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Astrology Forecast April 2024

Astrology Forecast April 2024

Astrology Forecast April 2024

The Astrology Forecast April 2024 shows unequivocally that April is the big action month of the year. All kinds of everything is exploding into new forms, and that includes you.

Astrology Forecast April 2024 – The BIG Month of the Year



To listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl discuss the Astrology Forecast April 2024, click the player below.


Two major astrological influences bracket the month, and they are the biggest of the year. They’re both volatile, life-changing, and heavy on drama. One propels the action forward (and each of us as well); the other unlocks situations, breakthroughs, and sudden change (and each of us as well).

Of course, this stretch is when the year’s first full Mercury retrograde occurs for all but the last five days of the month. It occurs in impetuous, aggressive, risk-loving Aries.

Take care where you’re looking, where you’re focusing, and what direction you’re facing. When a catalyst hits, you won’t take the time to think; you will simply respond. (And, thanks to that retrograde, trip on your feet – or words.) Moments of contemplation and planning will be rare. And breathing room isn’t coming for … months.

Mercury’s retrograde launches the month. It lasts from April 1-25 and takes the cosmic messenger from 27 – 15 Aries.

This one has us running, pouncing, jumping into conflict, and setting a lot off, too. Frustration, impatience, irritation, and hotheadedness color the march and sometimes fuel it. Watch for old battles to resurface and the boldness to tackle unfinished business without anyone asking.

The backward march kicks off with the nagging suspicion that someone’s words aren’t quite right (or truthful); think steam rising from a semisextile from Mercury to illusionist Neptune. Watch for realizations to ignite when Mercury crosses the degree of the New Moon solar eclipse midmonth and then clarity when he meets up with Venus on April 19.



For more, read my guide, How to Handle Mercury Retrograde, on OMTimes.


Excitability gets another power-up before the first big event arrives. The social vibe casts off dreaminess and turns high-energy, even rambunctious, when Venus enters Aries on on April 5 for a three-week stay.

But first, she merges with Neptune, her higher companion in love and creativity, sending desires and relationships into peak poetry, inspiration, and illusion. The magic and romance of that merging comes with her as she assumes the warrior-huntress mode of Aries – possibly taking some of the edge off, possibly guiding pursuits instinctively, possibly giving some of us the sense of being on a divine mission, possibly adding some gentleness to the big action yet to come.

As Venus joins Mercury and the Sun in Aries, her sextile to Pluto April 6 immediately presents opportunities to focus the hunt, to home in on thrills, and to take care of relationship issues that are lingering from March’s Libra lunar eclipse (say, for example, revamping ground rules or completing a breakup).

And then we’re off. The Aries New Moon on April 8 is a solar eclipse, igniting booster rockets and shooting each of us further on our individual paths. It’s installing a new operating system that disables the inclination to wait for others to get on board and directs you to pursue your own agenda boldly and recklessly. Chiron’s proximity to the Moon puts wounds of autonomy, aggression and masculinity into the fieriness.

Everyone and everything is volatile and wobbly. Thankfully, the skies deliver moments of help as we careen into the second big event.

The eclipse’s immediate aftermath puts a stable base under the take-off, which could also slow and direct it. The Mars/Saturn conjunction on April 10 pulls us into a paradox: simultaneously experiencing caution and regard for obligations and burning to forge ahead fast and furiously. The best-case scenario leads to controlled action (for the general good, even); other possibilities are impediments and frustration and, more positively, something to hold on to while life erupts as the month goes on.


Astrology Forecast April 2024


Look for information and realizations that point the way. The Sun meets retrograde Mercury that same day and brings clarity and certainty, especially involving past situations. You may suddenly know what to do about a misunderstanding or unfinished matter, and may find yourself suddenly tackling it.

More stabilizing comes when retrograde Mercury conjoins Venus, and the Sun moves into her home sign of Taurus on April 19. Desires are sparking, and everyone wants satisfaction in the here and now. Whether you’ll get it and whether what you get has a chance of lasting are other questions.

