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Top 10 Traits to Identify an Indigo

Top 10 Traits to Identify an Indigo

Indigo Soul

Can you identify an Indigo?

Top 10 Traits to Identify an Indigo



Who are Indigos? Certainly not the ‘run of the mill’ kind of personality! The best word that describes an Indigo is a ‘warrior tribe’…well, not in the literal sense, but yes, very much ‘rebels.’ They just cannot fathom the earthly ways of doing things. Indigos will almost question almost everything ‘human’…it’s like they feel as if they just don’t ‘fit in.’ They are perpetually in a ‘head explosive’ state, just about questioning the very structure they were born ‘into.’ So, the next point that comes to one’s mind is why they were born this way. They are born for a ‘purpose’ to show the world the ‘source’ of everything in the ‘universe’ is ‘unconditional love’…and not ‘power’ and ‘structures! So how does one know whether they fit in this ‘alien – pure love soul’ category?


Let’s identify the Top 10 Traits of an Indigo

1. Truth

Indigos die for ‘truth’! They cannot hear anything other than what is ‘true.’ Their soul suffocates when faced with falsities, lies, and deception – they just can’t stand it! You are in for massive blasts if you attempt to check their integrity and ‘purpose’ in life. It’s like they breathe ‘clean,’ not just air but everything ‘human.’


2. Great Psychics

Indigos ‘intuition’ rules them! They just know it; never ask them how. It’s a gift they are born with. Again, if they choose to use the gift to help others, they do it in the best possible manner they can. Their psychic gift makes them very sensitive to everything around them. They can sense vibes very easily.


3. Deceit Checkers

Indigos can be false due to their innocence and charitable heart, but they will still mean good to the deceiver. They are forgiving and mean no harm to anyone ever. Sometimes, ironically, they know they are being deceived, yet to test the other person’s intent, they will give in …and finally withdraw and allow the other party to rectify their actions! It’s all part of their soul agenda.



4. Rebels

Indigos just detest rules, regulations, regimentation, discipline, bureaucracy, and politics. They just can’t be ‘followers’; they are ‘rule breakers,’ questioning authority and anarchy; everything that stifles their free spirit is a big ‘NO’ for them. They are ‘BORN FREE’! Their main agenda is to live with unconditional love, spread peace, and walk free.


5. Creative

Indigos are very creative by nature. They love creative endeavors like writing, painting, poetry, singing, playing, music, etc.


6. Love nature

Indigos just love being in nature. They love greenery, mountains, water, and snow. Usually, you will find them very adventurous by nature. In fact, it’s the natural stuff that calms their senses. They will avoid loud hangouts as much as they can. Once in a while, the human side of them does take over, and they would do bizarre stuff like smoking, drinking, and drugs but would repent that later.


7. Childlike

Indigos are very playful, happy, and childlike at heart. The kid in them loves to be naughty all the time. You can say a ‘naughty rebel’. Even their physical characteristics reflect the childlike features: big, deep eyes, usually soft face; the face will usually glow, and athletic body.


8. Organic eaters

Most Indigos have organic taste buds. They like lightly spiced, fresh foods, fruits, fresh juices, and water. They, too, enjoy delightful hot spiking food and a non-vegetarian culinary blast, but that is just to break the ice – like a holiday meal for them.


9. Curious

Many Indigos are very curious by nature. They want to know everything. Can’t stop questioning – the how’s, why’s, where, who’s are like writ on their tongue.


10. Very Intelligent and High Energy

This goes without saying that these ‘sweet souls’ are very sharp in their heads and very energetic. They can learn facts and figures pretty well. But that again boils down to their liking the subject matter – if they do, they will get down to the very detail.

Indigos need to expend their energy well, or it can lead to boredom and frustration.



Sadly, these souls are ‘highly misunderstood’ among their peers, family members, and sometimes friends. They just cannot be diplomatic and tactful. It is just not in their ‘genes’! All they can speak in any situation is ‘truth’ and nothing other than that. More often than not, their blunt and brazen manner lands them in a ‘soup’ or, you can say, buys them unnecessary trouble and despise. They are often scorned and mocked because they cannot ‘fit in.’ Life gets lonely for most of them if they do not have a support group. It is important for their family members to understand their soft, gentle ways. Their innocently blunt verbiage gets misfired, for they breathe truth, so it’s imperative for people around them to understand them and accept them ‘just as they are.’

