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The Angels of Humanity

The Angels of Humanity

The Angels of Humanity

Experience the cosmic force of consciousness with the Angels of Humanity. Delve into the world of angelic essence and understand the significance of being born on specific days. Embrace these angels’ admirable customs and laws, and let their wisdom guide you towards a life of courage, purity, and respect for humanity.

Secrets of Angelic Essence: The Angels of Humanity



According to the Tarot of Angels and Kabbalah, there are 72 angels. Each angel rules five days of the year, so 72 x 5 = 360 days if we do the math. We know that there are 365 days in a year, so there are people born on these specific five days who do not have an angel; they are called Geniuses of Humanity. Let’s understand what that means.


What is an Angel of Humanity?

This Angelical Hierarchy is Called the “Lords of Sacrifice.”

The energy they use is that of the power of the word: language. They were named this way because, in other lives, they provided a higher level of consciousness to the group they lived in. According to Helena Blavatsky, these beings would be pillars of Light, the divine principle established in human form. If you are in this category, you may wonder: “So, I don’t have an angel?”.

Initially, no, because you already have a very strong angelic essence due to humanitarian acts through which your own life was given for the benefit of a group, but you can choose the angel that will be your guardian.

Only the physical presence of people born on March 19, May 31, August 12, January 5, and October 24 can ward off the contrary angel from a family or a group. But, on a cosmic level, they produce the total force of consciousness, giving an intelligent combination that represents an alliance with God. The angels of humanity have admirable customs and laws. They must learn to vibrate positively, have more courage, and not conform to the current opinions of the masses. They should also be enemies of impurity, ignorance, and licentiousness. They will have much respect for human beings, honoring their words. These immortal souls have lived for many centuries in succession here on Earth.



The earthly angels can never transgress these laws, allowing themselves to be dominated by the contrary angel. If this happens, their mission will not be fulfilled, and everything will turn against them. Therefore, the friendship or even the union of two people born on the days governed by the angels of humanity is a holy alliance with God.


People without “Angels” – Special and Privileged Beings

When we think, “So I don’t have an angel?” we feel insecure and vulnerable, as if we lacked divine protection, right? There is no need to be afraid. People born on January 5th, March 19th, May 31st, August 12th, and October 24th are privileged individuals with karmic divinities, meaning they can choose any of the 72 angels as their protectors. All the angels can also protect them from all categories. They are special people whom God determined to be assisted by all of His angelic beings.


What Are the Angels of Humanity?

People born on these five days of the year come into the world with the mission to guard humanity. They sacrificed for the group they lived in their past lives, so they went into the world with a higher level of consciousness. They are like angels on Earth, with strong sensitivity, humanitarian appeal, high intelligence, and a deep connection with nature. Their sense of morality and justice is also distinct because they have lived many lives and learned many lessons. They fight against ignorance, corruption, and any other act they consider wrong and harmful to others, even if no one taught them that. They sow goodness, seek harmony, and embrace positive emotions.


What Happens When an Angel of Humanity Does Not Fulfill Their Mission?

This is possible because every genius of humanity has its contrary genius and can be influenced by it. When this happens, their mission on Earth is not fulfilled, and they will need to return to another incarnation to fulfill it. It can also happen that the world turns against them in this present incarnation for not having seized the opportunity and divine gift given by God.



Therefore, people born these days must find their path of goodness and the means to fulfill their mission here on Earth:

  • Vibrating positively.
  • Being courageous, just, and respectful.
  • Not allowing themselves to be swayed by others’ opinions.


The Gifts of Angels of Humanity

People born on these dates have an innate ability to perceive evil in others and their surroundings. They can perform magic with their mental and celestial bodies. They can invoke the forces of nature and elements associated with their birthday. They are mystical, enlightened beings who must discover their inner light to fulfill their mission on Earth. In Ancient Egypt, the wisdom of the geniuses of humanity already existed, and each of these five days of the year was associated with an Egyptian deity who protected the genius born on that day.



