Has someone sent a psychic attack against you?
Don’t Get Hit by a Psychic Attack
by Laura Day
Are you a victim of a psychic attack? Are you having trouble manifesting your goals? Are you physically and emotionally depleted? Do you suddenly look less attractive than you used to? Are you unable to bounce back from a failed relationship or a disappointment? Have you lost faith in yourself? Your talents? Are you unable to let go of a person or situation?
If, out of the blue and without cause, you feel anxious, depressed, angry, or otherwise out of sorts, you may be under psychic attack. If you begin making mistakes or having situations and relationships in your life go wrong without reason, you may be under psychic attack, and there are actions you can take right now to reclaim your life.
In my circles, there is a lot of talk about psychic attacks without much information about what it is. Knowing how people communicate non-locally or at a distance is important to understand psychic attacks. Most people have experienced knowing that a loved one far away needed them without being informed traditionally or calling a loved one at the same moment that that person called them. That is an instance of non-local communication.
The person attacking you may not even be conscious that they are doing so. Because of the nature of telepathy (mind-to-mind communication), someone consistently directing his or her negative emotion at you is unconsciously attacking you. Your mind cannot differentiate between the feelings you are being “sent” and your healthy feelings about yourself and the world. Additionally, living with someone who is in the grip of toxic emotion can transmit that emotion to you. We are sponges, especially with those with whom we have or have had a close emotional bond.
Over fifty years of research on parapsychology by major universities such as Duke and Stanford and government research in areas such as remote viewing have shown that non-locality is a fact of life not just for human beings but even for the smallest organisms.
As human beings, we thrive by allowing our strengths to support our weaknesses. Psychic attack works by illuminating your weaknesses so that, in essence, you attack yourself emotionally, spiritually, and by your behavior in the world. Psychic self-defense protects you and can even strengthen you by reversing this process. The key to psychic self-defense is to be scrupulous about releasing toxic thoughts, habits, energy, emotion, and thoughts by redirecting your attention to the positives in your life and maintaining healthy routines. Psychic attacks work by getting into the “cracks” in your life, sense of self, and routine.
In my book, HOW TO RULE THE WORLD FROM YOUR COUCH, I teach people how to use their intuitive senses, such as precognition (knowing the future), telepathy, mediumship, and healing. One of the most important parts of that book, and one that initially my readers find less compelling, is how to block and defend those senses. This is the core of psychic self-defense and the key to productively using all of your energy in your own life.
If you feel under psychic attack, here are some very effective remedies.

Tips for Deflecting Psychic Attacks
Psychic Attack Tip #1 – Call on your guides, friends, and healers.
There is power in numbers. Ask them to include you daily in their prayers, meditations, and healings.
Psychic Attack Tip #2 – Redirect your thoughts.
One of the symptoms of psychic attack is that your thoughts are drawn to the vulnerable in yourself. When you have toxic thoughts or dwell or even obsess about someone or something, consciously redirect your thoughts to something or someone constructive. At first, you may need to do this hundreds of times a day! Make a list of positive goals in your life and choose from this list whenever you have a painful or self-loathing thought.
Psychic Attack Tip #3 -sea salt bath and candles
Take a sea salt bath with four white candles (representing your stability) while imagining light and grace filling your body and life with every breath you take.
Psychic Attack Tip #4 – Focus on what is right in your life.
A psychic attack works by engaging you in your own darkness. Spend time in the “sunny rooms” of your life.
Psychic Attack Tip #5 – Stay away from energy vampires
When you are vulnerable, avoid situations and people undermining your life and self-worth. Often, unfortunately, we are related to these people! Limit the time you spend in contact with anyone not 100 percent on your team.
Psychic Attack Tip #6 – Avoid rumination and projection.
Be mindful and in the moment. Your power is not in the past or the future but in the moment.
Psychic Attack Tip #7 – Create holy water.
Studies of water by Dr. Masaru Emoto and others have shown that if you hold water while experiencing a positive feeling, that water is transformed in a way that creates health/blessings. Before you eat or drink, send healing images and loving energy to whatever goes into you. It is your own magic potion. You can ask others to bless your food/drink for you. This is the hidden power of saying grace over food. I always have a case of water that I ask people to bless, and I share it with neighbors to drink, put on injuries, dying plants, and so on.
Psychic Attack Tip #8 – Create sacred spaces.
Smudge your bed and put some talisman, crystals, or other symbols of protection around you. Create an altar. Make sure your living environment is as clean, blessed, and sacred as possible. Allow your home to be your temple.
Psychic Attack Tip #9 – Maintain healthy habits and routines.
A psychic attack works by challenging your balance. Use discipline to maintain good food, sleep, exercise, interpersonal habits, and healthy self-talk.
Psychic Attack Tip #10 – Do not retaliate.
When someone attacks, they are leaving their own life exposed. Energy is limitless, but attention is not. If you are using your attention to harm or manipulate someone, that is attention that is directed away from building the successful, healthy life you deserve.
During times of psychic attack, it is important to do all of the Earth’s reality things, such as seeing your doctor if you are feeling physically ill or a therapist if you feel you can’t cope. If your malaise lifts and your life feels on track when using the above suggestions, you are probably a victim of a psychic attack! You may want to have one ritual you do every day to clear your energy, such as meditation, blessing your food and drink, or taking a salt bath just to keep intruders away!
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About the Author
Laura Day is the New York Times bestselling author of Practical Intuition and several other best-selling self-help books. She helps companies, as well as individuals, use the power of intuition to achieve their dreams. Her global clientele includes celebrities, scientists, business executives, and other professionals. She lectures and hosts workshops around the globe and has appeared in numerous publications (Marie Claire, People Magazine, Newsweek) and on myriad national television shows, including CNN, The View, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Fox News, Good Morning America, and Newsweek who says of Day, “When business needs a crystal ball they call Laura Day.” www.Laura-Day.com
Originally published Sep 5, 2015
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Great tips for life in general.