded as if all their work has come to nothing. But astrology is something that clearly can support us in moving forward and help remind us that it’s not all for nothing. We can rise above all of the noise that’s out there if we use astrology at the right time.

PAM GREGORY: Absolutely. And thank you for that because so much that is good is going on in the world, so much that’s born of love, that we don’t necessarily hear about because these people aren’t necessarily loud and shouting and banging a drum.

They’re very loving people. They live their lives in their hearts. They’re quietly going around doing their community, charity, and philanthropic work and doing amazing things in the world. There are people out there on social media all day long, saying, ‘This is what I’m doing. I’m making a difference in the world. And I’m not just here to make a living.

And that sense of altruism and philanthropy will grow rapidly in 2024 because we will just lose interest in territorial materialism—of ‘this is mine’ and ‘I want to invest to make a profit.’ We couldn’t care less because the whole financial system will change so much anyway.

I think COVID created this yearning to connect to other human beings. I’m in a big group of all ages and backgrounds. Job status doesn’t matter. Humanity is coming together, ‘What can we do to make this world a better place?’ and everyone is doing something creative.

So there may be carpenters. I’m an astrologer—lots of healers in the group. So a lot is going on that we don’t necessarily see on the nightly news. That’s the last thing we’ll see on the nightly news.

I think even the word career—I don’t want to deal with that word anymore. Everything that seemed so important in the 70s and 80s just feels so hollow and empty. People are rapidly changing their value systems—Uranus and Taurus—and that’s wonderful. We will see that big time as we move to 2024 and beyond. There’s a very different energy coming in.


SANDIE SEDGBEER: Your forecasts and presentations show that there are going to be certain times throughout the coming year when astrology is absolutely perfect for us to do something new, to take care of ourselves, take up a spiritual activity, or advance our consciousness in some way.



PAM GREGORY: This is going to be a historic year. Astrology will no longer be 3D as we move into 2024. Almost out of the traps, and particularly, I would say, from May onwards, it’s going to become much more multi-dimensional. In the future, we will look back and say, ‘Wow, that was the real pivot point. It was 2024, the year when everything started to change. It will be quite a revolutionary year, a year of a huge collective awakening, excitement, possibility, and many new opportunities.

But I would like to ask, ‘Are you entering 2024 through the lens of fear or excitement?’ Because if you enter it with the lens of fear and, ‘Oh, my God, there are some horrors in the world. And the world is very uncertain and unstable. And I’m scared, and will I keep my job…?’ If you enter it with the lens of fear, the effect of your beliefs will tend to manifest for you.

They will become your reality. Whereas if you enter it with the lens of excitement and, ‘Yeah, it’s going to be a bit wild and white-water-rafting, but, boy, are there going to be some amazing connections and jumps and understandings as we go through it…’ So, I would encourage people to set their lens, perspective, and beliefs of how it will be right at the start and have a sort of value system where you are focused on integrity, humility, kindness, compassion, love, and joy. Those are the pillars or the principles I would say you need to weave your reality around in 2024.

But it is going to be fast, so practice your anchor. Practice your center. Close your eyes. Drop into your breath. Imagine you’re breathing that in through the heart Candle gaze. Listen to the birdsong.

Find a simple way where, in seconds, you can bring yourself back to your sense of peace, your center, and learn to operate from there. It’s not an external reality because you’re going to be kind of buffeted. It is the year of the dragon in Chinese astrology. But it’s about authority, sovereignty, leadership, being a leader in your own life, even if you’re just at home. Resilience.



Many, many opportunities are coming up. I think we’ll have quantum leaps in our consciousness all the way through. There are two big months for that. January, because on the 20th, Pluto re-enters Aquarius, which is about the higher mind, galactic beings, and understanding of the cosmos.

And this is going to really expand our consciousness and our scientific understanding of how the world works in a major way. We’ve all been talking about transforming, but it’s a metamorphosis. It’s caterpillar to butterfly. It’s a change of state.’ It isn’t same-old, same-old; It’s a quantum leap. The most important thing is mastering your thoughts because Pluto in Aquarius can manifest as control of our thinking by technology. So you become the master.

Late January I see as quite a jump. There will be some incredible healing technologies coming out from now on. They’re already coming into our space and will continue to. One of the biggest months of the year is April, when two huge things happen.

One is a total solar eclipse on the 8th of April, but you feel it up to a month before and six months later. The eclipse path falls northeast to southwest across America. Now, if you go back to the total solar eclipse of August 2017 across America and the recent solar eclipse we had on the 14th of October, the Eclipse fell from northwest to southeast. So you’ve got this major crossing point of the eclipse paths in Texas.

So whether something very significant is going to happen in Texas, whether it’s going to be the opening of a portal in Texas, I don’t know. We will get more information as we get closer to that date.

