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The Energetic & Disruptive Influence of Tattoos

The Energetic & Disruptive Influence of Tattoos

Influence of Tattoos

There are many forms of physical expression; we find tattoos among them. The tattoo is a permanent drawing made in the deepest subcutaneous region of the human skin by introducing pigments with needles.

Tattoos and the Energetic Body



The term tattoo comes from the French tatouage and, in turn, from the English tattoo, having the most remote origin in Polynesian languages; the word tatau is used to describe one of the world’s most known and culturally modified forms.

My body is my journal, and my tattoos are my story. ~ Johnny Depp

Drawing and writing in one’s own body comes from ancient times. There is much evidence that tattoos were used from ancient Egypt (4000 to 2000 BC) and by ancient Polynesian, Filipino, Indonesian, and New Zealand natives.

For many today, it is about symbolically exposing a taste, an attitude, or even affection for a person or something.

Much more than a drawing on the skin, the tattoos and their images also represent energetic influences and deeper meanings that the tattooed person may not know. See the tips on the meanings of some symbols and guidelines on what to consider before tattooing the skin.

Ötzi, the famous mummy of a man who lived in 3300 BC, discovered in the Italian Alps in 1991, is covered with 61 tattoos in the form of groups of lines and crosses. Unlike modern methods, his tattoos were not produced with needles but through fine incisions in the skin where coal dust was introduced. Ötzi tattoos are located at points where your body has undergone considerable strain during your life and most likely caused much pain due to wear and tear. Tattoos were, therefore, probably conceived as therapeutic measures and not necessarily as an attitudinal socially constructed or a symbol.


The Symbolic Images

Tattoos can be symbols with universal meanings, which also contain the personal impressions of those who want to tattoo them. Tattooing a drawing can also be a form of expression, of wanting to experience what that drawing represents.



However, two people may have different visions and experiences using the same symbol. You tie the meaning you want to your tattoo to what others can see.

In the East, the tattoo was, and is, mainly used for religious purposes and tribal identification. In Hinduism, making a mark on the forehead is encouraged as this is believed to increase spiritual well-being. Several Hindu women tattoo their faces with points, especially around the eyes and chin, to ward off evil and increase beauty. Local tribes use tattoos to differentiate themselves from certain clans and ethnic groups.

Delve into the energetic and disruptive influence that tattoos have on individuals and society

The Energy of the Symbols in Tattoos. Are there Bioenergetic implications?

A tattoo is a graffiti on the temple of the body. ~ Gordon B. Hinckley

We are all subject to emotional, mental, and spiritual imbalances. That which occurs in a person’s physical body reflects in his energetic field and vice versa. In this sense, depending on the type and location chosen on the body, a tattoo will act to varying degrees, intensifying and possibly causing such imbalances.

For some energy healing experts, the chosen tattoo may represent a certain energy level that is not healthy or ideal. The same goes for the place that one chooses to have the tattoo.

There are balance points in our body that, when undergoing external interference of a symbol, can lose all its balance. The human body is composed of channels of energy circulation, which interpenetrate the physical body with the functions of the various organs. One can only imagine what happens to the body if any of those channels undergo blockages. If you already have a location in the body that is lacking balance, your energy may suffer even more alterations. That is why any alteration of the cellular pattern, even if superficial or skin, also changes the field of energy of a being because the physical and the energetic are closely linked.



Looking at it this way, we can say that a tattoo creates a new energy pattern for a person’s aura, causing their vital vibrations to change their flow and frequency, being diverted, drained, or even accumulated at that tattooed point. That may happen because these two fields, the physical body and the energetic one, are interconnected. These alterations can be confirmed through many modern radiesthesia studies.


The Behavior Element

It is an accepted hypothesis that people who tattoo their entire bodies or fill them with piercings carry intense memories of past experiences involving warmongering. Some have had retrocognitions when observing tattoos seen in their psychosomatic selves.

The tattoo on the body would evoke the same patterns of thoughts and feelings that marked those lives, which would undermine the tattooed person’s current energy pattern by evoking these conflict situations. It is what we call the automimese.


Stigmata. By acquiring a tattoo, the person is saying something about himself.

Self-stigmatization is how Conscientiology classifies the tattoo, still defining it as a type of anti-physiological aberration, an anti-anatomic attitude comparable to self-flagellation, a self-stigmatization. Self-stigmatization is the act of the person performing a certain action, obvious or subtle, voluntarily and capable of stigmatizing it immediately, causing damage.

Discover the energetic and disruptive influence of tattoos through our website. Explore the rich history, meanings, and personal expressions behind this form of physical art

Accessing the Right Body Part and the right Symbol

The place where you pick to receive your tattoo is of vital importance. Tattoos and piercings alter the flow of bioenergies that come in and out of our bodies. This effect seems to have been known for a long time, as shown by the tattoos found in Ötzi.

If you feel you tend to absorb the negative energy of others or you are susceptible to energy vampires, you should avoid tattoos on the back of your neck. It is a point known to be one of the places that absorb flows of energy. The Om symbol at the back of the neck can create the propensity for one to absorb even more energies from the environment; instead of protecting you, it is likely that the OM symbol will expand this possibility without limitations.



Another example is the use of the moon symbol. As a representation of mutability, constant change, and sensitive reality, the use of this symbol can aggravate the general emotional state of someone who is not emotionally stable.

See Also

The idea is to search for images with positive meaning for who will do the tattoo; this is the most advisable. After receiving the tattoo, it is important to consult with an energy therapist or acupuncturist.

It is because the body’s meridians and the energetic field of each person must be rebalanced after the drawing is finally placed.


Be Certain, and no Regrets.

Tattoos are permanent and a lifelong commitment, the same as marriage. ~ Chester Bennington

Information is never too much. One piece of advice that you are in doubt is to study the meaning of the symbol to tattoo if it does not have a very clear meaning. Living this meaning may be the best answer to understand if it is worth living with it in the body.

Constantly visualizing what you will tattoo is also a good way to get accustomed to the symbol. Try placing it in a frame and hanging it in the room so that the image can become more familiar.


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