These days, doctors are labeling these ‘high energy’ souls as suffering from ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,’ which is so sad! Indigos are not suffering from the disorder; it is just that they need more creative endeavors to channel their energy in the right manner.


How can Indigos survive in today’s world?

Below are a few ways for Indigos to cope with the world around them.

See Also

  1. They can join support groups over the Internet.
  2. They can make their family members and friends read articles and publications written about Indigos so that family members can give them the much-required breathing space and care.
  3. They should join hobby clubs so that their high energy gets utilized well.
  4. They can join meditation and yoga classes to expend their high energy properly.
  5. Outdoor activities are a must for these nice souls.


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About the Author

Sunanda Sharma is a professional Tarot Card Reader, Psychic, Author, and Life Coach.  She is a published author of two books of the Spiritual/Inspirational genre, “Inspiration from the Spirit Volume I” and “Inspiration from the Spirit Volume II.”

You can reach her at:


Originally published Sep 6, 2014


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View Comments (48)

  • This is definitely me, except for the non-vegetarian part as I am vegan, wow, I’m amazing at the accuracy of this, I’m speechless, just wow

  • 🙂 we are all around you 🙂 you are here to be a teacher, for the young souls just starting out on their long evolutionary journey. The misery was agreed before hand, as a way to jolt you to find new and inventive ways to create solutions for problems that is not possible on our planet 🙂 x

  • Well you can just type Indigo groups on google on facebook and join the community.
    You are not alone Abhishek there are many of us like that better to accept it .

  • your not alone we are all connecting one moment at a time ,and we are expanding far more than ever before ,the awaken is moving faster each time we stay in our true algnment …namaste

  • thank you for the posting .great one ,,,i was alone all my life ,well felt that way anyhow,today i am that i am ….and keep vibrating at my highest .

  • You are very welcome Maria 🙂
    I understand being an Indigo is by far a lonesome walk but worth it ….follow your heart …that’s all it is to ‘live free’…:)

  • I feel I won’t ever discover why I am the way I am.this is very close but not quite right. Thank you for sharing this post

  • Reading some of your coments please know your not alone, many of you are what is called The Indigo Children, the indigo’s have volunteered to incarnate onto this planet due to the shift and spiritual eveolution that is taking place. that poor guy who shoot people in Washington who was part of the navy, he stated he began hearing voices and felt the microwave, well if more information was able to get on mainstream, he would have known that the voices was his higher self, the microwave was really the Kundalini raising. more and more of the children are indigo, crystal, rainbow, or Starseed. they can see and hear spirits, my nephew saw angels all over my sister in laws property the following night her husband passed away. the indigo’s have been reincarnating since 1946, all of us are going thru what is called an awakening period. This can take years, during this time here are a few symptoms you will go thru: pain in the body, mostly the back, increased sensitivity, loneliness, not wanting to go any wear or talk to anyone, extremely emotional, our minds raise, one thought after another, and if you had conflict during the day, the scenario is played out over and over like a book, and we ask ourselves why didn’t I say this, why didn’t I say that, why didn’t I do this, I know, I am an indigo and I began hearing and seeing, leaving my body, since I was 12. at 12, I also saw people answer phones with our TV, or what looked like our tv at the time, I thought, I don’t like this idea, what if im still in bed or my hair is not done, look today, 38 yrs. later, we have Skype and video conference. as we hear the call, any mental or emotional baggage will come up, it needs to and everyone needs to release it. this is part of the spiritual evolution. I see the above talking about a healing bring up the emotions. a healing is done for a number of reasons, channeling in a higher vibration of energy will jump start a body’s own healing ability, we all carry this. If you had surgery, they are not only cutting your physical body, they are also cutting the etheric body, or aura, when that’s cut, if one doesn’t get a healing, this energy leaks out until its sealed. the energy body is consisted of 7 layers, the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual are just 4. is you hold on to anger, constantly thinking of what others do, it creates blocks, in your etheric field, it blocks paths in your life, once it moves into the physical, it creates disease, like cancer, brain tumors and much more.

