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Steve Farrell: A New Universal Dream

Steve Farrell: A New Universal Dream

Steve Farrell

Steve Farrell is co-founder and Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity’s Team, a non-profit organization focused on helping people throughout the world awaken to their deeper Selves and the interconnectedness of everything in the Universe.  His latest work is A New Universal Dream: My Journey from Silicon Valley to a Life in Service to Humanity.

An Interview with Steve Farrell: A New Universal Dream



As Reverend Michael Beckwith, author, Founder, and CEO of the Agape International Spiritual Center, commented in an endorsement for Steve’s new book, A New Universal Dream, “Steve Farrell’s uplifting, empowering, and transcendent journey from Silicon Valley titan to ultimately embracing a life of true success by answering his soul’s call will inspire you to heed your own soul’s calling and to trust that the path ahead is one of personal expansion, transformation, and guaranteed success.” We couldn’t agree more with Rev. Beckwith! Steve’s deep commitment has enlivened and inspired millions all over the world with the programs offered by Humanity’s Team, the # 1 global nonprofit in transformational education.

Before joining Humanity’s Team, he co-founded and led two highly successful Silicon Valley companies. When Steve felt called to play an active role in spreading the truth of Oneness, he left the boardrooms and San Francisco behind, moved to Colorado with his family, and started Humanity’s Team with New York Times bestselling author Neale Donald Walsch.

When Humanity’s Team shifted to include transformative online education, Steve began working with and developing Masterclasses and other programs with some of the most respected and well-known visionaries in the world, from New York Times bestselling authors, scientists, and doctors to energy pioneers, mediums, and spiritual teachers. Steve has worked side-by-side with physicist Nassim Haramein and scientist Gregg Braden, exploring the deep truths of humanity’s origins; investigated the future of technology, consciousness, and evolution with Bruce H. Lipton, PhD., and acclaimed researcher Lynne McTaggart, interviewed Near Death Experiencers such as Harvard-trained neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander, world-renowned psychics and mediums like Suzanne Giesemann, and pondered the world’s soul with global spiritual leaders like Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith, cosmologist Dr. Jude Currivan, and legendary futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard.



No longer living the traditional American Dream, Steve now describes his reality as a supraconsciousness that embraces the Divine and all sentient life—a Universal Dream. Through this supraconsciousness, he recognizes that we are spiritual beings living in a vibrational reality that extends beyond the physical, exterior world. His mission is to share this foundational truth with others and provide them with the tools to practice it every day of their lives.

Steve Farrell, author of A New Universal Dream


OMTimes recently had the pleasure of having an in-depth conversation with Steve Farrell, the co-founder and Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity’s Team.


OMTimes: What inspired you to leave Silicon Valley when everything was going so well, and how did your consciousness change when you realized there was more to life than the segmented, money-driven world you were a part of?

Steve Farrell: When I started my first business in 1990 in Silicon Valley, it was known as the Valley of the American Dream. I was in the right place at the right time to experience the many perks of living a financially rich way of life. But I began to see how the American Dream ethos of individual prosperity and success was for the few, not the many. I felt called to bring about a different world, one focused on the benefit and well-being of the collective.

When I was leading my two companies in Silicon Valley, I realized little was happening there that was truly helping humanity to evolve or create a better world and that the pursuit of wealth was an addiction that only created more wealth disparity worldwide. This led me to sell the companies and leave Silicon Valley for Colorado, where Neale Donald Walsch and I created Humanity’s Team. For the past 20 years, everything we’ve done has been focused on helping transformational leaders share their wisdom, teachings, and healing techniques with the world.

The creation of Humanity’s Team was the beginning of my personal awakening — the moment my mindset shifted, and I became open to the reality of our interconnectedness and our existence beyond the physical world. It has now been scientifically proven that we live in a vibrational universe, which has many implications. For one, as spiritual beings having physical experiences, we are singular parts of a unified field that is also composed not only of nature but the entirety of the Universe. With this knowledge, I now understand the world — and, therefore, myself — as an expression of this Oneness, of Divinity, of Love.


OMTimes: How can we as individuals prepare for a more expanded consciousness?

Steve Farrell: As points of presence in this unified field, we have to attend to our energetic and physical well-being. Each person must be responsible for maintaining their own high vibration. When we raise our vibration, our health and well-being soar, and we nourish our emotional selves. We will feel lighter, happier, and more at ease. Meanwhile, when we experience a lower vibration, we feel heavy, dark, and confused. I encourage people to engage in activities daily that can raise their vibration.

