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2024 Pisces New Moon Astrology Forecast

2024 Pisces New Moon Astrology Forecast

2024 Pisces New Moon

2024 Pisces New Moon – March 10, 2024

1:00 AM PST / 4:00 AM EST / 9:00 AM GMT

20 Pisces 16

2024 Pisces New Moon – Ready for Inspiration?



To listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl discuss the 2024 Pisces New Moon Astrology Forecast, click the player below.


Ready for some inspiration in your life? The 2024 Pisces New Moon is teeming with possibility. Heads up, though. (Or, more appropriately, hearts.) It might not be immediately recognizable or come in a way you expect.

That’s in keeping with the otherworldly realm of Pisces, home of dreamers, poets, mermaids, and mystics. It’s one of the ironies of modern life that the Sun is in this of all signs when so many people in the United States are immersed in the utterly antithetical task of preparing and filing tax returns.

Put that drudgery aside. This New Moon is setting up energies with far greater reach (arguably important) than numbers on a form.

The 2024 Pisces New Moon is refreshing our relationship to matters that transcend the mundane details of daily existence. It’s momentarily washing away boundaries and connecting us, emotionally and energetically, to each other, to creativity and artistry, to higher, otherworldly forces.

Where would you like that to go? The sign has an inherent boundlessness; this Moon is not wired for holding back.

The 2024 Pisces New Moon is especially unmoored from life here on the ground because it’s widely conjunct with the sign’s ruler, Neptune, a planet of compassion and higher love (and font of fog and confusion).

Neptune’s presence enhances the inspired, creative potential. Let yourself dream. Let your imagination wander where it wants. Neither activity is a waste of time; they’re effective ways of engaging with this Moon. The experience will color your wishes, intentions, and next steps in growing out of this New Moon.

Besides, the usual will-directed approach to New Moons does not work in these waters. Making lists and game plans goes against the tides.



Instead, be fallow; be silent; be prayerful. Paint, sing, dance, stare at clouds, and take long baths with your phone well out of reach. Notice what surfaces. If you’re going to set an intention, make it so that the New Moon boosts that.

Some of what surfaces will be surprising. Some of what you intend will be surprising.

2024 Pisces New Moon

Some of what flows from this Moon will be surprising.

The reason: The 2024 Pisces New Moon is making a sextile to startling, awakening, liberating Uranus, quick change artist of the sky, who is sending lightning bolts right into those Piscean waters.

Mercury made the same aspect to Uranus at the beginning of the week, offering epiphanies and innovative perspectives. The Moon is now opening a window to the same influence.

Rigidity is not the way to go here. (It never is, in Pisces.) Be open to the unexpected. Let the lightning break unhealthy enmeshments and open you to new, more enlightened connections. Let it show you how we are all in the water together.

That’s not a popular or common approach these days, to be honest. And this Moon’s uncomfortable semi-sextile to Mars may inspire some to tackle that via spiritual activism or fighting for the greater good.

And it may push you to grab some of that rough magic for yourself. Sure, every song about dreaming is on the soundtrack for this Moon. Listen, though, to Jiminy Cricket singing “When You Wish Upon a Star” because he’s on the playlist, too.

Sing along. Look up. Watch for the twinkle, and make a wish or three. Watch for the lightning, too. Watch what it illuminates, where it hits, and where it lands. And let the 2024 Pisces New Moon’s magic unfold.

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About the Author

Kathy Biehl is a professional astrologer with more than 30 years of experience. She has been translating astrology for the mainstream since high school and has a knack for combining humor and pop culture with her guidance. Visit to sign up for her mailing list, listen to her forecasts, and book a session for her. Find her on Facebook at Empowerment Unlimited, the Astro-Insight Lounge, and YouTube at the Professional Aquarian Channel.  Listen to her radio show Celestial Compass on OM Times Radio.


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