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The Bank of Karma

The Bank of Karma

Bank of Karma

Explore the impact of Karmic Lessons on your spiritual journey with Numerology. Discover how these life-imposed teachings shape your path towards enlightenment at the Bank of Karma.

The Bank of Karma: Understanding the Role of Karmic Lessons



Explore the world of Numerology and understand the impact of Karmic Lessons on your journey towards enlightenment.

Karmic lessons are imposed by life and were not learned in past lives. These lessons are fundamental for our spiritual evolution and must be learned; therefore, when we do not learn these lessons, they tend to follow us in subsequent lives. If we neglect these lessons, they return to bring us the same harm caused in past lives, generating suffering and hindering us in our current existence.

One who previously made bad karma, but who reforms and creates good karma, brightens the world like the moon appearing from behind a cloud.

Gautama Buddha


Karmic Lessons should not be confused with Karmic Debts, which are transgressions against the Natural Laws also committed by us in past lives. Both follow a person until they adjust their learning with the universe.


Using Numerology to Calculate Karmic Lessons

Numerology Letter to Number Conversion

Using your birth name, convert each letter of your name to a number. The absence of a number in a name corresponds to a Karmic Lesson present in that person’s life, indicating that there may be several Karmic Lessons to be learned or none at all in this incarnation.

If your name lacks no numbers, you are a wise soul and do not need karmic lessons. Your soul has already learned what it needed to and chose to reincarnate to perfect itself at an even higher level.

The paths to liberation are numerous, but the bank along the way is always the same, the Bank of Karma, where the liberation account of each of us is credited or debited depending on our actions.

Yann Martel

Read the Bank of Karma Karmic Lesson below corresponding to the numbers missing from your birth name.



Bank of Karma Karmic Lesson 1

In a past life, there was a lack of initiative, originality, ambition, and independence. It means that you did not prioritize yourself as you should have and failed to express essential qualities of self-confidence, dynamism, and control, instead only displaying fears and a lack of self-trust. As a result, you now fear decisions and have difficulty starting new things. To eliminate this negative aspect of your personality, it will be necessary to bravely overcome fear, trust in yourself, rely on your best qualities, and have your own initiative instead of depending on others.

You must develop your sense of integrity, originality, pioneering spirit, and independence; improve your aggressiveness, determination, and leadership; strengthen your will; and develop your individuality. It would help if you also learned not to bother others, respect the limits of authority, and live with leadership; be less selfish and talk about your feelings.


Bank of Karma Karmic Lesson 2

In a past life, you lacked tact, cooperation, discipline, and consideration for others. There was excessive concern with details, impatience, and little diplomatic sense. You cultivated a feeling of being a victim or deliberately persecuted, excessive sensitivity, and insecurity. Now, you manifest shyness and distrust to the point of avoiding companions.

To eliminate this negativity, you must learn to cooperate, be considerate of others, accept orders, and not lean on others. You must develop balanced sensitivity, understanding and observation skills, diplomatic sense, and rhythm. Be impersonal yet recognize the needs of others.


Bank of Karma Karmic Lesson 3

In a past life, you were deficient in self-expression, failing to express your creativity and sense of humor. You lacked will and self-confidence. Now, you shy away from the public, get irritated easily, have little imagination, and waste your talents.

To eliminate this negativity, you must learn to use words without shyness, express your ideas securely and firmly, cultivate imagination, develop a refined sense of humor, express yourself joyfully, and have patience.


Bank of Karma Karmic Lesson 4

In a past life, you certainly did not like work, were deficient in details, had difficulty with systematization, and lacked perseverance and caution. You indefinitely postponed your obligations. Now, you may be forced to build a foundation to face work of any type with patience and concentration in your occupation without accepting or imposing limitations.

To balance these deficiencies, you must apply yourself to work with dedication and love, master anger, and not feel depressed by work. You need to realize yourself through hard work and physical effort, discipline and constant routine, apply logic, and learn to delve into and persist in your goals and objectives, aiming for order and structuring your plans.



Bank of Karma Karmic Lesson 5

In a past life, you feared facing changes or novelties. You were attached and comfort-seeking, reluctant to take risks, and had difficulty adapting to the new. You exhibited poor sensory reactions and a lack of control over your sexual appetites. Now, you feel misunderstood and have curiosity and interest in your peers as a defense against an imaginary rejection by others. You are constantly forced to face some change, sometimes unexpectedly.

To eliminate this negativity from your personality, you need to look at the past only with the perception of the facts and not as a way to justify yourself. You need to learn to accept changes, balance your freedom, and direct your sexual energy in a balanced way; contain your impulse for sudden upheavals.


Bank of Karma Karmic Lesson 6

Resistance to Family Responsibilities – In a past life, there was resistance to assuming family responsibilities and obligations. Neglect was shown towards domestic life, children, and marriage. There was difficulty in living with family and groups and a lack of social motivation. Now, you must strive to be a good partner in marriage, a good parent, and a good child, as you will be required to assume domestic responsibilities and serve others.

You need to accept things as they are and not be overly demanding of others; learn the consciousness of involvement with others and cultivate family values, taking on the obligations inherent in domestic life.


Bank of Karma Karmic Lesson 7

Lack of Spiritual and Material Understanding –  In a past life, there was a lack of understanding of both spiritual and material realities. Failures occurred in internalization, introspection, consideration, and reflection needed for guidance. Now, you may show indecisiveness, overanalyzing the pros and cons of everything without the courage to make choices. You may fear solitude, escape from reality, lack analytical sense, struggle with introspection, neglect intuition, lack faith, and neglect spirituality.

See Also

To eliminate this negativity, you need to learn to have faith in yourself and trust in others and in life; seek knowledge, develop discipline and understanding; learn to cope with losses, obstacles, disappointments, and tragedies; develop learnings about philosophy, spirituality, metaphysics, esotericism, and sciences; develop emotional balance and give proper attention to your spirituality, whether through religious practice or studies.



Bank of Karma Karmic Lesson 8

Deficiency in Handling Business and Finances – In a past life, there was a lack of ability, efficiency, and willingness to deal with business, finances, and other material matters. There was a failure to appreciate the true value of money, power, and justice. Now, you may face constant economic or financial problems, have a weak perception of reality, a thirst for power, greed, a lack of good judgment, a lack of understanding of the value of money, or excessive concern for it without reason.

To eliminate this negativity, you need to learn to use money correctly as a means of exchange, not to think of material values only, but also not to neglect them, exercise power with love and justice, and assume positions that require authority and administrative prerogatives.


Bank of Karma Karmic Lesson 9

Lack of Feeling and Understanding – In a past life, there was a lack of feeling and understanding, being indifferent to what was happening around. There was a failure to express love and compassion for fellow human beings and little interest in human calamities, perhaps fearing to appear sensitive and vulnerable. Now, you suffer emotional upheavals and disappointments.

To eliminate this negativity, you need to learn to be generous, kind, loving, and understanding, to have compassion for others’ suffering, to practice charity, and to develop tolerance, understanding, and forgiveness.


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About the Author

Ageless Wisdom Institute is a Soul Service-Oriented Initiative of Cathedral of the Soul and Humanity Healing International. The Institute was created to be a multilevel Educational Platform encompassing an Esoteric School of Ageless Wisdom and a Mystical Seminary especially intended for Old Souls, Mature hearts, and Spiritual and Conscious seekers.

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