Steve Farrell, author of A New Universal Dream
To learn more or to purchase YOUR copy, click the book cover!

OMTimes: What can people do to raise their vibration?

Steve Farrell: Through living consciously, everyone can tune in to the frequency of the Universe, which instantly raises their vibration. Living consciously means answering our soul’s calling and operating from a state of flow. It requires daily intentional practice of being aware of what you are carrying around with you throughout the day and how that affects not only you, but also the people and things you encounter. There are many holistic ways to raise our vibration.

For example, eating healthy, high-vibration foods like fruits and vegetables, drinking plenty of water, sleeping well, and engaging in intentional and metaphysical processes. Energy work, such as sound healing, breathwork, and meditation, can also be used to lift us to elevated places throughout the day.

Experiment and find what works best for you, and once you do, you’ll immediately begin experiencing greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, and joy. And when you live in a higher vibrational state, you are aligned with the flow of the Universe. It’s like being on a raft that floats above the physical world’s conditions and noise. In this expanded consciousness, you’ll still experience challenges, such as a family member facing personal crises or disagreements in your work environment, but that rough water won’t capsize your raft. Instead of succumbing to the erratic waves of good and bad, by focusing on living consciously, I now live from the wisdom center of my soul and approach the challenges that arise in my life from a state of harmony and equilibrium rather than stress and fear.



When you recognize yourself as a vibrational being and begin to live differently through that lens, you realize that maintaining a high vibration and flow is essential to experiencing joy and prosperity. From that perspective, there are no victims or villains; there is only life, and as corporeal beings, we must attend to our energetic bodies as much as our physical ones to live healthy, happy lives. The invitation to do so is extended to all; we only have to choose to accept and pursue it.


OMTimes: What does it mean to “ignite human potential”?

Steve Farrell: Human potential doesn’t mean creating power, fame, or fortune during our physical lifetime; it’s about attuning to the Oneness of all things and aligning with our deeper purpose to create meaning in our lives from moment to moment. Modern science has affirmed that everyone and everything in the Universe is made of energy that is intimately connected and interdependent. The nature of this connection gives us access to the power of the entire Universe, which means there’s no limit to what we can accomplish and become as we continue to evolve and learn more about ourselves and the Cosmos.

When we step into this connection and our true power, we instinctively act to protect and serve life itself, which provides us with a sense of belonging, and where serving the larger whole feels natural and life-affirming, making the possibility for evolutionary leaps in consciousness more likely and more frequent. And when we awaken to our deeper purpose and live from that place, we not only evolve more quickly ourselves, we inspire those around us to see new visions for themselves and our world, living in service, seeing challenges as opportunities, trusting, and embracing a perpetual state of becoming more than we are as our new norm. In this way, our journey truly becomes its own reward, and a better world will naturally arise.


OMTimes: What are the different levels of consciousness? What is living in supraconsciousness like, and how do you know you are experiencing it?

Steve Farrell: There are four levels of consciousness: subconscious, conscious, superconscious, and supraconscious. Each level has its own unique and powerful role regarding omnipresence or connection, omniscience or wisdom, omnipotence or power.

To live in supraconsciousness, we must surrender our Little Self. The Little Self can be understood as a state of being that is less self-aware and more focused on self-relevant goals. Living in the supraconsciousness for the benefit of all of life around us requires that we become aware of and live as our Big Self—the you who is interconnected with others, to the Earth, to the whole Universe, to our Source/God/the Divine, and that shares the desire to serve life in all its myriad forms.

When we live in a pure, intentional way and elevate the collective good above our personal good, we experience an extraordinary level of omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence. While living in this Oneness, we can receive guidance on what we should focus on next, resources to support our work and witness miracles such as obstacles disappearing from our paths, the right office becoming available, and the right team offering support. We can refer to 2,000 years ago, to the work of Jesus of Nazareth, for an example of the highest level of supraconsciousness in action. Buddha achieved a very high level of consciousness as well.

You’ll know you’ve reached supraconsciousness when you no longer understand other people as separate beings. Instead, you’ll recognize them as points of Presence. Everything in the Universe — 8 billion faces, the Earth, and animal and plant life — is all part of the Presence that surrounds us. Together, we are on a sacred journey to evolve into our higher selves, into more loving beings, and when you live this way, your heart is open. Don’t worry about being perfect at this. None of us are! Simply focus on being your best.


OMTimes: What is the leading edge of science saying about a spiritual, energetic, vibrational universe?