  • not true, do you really feel those who are greedy, egotistic, power hungry are connecting, those like George bush or dick Chaney, they have been stuck on the wheel of karma for 26,000 years and instead of ascending, they may descend. in order for one to ascend, the heart chakra must be opened, become more compassionate, loving, uniting not killing and sending young men and women to war, yes its the way it was done, however we are moving into a new way a way of the heart and not of the mind. as you move into the heart your energy changes from electric to magnetic the magnetic is the most powerful and the one that needs to activate. I can tell you when this happens, synchronicity opens right up, the abilities sky rocket, I have moved into my heart, I am an indigo and healer. I meat a woman down the shore, she had brain tumors and became death, I was around her for a few hours and then gave her a healing, do you know she began to hear, and had a phone conversation for the first time in a long time. we are moving into the golden age but until we unify, until we have balance, until people care more then judge, it will be a long road

  • remember a majority of the solders are young and many are indigo’s, a sensitive person with the universal laws written in their heart. to hurt anything would really bother them, can you imagine killing another. it will be images they will never forget.

  • Yes i have understood myself now, thanks for this article. As you said, it is 100% right that we would feel lonely most of the time as our family members and almost all friends wont understand us. But i dont feel desperate in that, i think i shouldn’t prefer your tip number 2, because i will get repetitively mocked if I go to them with this as like an evidence and request to understand me. I have no worry that I am alone most of the time and I don’t wanna plead to others for understanding me. But I will certainly follow rest of the tips you have mentioned. Actually, tears broke out of my eyes upon reading this article, thanks for helping me understand myself. 🙂

  • Hi Lisa ,
    Thank you very much for adding on the above article.
    I know there are a lot of us just little awareness could go a long way to support the loners amongst us!

  • You are welcome, this is my experience and also a few others whom I know, may not be accurate but a little attempt to throw light on such ‘rarely ‘ talked about topic.

  • Hi Abhijith,
    It’s nice to know that this article helped you in some way.
    That was the whole purpose, it’s a different world yet one can tread it well with like minded souls…:)

  • Thank you suSunanda for helping the indigos perhaps we can talk sometime. love and light

    The Crystal Healing Center will be closed for the week of August 12th. Kindly leave a message and I will return your call on Monday, August 19, 2013.
    If you have an emergency, kindly leave a text on 908-963-2628, and I will return your text. Much love and Light
    Lisa Bellini

    Love and Light
    Lisa Bellini
    Call or Text

  • I love your article Sunanda, it brought tears to my eyes and spoke to my Soul. It’s the first time I read something that is so accurate and feels like a description of myself. I wrote a Blog Post about it 🙂 Thank you!

  • I have mostly all the symptoms. I’m on the edge on divorce. I can not tolerate the lies, and oppose to accept them. I can not be diplomatic, whatever happens, I can not be like that. It’s so difficult for me. My husband is leaving me because of my nature, he says that he is not able to understand me, I understand him ,but why it’s difficult for him, now I recognize how difficult is this for him. And I’m feeling so bad for him, even I feel that he is so alone. But still I can not live with the liars, I cannot live with diplomatic relations. Even my intuition rule me, sometimes I rule my Dreams. I have a question about the 3 and 7 number of characters, I don’t have these but rest of the character I have. Am I an indigo?

  • The earth shall be forever, with air and fire together; Water shed like blood, the Spirit gone before the flood.

  • guys this is a very good initiative ,if im one of them ,,how to focus on important things i need to complete in life,,,i feel im wired to everything ,,just need to unplug and conc, on one thing,,how to do it

  • Thank you for posting this, it describes me to a tee! I also hate being in crowds, does anyone else feel like this? or is it just me?

  • Hi Zoella,
    It’s good to know that I could make some difference to your life…you are very welcome 🙂

  • Thank you so much, best description of myself so far O:)
    Didn’t sleep this night and didn’t know why
    in the morning read this article
    thanks God, you revealed this knowlidge to me

  • “This is sad that these souls are ‘highly misunderstood’ among their peers…” – almost crying :'(

  • ‘…I know, may not be accurate…’ – very accurate, the best spiritual description of myself so far
    You’ve done a great job
    Thank you for revealing this knowlidge

  • Try to take suggestions in the topic
    Try to live more spiritual live
    One of the most important things is to switch from – what we can get, to what we can give, in this life
    and learn to enjoy this…

  • Oh yes, I really hate to be in crowds too, especially nowadays with more
    terroristic attacks than ever.
    I try to avoid crowds in whatever country I am

  • You hit the nail right on the head! This is sooooo me! Thank you for sharing! 🙂

  • I can relate point by point except for liking the non vegetarian part. That just threw me off.

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