The conjunction is a magnet for old flames surfacing (in thoughts, dreams, texts, social media posts, and even in direct contact). You may learn what attracted you before isn’t what you want now. You will likely get clarity (that word again!) about a relationship or two.

And you may decide to throw your life over, or see circumstances take care of that for you. Wrecking balls and lightning bolts are flying as the month’s, and the year’s, second big aspect occurs: Jupiter and Uranus meeting at 21 Taurus April 20.

This is a recipe for massive shocks, surprises, disruptions, breaks, innovations, and out-of-the-blue plot twists. No hyperventilating, please. While Jupiter does have a way of going overboard, he can be extremely beneficial as well.

While the playing out is unpredictable, the sky has been giving us clues. The planets’ teamwork has been apparent for weeks, and Uranus has, for months, been priming the area of life taking the hit.

Think back to last year, late June to early July and late October to early November, when Uranus sat at the degree where the conjunction is taking place. Where have you felt rumblings? Where have you sensed instability? Where would you like to break free?

The impetus is definitely strong to make big, bold, shocking changes. As if Jupiter and Uranus needed any help in this, they’ve got an added incentive. Mars, the planet of push, is inviting hair-trigger action through a sextile to Jupiter and Uranus just before their conjunction becomes exact.



You are not immune. The shockwaves are spreading to every aspect of our being, down to our very cells. The Sun’s square to Pluto on April 21 is challenging inner worlds to catch up with the outer world and demanding that we redefine ourselves to meet the newly evolving conditions. (Sounds great for dropping or changing a habit, right?)

While the impact of that square is still buzzing in us, the benefits of the Jupiter/Uranus teamwork quickly present themselves. Connections, hearts, and pretty much anything we value may open to them when Venus sextiles Jupiter and Uranus on April 22 and 23.

Still, benefits or not, we’re all human, and emotions are likely to be dramatic to an extreme. They will rise from the depths (our cells, remember?), build, and swirl as we approach the Scorpio Full Moon on April 23. It’s an appropriate dumping ground for the month’s debris. Whether you consciously engage it or not, purging and releasing is the theme, with the Moon amplifying the change imperative with a tight t-square to its ruler Pluto. Resistance is futile.

See Also
The Year of the Wood Dragon 2024

The garbage dumping and bagging process may be a bit protracted. Life feels suspended in time, briefly, in the days just before and after Mercury stations direct April 25. This may also feel like running in place or being at the center of a whirlwind that’s not moving ahead.

You may question whether the retrograde has actually ended because of a vague vibe that something’s out of synch. Directness is in short supply, with Mars squaring Neptune on April 29. Take care on the road (everyone’s confused). Don’t assume people are on the up and up. Be on the lookout for cloaked agendas, projection, and manipulation. Of course, if you’d like to soft-pedal your own agenda, this will help you pull that off.

The Astrology Forecast April 2024 shows the month ends in keeping with its start. The necessity of a stable base continues as Venus relaxes into her home turf of Taurus April 29 and encourages indulging in creature comforts. Excitability, impetuousness and risk-taking are flaring with Mars entering his home sign of Aries April 30. The paradox has us off on wild adventures, yet tethered to a safe and comfy place.

Or maybe, we’re bringing snacks along for the journey. Regardless, something will take the edge off and cushion our experience.



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Read the Daily Horoscope for Your Sun Sign

Click the image to read the Daily/Weekly/Monthly Horoscope for your Zodiac Sign.

Daily Horoscope Aries Taurus Gemini
Aries Taurus Gemini
Cancer Leo Virgo
Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Celestial Compass
Click the image to connect with Astrologer Kathy Biehl’s show, Celestial Compass, on OMTimes Radio.


About the Author

Kathy Biehl is a professional astrologer with more than 30 years of experience. She has been translating astrology for the mainstream since high school and has a knack for combining humor and pop culture with her guidance. Visit to sign up for her mailing list, listen to her forecasts, and book a session for her. Find her on Facebook at Empowerment Unlimited, the Astro-Insight Lounge, and YouTube at the Professional Aquarian Channel.  Listen to her radio show Celestial Compass on OMTimes Radio.


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