Steve Farrell: Many scientists, including Nassim Haramein, Jude Currivan, Bruce H. Lipton, Gregg Braden, and Dr. Larry Dossey, now agree wholeheartedly with mediums and those who’ve had near-death experiences that the Universe has a spiritual, energetic, vibrational nature. This same wisdom goes all the way back to Plato and Hippocrates in approximately 450 BCE. Energy work plays a larger role, even in the mainstream understanding of our physical health.



Society is embracing the idea that all that we eat wear, listen to, think, say, and do affects our health. Suppose we are going to have healthy lives. In that case, it is becoming increasingly clear that we have to maintain a high vibration to create joy in our own lives and inject healing energy into the collective consciousness. When our vibration reaches a high enough frequency, we become healers and alchemists.

Science now affirms the nonphysical realm’s existence. In October 2022, the Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to three researchers studying quantum entanglement. This is the phenomenon of two or more particles deeply affecting each other even when there is no observable physical connection.


OMTimes: What do you mean when you say we are living in a “Galileo moment”?

Steve Farrell: In the 1600s, against hundreds of years of common perception and religious dogma, Galileo bravely defended his belief that the Earth rotated daily and revolved around the sun and was not the center of the Universe, and he eventually persevered and changed the world forever. He was forced to recant his public statements or face death for heresy, but it was too late, and eventually, so many other astronomers confirmed his findings that the Catholic Church altered their interpretation of scripture to accommodate this inconvenient truth.

Today, the inconvenient truth is the urgent need to move our separated physical self out of the center of the Universe and for humanity to change its course and accept our nature as spiritual, energetic beings that are part of a universal consciousness inhabiting physical bodies and evolving to live more consciously. And just as Galileo advocated for what was right and true, it is our moment to embody this foundational truth in order to create a sustainable and flourishing planet for ourselves, our children, and future generations to come.


OMTimes: What about the Matrix theory of life? Do you feel like you were living in the Matrix when you were working in Silicon Valley?

Steve Farrell: While life in Silicon Valley may well have resembled a science-fiction movie depiction of life in a simulated world, I don’t believe that our lives and the world we see around us are a simulated reality. In fact, I think they are very real and very sacred. But I do believe our reality is simulated to the extent that we are the creators and shapers of that reality. Where your attention goes, energy flows, so as observers of life, we have immense power to affect and influence what we observe.

Many people might think my life in Silicon Valley was ideal, but we are out of alignment with our true nature by living in separation from others. Once we realize we are all interconnected, the focus on material things and financial gain falls away. There’s a Rumi quote, “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop,” and it means we have the same attributes as our Source.

We will understand this deeply, realizing that we are powerful creators, and will focus on serving Life first. Why? Because all parts of life naturally serve life. People of all ages will break the chains holding them to old ways of living based on Darwinism in a dog-eat-dog society and instead practice new ways of being, embrace inner transformation, and move into supportive, collaborative, and interdependent ways of living.

If existence is a matrix and we are the creators, imagine the joyful, innovative, synergistic, sustainable, and flourishing reality we can experience on Earth right now. We become a profoundly inspired force for good when we operate from Spirit-guided Oneness.


OMTimes: How can people like you and me make a difference in the world at this critical time?

Steve Farrell: The challenges in our world are mounting, from isolation, anxiety, and depression to devastating climate change, dangerous weather patterns, escalating war, and social and political unrest. Although things are getting worse on many fronts, learning and applying the tools to live consciously, honoring the unity and Oneness in the Universe at every level, and embodying this knowledge, individually and collectively, is the solution. It’s not yet being talked about in the media, discussed by the government and corporate think tanks, or even shared much in the public square or on social media, but this will change, and we believe change will come very soon.



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The remedy to the world’s problems is available to us right now. It is to live consciously. Many are already doing this, and according to statistics experts, we only need about 10 percent of the population moving through the world in this way before we create a tipping point that inspires dramatic positive global change. When you live consciously, you experience being part of something sacred and larger than yourself. You also endeavor to create a more fulfilling life for yourself and everyone on the planet, generating momentum toward manifesting a flourishing world for future generations. We believe many among us will unite to create this whole new way of living on Earth.


OMTimes: Tell me a little about Humanity’s Team and its mission.

