Embracing Spiritual Evolution through Sexual Energy

Learn how to harness the power of Kundulini’s sexual energy for spiritual awakening and personal growth.
From Passion to Enlightenment: Embracing Spiritual Evolution through Sexual Energy
We already know that in matter, everything is energy. But what about sex? Does it also play a part in this process? Does the act of sex carry a spiritual meaning beyond the pleasures of the body?
The answer is yes. In fact, in this world, there is nothing more spiritual, supreme, magnificent, and divine than the sexual act. From the love between two people emerges a third, a fruit, in an almost magical way, which especially elevates the woman to an almost goddess-like status.
We can also say that beyond the exchange of fluids, sex is an energetic bridge to another person. Each person who passes through our lives leaves a sort of “energetic thread,” keeping us connected with that person for years. We receive an energetic load with much information and also give our intimate references to the other as if each sexual encounter transmits a web of energetic information to both parties.
Therefore, a relationship with a partner with emotional and energetic issues can bring some of those disturbances to us and influence our spiritual journey.
Our sexual energy is not only linked to the sexual act itself but also to our creativity, disposition, and everything related to material activities. But that is not the focus of this article. Here, we will discuss spiritual development and the importance of working with sexual energy for our development, especially through activating the Kundalini energy.
Kundalini and Spiritual Awakening
To begin understanding Kundalini, we must think about the chakras: every living being has a magnetic field known as an aura, and within it are openings through which we exchange energy with the external world. These openings in the aura are energetic vortices, centers of circular energy that constantly vibrate in our body and regulate, among other things, the health of our organs. There are many vortices, although seven of them are considered the main ones, among them the root chakra, where Kundalini energy is concentrated.
The root chakra, or First Chakra, is connected to the earth element and is located in the perineum area. It is responsible for absorbing telluric energy and stimulating energy in the body as a whole, in addition to being the dwelling place of Kundalini energy.
Kundalini is the power of pure desire within us, the energy of the soul and consciousness, the emanation of the infinite and cosmic energy within each of us. According to Hindus, it lies dormant at the base of our spine and is represented by a snake coiled around this chakra three and a half times.
The awakening of Kundalini also signifies spiritual awakening; as the snake rises through the chakras, our consciousness expands further. Moreover, Hindus teach that in the root chakra resides Shakti, a goddess representing feminine energy, and at the top of our head – the crown chakra – resides her partner Shiva, the God representing masculine energy. When these energies join, the magic of the power of life occurs, and that is why it is important to work the lower chakras to complete our spiritual development through the full activation of all the chakras. Therefore, when this force is awakened, it can be transported up or down along the spine toward the crown chakra, enhancing the functioning of all chakras.
Essentially, working with sexual energy is crucial for developing mediumship, integrating the chakras, and achieving enlightenment. Kundalini awakening brings many changes in energy and consciousness, completely altering our perception of life.
How to Awaken Kundalini?
There’s many kinds of kundalini, just as there’s a spectrum of light. Put light through a prism and you get different gradations. So there are different gradations of kundalini. Some gradations of kundalini are darker, some are lighter.
Frederick Lenz
Kundalini awakening can occur naturally through breathing exercises, good nutrition, and Yoga. However, when we seek an intentional awakening, the process is only recommended for people who wish to know themselves deeply and who have spiritual objectives. This is a powerful energy that, once awakened, needs to be maintained and cared for. It involves a complete perception of ourselves and the universe in a way that provides absolute freedom to the spirit.
To awaken Kundalini, yogis have meditation exercises, breathing, postures, mantras, mudras, and even sexual practices aimed at moving this energy, involving much control of the mind, even over orgasm. In the case of sexual acts, Kundalini would be awakened simultaneously in both individuals involved, making the experience even more intense. It is necessary to find a Yoga teacher who has this training and knows how to teach the techniques responsibly and ethically. One of the branches that focus on this energy is Tantra.
Tantra is a Sanskrit term meaning “use, weave, fabric,” created by the Hindus in the 7th century to determine rituals, meditation, and discipline as a code or behavioral philosophy for practitioners. The word “tantra” is composed of two roots: “tan” and “tra,” where the first means expansion.
When Sexual Energy Turns Against Us
Throughout history, many reports involve figures from the spiritual universe, like Osho and many others. The fact is that sexual energy is undoubtedly closely linked to the development of spirituality and is so powerful that it can turn against us. Managing this energy is part of the awakening, and when it is healthy and used for growth, it can greatly accelerate this awakening.
There are essentially two common situations where sexual energy becomes unhealthy: when it is repressed and when there is an abuse of it, leading to a loss of control over actions and delusion with the power it generates.
We are born from the energetic and fluid exchange between two people who love each other, which says a lot about the potency of this energy. It is natural, meaning that for us to be physically and mentally healthy, we need to take care of ourselves as a whole, and this involves attention to sexual practices. Repressing or using it irresponsibly brings severe psychic consequences, as it is part of our Divine energy and should be treated accordingly.
A classic example of repressed and unhealthy energy occurs in churches like the Catholic Church, where the practice of celibacy represses the natural and beneficial sexual energy for the purpose of total control by the church over its members. Although the discourse around celibacy is well-crafted and appears noble and beautiful, where priests abstain from marriage and the practice of sexuality to be united with the Lord without distractions and to love all with total dedication, historically, this requirement is more related to the church’s finances than spiritual ends.
The problem is that this castrative and repressive action leads to numerous priests being involved in cases of pedophilia, a clear sign of unhealthy sexual energy acting on these people. But not only pedophilia, as there are also many reports of rape of nuns and abortions in convents, despite the church’s efforts to hide these occurrences. Excommunicating priests and faithful due to sexual crimes is very rare in the church; however, it does not hesitate to punish abortion, even when performed in contexts of abuse.
In another category, we have cases of spiritual guides like Osho and Prem Baba, who, despite their high spirituality, were deluded by the powerful sexual energy and committed unforgivable abuses against followers. They knew how to work with this energy and understood its importance in spiritual development, yet they were seduced, becoming blind to the point of confusing the role of a guide with that of an abuser.
Of course, there are also cases for which we cannot even find an explanation that allows us to understand the origin of such perversity: the medium João de Deus and the over 500 allegations of sexual abuse committed by him, in addition to pedophilia, child trafficking, and illegal possession of weapons. The most “curious” thing is that even with so many allegations and evidence of sexual crimes, the reason for João de Deus’s arrest was the illegal possession of firearms. No unhealthy sexual energy can explain the atrocities committed by this João, who, of God, has nothing.
Sex is divine, sublime, and one of the most powerful energies that exist, as it involves true love and the generation of new lives, which are as close to God as possible. Taking care of our sexual life is fundamental for our existential journey.
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Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International. https://humanityhealing.net
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Humanity Healing is a Nondenominational Network committed to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Healing and Growth through Education and Spiritual Activism. Spiritual Activism is expressed by Compassion in Action.