Eclipses are always quantum jumps. They’re like wildcards. So we always get the unexpected, and it is going to be very much about being the pioneers, leaders, going solo in our lives with a real sense of ‘I know myself, and I know my inner power.’

But that is being reinforced on the 20th/21st of April by a very powerful and positive conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus, and this is like an explosion and ion of consciousness. This will lift us to our multi-dimensionality, to much more galactic connection and information.



We will step back into becoming galactic resistance, as we have been in the past. That is going to be incredibly exciting. Again, fast moving. There could be increased seismic activity, but I think it’s mostly seismic activity in our consciousness. That is the most important thing to focus on: a lot of newness coming in. New technologies, new healing technologies.

There’s going to be a lot of not just new social media channels but also different internets. Different internets which are free—free speech—remember that? That will then be reinforced by Jupiter moving into Gemini for the next twelve months from May, forming a very positive aspect to Pluto, which has just moved into Aquarius. It’s a Trine 120-degree aspect. This really is about multi-dimensionality. So we are leaving 3D and linear time behind more quickly than we can possibly imagine.


SANDIE SEDGBEER: So, Jupiter is going to be expanding all of those mercurial traits, the thirst for knowledge, as well as knowledge itself? It’s interesting because Jude Currivan’s book, The Cosmic Hologram, is all about in-form-ation, which is knowledge coming into form. So, that has to change for people who feel they are only one small person and can’t make a difference.

So, what would you say to people who need a little more help understanding that they—we— are one consciousness? Where would you direct them? What advice would you give them?

PAM GREGORY: I think, firstly, to practice going in, so they connect to something higher. But also very practically, I would say try to connect to like-minded people who might be just one step further down that road of understanding that it’s one consciousness than you are.

Connect to groups like The People’s Health Alliance, the People’s Food and Farming Alliance, and the Stand in the Park groups, which are now global. Any permaculture groups, anything that you may be interested in, is practical, where you can meet, ideally physically, face-to-face instead of just online. But even online. Like many others, I started this very simple 15-minute meditation at 7 pm UK time on a Sunday evening for people to connect.



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It’s a family frequency. We envisage a new earth and people coming together and holding hands. People are putting animals, war zones, and people who are sick in the center of these circles. People are having incredibly rich experiences, sort of shattering experiences for their consciousness, just doing that for 15 minutes; linking energetically, frequency-wise, no zoom links, no notifications, you just jump into your meditation and imagine you’re holding hands with all those people. So I would definitely recommend that.

I would also read something like Professor Robert Temple’s book The New Science of Heaven, where he’s talking about the science of us being conscious. Somebody whose work I respect enormously is Veda Austin, who is talking about water as God’s consciousness. Water connects all of us. Millions of people have drunk the water you and I are drinking before it reached us.

And it just passes through us; that’s the great connector of God’s consciousness. So things like that start to open our minds to go beyond separateness. Because once we go beyond separateness, we lose fear. We lose the sense of emotional isolation, and then it becomes a whole new wonderful world we can start creating together.


SANDIE SEDGBEER: Is there a timeline you’ve looked at, a kind of tipping point you’ve identified in the next decade or two?

PAM GREGORY: Yes. There is going to be a whole series of exciting tipping points and quantum leaps in 2024 because planets like Pluto and also Jupiter are moving into air signs, and increasingly, the outer planets are going to move from Earth and water, slow and heavy, to fire and air, so fast. 2025 will give us more evidence of New Earth, green shoots, communities, collaborations, etc. New Earth is already here as a consciousness, and we can access that if we simply raise our frequency. Many of us are doing that all the time now.

2026 is very interesting, because Saturn and Neptune are almost holding hands together, stepping on to zero degrees, the very first degree of Aries, the creator degree of the zodiac. And that is a whole new beginning. A whole new cycle episode of ‘What are we going to create as leaders of our own world, our own minds, and our own consciousness?’ And Neptune has a 165-year cycle. Saturn has 29, the half-year cycle. That happens in February 2026, so they are initiating a whole new episode.



From 2026 to 2028, we have five beautiful trines and 120-degree aspects between Uranus and Pluto. And if we look back historically, they have been times of great creative renaissance and blossoming for humanity. And I think going forward to those years, it can certainly be creative in terms of art, poetry, and music, but it’s also going to be more science-based in some way, more technology with which we can create our world and create our feelings, more healing technology, and a lot of galactic input in terms of how we can raise our consciousness further to create this incredible golden age that we’re moving into. That’s got huge momentum by then, but it’s beginning now. I mean, we’re in it right now.


For more information about Pam Gregory’s books, work, presentations, newsletter, and how to create your own astrological chart, visit her websites at and


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