Steve Farrell: Humanity’s Team is a global non-profit organization founded by Neale Donald Walsch and myself in June 2003, and I stepped into the role of Worldwide Executive Director of the organization shortly thereafter. Our mission is to help people throughout the world awaken to the interconnectedness—or Oneness—of everything in the Universe so they can embody that awareness in every aspect of their lives. Everything we do and provide as an organization—our mission, our “Changing Humanity’s Future” Initiative, our free programs, our Masterclasses, our revolutionary streaming platform HumanityStream+, the Global Oneness Summit, our free resources, social media, conscious social network, and community participation—is for a singular purpose: to support people on their conscious journey so that together we can create a sustainable Earth that will flourish at every level of life.

Our current primary focus is to establish conscious living as the most productive and sustainable way of inhabiting the Earth, and to make it a pervasive lifestyle worldwide by 2040. And because walking our talk is essential if we want to create that world of peace and harmony, Neale and I recently created a new free video program called “Accelerating Your Conscious Evolution: Training to Create a Brighter Future” and a new Masterclass called “The Art & Science of Living Consciously” that allows people to pay what they can afford, even it’s nothing, so there is no financial barrier to receive the important information we share.

In these programs, Neale and I show you how you can set more powerful and effective intentions to achieve your goals and have an immediate positive impact on others and the world around you. We show you how to become a role and soul model for living consciously and how you can practice a new kind of activism to help humanity evolve as a species.


OMTimes: What new programs will HT be offering this year?

Steve Farrell: We have many wonderful new Masterclasses and transformational education programs in store. We’re beginning the year with the 10-week Masterclass with acclaimed spiritual teacher Ting Ting Guan, who developed the GuanJing Method, a new, easy-to-learn meditative movement technique merging elements of Yoga, Qi Gong, and Dance to cultivate Qi life-force energy. It’s called “Enter The Qi: Discover How Movement Can Transform Your Energy and Elevate Your Life.”

It will be followed by another new program based on the bestselling Common Sentience book series. It will feature 11 brilliant luminaries exploring the powerful and positive role mystical and spiritual experiences can play in our lives and how to invite more of them into yours. It’s called “Mystical Journeys Beyond Your Five Senses: Experience the Power of Spiritual Phenomenon in Your Life,” with Neale Donald Walsch, Tricia McCannon, Lisa Barnett, Anodea Judith, Oscar Miro-Quesada, Drs. J.J. & Desiree Hurtak, Ana Maria Vasquez, Dr. Steven Farmer, Valerie Love, and Simran.

Some of our upcoming programs will be science-based, while others will focus on embodied practices, near-death experiences, mediumship, and more. Please visit our website to read more about our programs at

Here are two free programs I invite OMTimes readers to check out: Accelerating Your Conscious Evolution: Training for a Brighter Future with Neale Donald Walsch and me and my free video program on conscious leadership, The Art of Becoming Conscious: Awaken the Resting Leader in You

For more information on our Changing Humanity’s Future Initiative, please visit these two pages: Changing Humanity’s Future and Changing Humanity’s Future Action Steps.



OMTimes: What do you see coming forward in the next year or two that excites you?

Steve Farrell: The great migration to conscious living has already begun, and 2024 will see an acceleration. More and more people are coming to the understanding that there is a universal consciousness animating all of life. We are all part of this Oneness or diversity in unity. Many are living into this now, and more are joining all the time. This is why spirituality is becoming more important to people around the globe, and it’s why Humanity’s Team is doing everything we can to help awaken and support those who are on the conscious journey everywhere. Tremendous evolutionary leaps are coming as more people step into the current of this “consciousness generation” and refuse to maintain the status quo.


OMTimes: Do you believe there’s a remedy for the isolation, loneliness, anxiety, and depression that so many in the world are experiencing right now?

Steve Farrell: Most of us have grown up with the understanding that we are our physical body and that we are separate from others and from the world around us, born into the world by our parents. While, in truth, of course, we are the offspring of the highest, and our parents are just the vehicles that deliver us into life on Earth, many people still self-identify themselves as separated physical bodies.

Science is now affirming what mystics have shared through the ages: that we are part of a universal consciousness animating all of life. Everything is interrelated, interconnected, and interdependent. We have a body, but we are not that body, and we return to the non-physical realm following our physical lifetime.

When we deeply understand our connection to the spiritual universe and live in these capacities, including unlimited potential and everlasting life, we come alive in a whole new way. The world around us shifts to something sacred, blessed, and beautiful, even with all of the challenges we know to be real. This is conscious living, and it is the remedy for the severe challenges and despair that so many are feeling in today’s world. Living from the knowledge that we are interconnected, interdependent, eternal beings has brought me healing, peace, and harmony in my own life, and I want to share this gift with everyone.


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