Those born on January 5th are blessed with the gift of patience. They are excellent advisors, able to provide unbiased opinions with wisdom and knowledge. They are understanding and loyal individuals who never betray their trust or turn their backs on those they love.

They are also endowed with great intelligence, so they tend to shine and stand out with their thoughts, having an extremely easy time expressing themselves, forming, and expressing their opinions. Their perseverance and willpower are worthy of admiration. They are morally unshakeable and loyal to their principles. They fight against injustices and believe they can improve the world.

They are represented by the Egyptian God Anubis, who is depicted as a man with the head of a jackal. In Egyptian wisdom, he was responsible for the final judgment, guiding the deceased toward salvation or condemnation. This is the day ruled by the gnome elementals.

Contrary genius: Contrary genius stimulates impatience, excessive pride, selfishness, and lack of modesty.



Those born on March 19th have a strong personality and natural magnetism. They can easily influence people and are aware of their gifts and strengths. They are extremely organized and objective individuals, responsible for all their obligations. They tend to act courteously and respectfully toward everyone around them.



They are determined and hardworking, dedicating their body and soul to their beliefs. New challenges motivate them. They love ambitious goals and enjoy working as a team to achieve them. They have a strong intuition for business and new ventures. They are excellent partners who consider the well-being of all their colleagues and employees.

They are represented by the Egyptian goddess Sekhmet, the warrior goddess. The mission of this goddess was to destroy all enemies of the pharaohs. She also governs the beginning of the esoteric year and is symbolized by the sky and all angels.

Contrary genius: Stimulates violence, selfishness, impulsiveness, lack of loyalty, and responsibility.



Those born on May 31st are geniuses of agitation, movement, and new experiences. They are extremely curious individuals who enjoy activities stimulating their intelligence and challenging their abilities. They can express their ideas easily, have a high level of creativity, and have a strong desire to innovate. At the same time, they are practical people who dislike unnecessary delays, long discussions, and exaggerated reactions.

They face any challenge with courage and determination, displaying self-confidence. They have excellent memory, remember even the smallest details, and exhibit some hyperactive characteristics. They have no shame in expressing their feelings.

They are represented by the Egyptian God Thoth, the inventor of writing and speech. Thoth is depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or baboon, and the power of the sylph elementals governs them.

Contrary genius: Stimulates nervousness, fickleness in love, dual personality, and laziness.



Those born on August 12th are outgoing individuals with abundant energy who enjoy being the center of attention wherever they go. These people live life intensely, savoring all it has to offer. They are full of vivacity and intense joy.

People protected by this angel are hardworking and proud geniuses who never back down from a challenge. They take pleasure in overcoming obstacles, pushing their limits, and fighting for their dreams with great determination.

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They work with enthusiasm and passion, especially in fields where they possess a natural talent.

They are represented by the Egyptian God Ra, the Sun God, the greatest deity of Ancient Egypt. Ra is depicted with a crown that has a serpent-shaped eye (Uraeus). The power of the salamander elementals governs them.

Contrary genius: Stimulates depression, excessive pride, abuse of power, and stagnation. They become sore losers.



Those born on October 24th are humanity’s most sensitive and emotional geniuses. They possess keen intuition and paranormal powers. They persistently pursue their goals without ever giving up or becoming discouraged. Their emotions and intuitions strongly influence their decisions, making them essential individuals in their environment. They convey security to those around them and are true safe harbors for those who love them.

They are represented by the Egyptian God Osiris, the lord of the Egyptian gods. Osiris symbolizes rebirth and renewal, governed by the power of the undine elementals. Contrary genius: Stimulates distrust, insecurity, and jealousy. It can encourage the use of intuition for negative purposes, such as black magic.

Contrary genius: Stimulates distrust, insecurity, and jealousy. It can encourage the use of intuition for malicious purposes, including the use of black magic.


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