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The Magic of Tarot: Dispelling Misconceptions and Embracing Truth

The Magic of Tarot: Dispelling Misconceptions and Embracing Truth


We’ve debunked some of the main myths enveloping the art of Tarot to showcase how a Tarot reading might differ from what you envision.

Myths Surrounding Tarot Reading



Tarot cards are not gateways to darkness but windows to self-awareness and enlightenment. Embrace the transformative power of Tarot and unlock your inner wisdom.

Seeking insights into your future or fortune through Tarot cards with an expert might stir up quite a bit of skepticism. This stems from numerous myths and misconceptions surrounding tarot reading, a common outcome for anything that isn’t deeply understood, eventually turning into an unquestionable truth.


Some Cards Are Overwhelmingly Negative and Threatening

Certain cards like “Death,” “The Hanged Man,” and “The Devil” can seem ominous to the uninformed, suggesting extreme and literal interpretations. However, every card can harbor positive or negative meanings, depending on the intent behind the consultation, their sequence, and especially the current circumstances of the person seeking guidance. Nothing is to be taken at face value, underscoring the importance of a knowledgeable interpreter of the arcana.


The Tarot Cards are not Gateways

Contrary to popular misconceptions, Tarot cards do not act as gateways or portals to malevolent realms or as conduits for nefarious entities. The fear that engaging with the tarot might inadvertently invite dark forces or evil into one’s life is a myth that needs to be dispelled. Unlike the Ouija Board, notorious for being a potentially dangerous tool for communicating with spirits and often likened to playing Russian roulette with the supernatural, Tarot operates on a fundamentally different premise.

The essence of Tarot lies in its ability to tap into the collective unconscious and serve as a reflective mirror of our innermost thoughts, feelings, and intuitions. It is a tool for introspection, guidance, and personal growth, drawing on symbolic imagery and archetypical themes that resonate deeply with the human psyche. The power of Tarot is perceptive, transpersonal, and transcendental, offering insights and perspectives that can aid in self-understanding, decision-making, and navigating life’s challenges.



Engaging with Tarot should be seen as a journey of enlightenment and self-discovery, not as an occult practice fraught with spiritual danger. Each card in the Tarot deck symbolizes different aspects of the human experience—our hopes, fears, desires, and conflicts—and through contemplation and interpretation, these cards can provide valuable guidance and wisdom.

It is important to approach Tarot readings with an open mind and a respectful attitude, recognizing that the cards are not so much predicting the future as they illuminate the present. They invite introspection and encourage individuals to consider their current path, potential outcomes, and how their thoughts and actions influence their life’s direction.

Tarot Myths
Myths About Tarot Reading That You Shouldn’t Believe

Tarot Suits Can Be Both Good and Bad

Just like the arcana, the suits must be interpreted in their entirety to reveal their true significance. There aren’t inherently good or bad suits, only suits carrying different energies that signal urgency or tranquility in a given situation. Determining their positive or negative impact requires an analysis of the context. They correspond to the four elements of Western esotericism (air, water, earth, fire), each with unique characteristics.


Tarot Consultations Must Be In-Person

For instance, the notion that tarot readings lose their effectiveness over the internet is a myth. Some believe that the energy won’t flow properly without the physical presence of the tarot reader and the querent in the same place. However, suppose the professional is competent and knows how to conduct the session. In that case, it can be done via the internet, video conference, or any other medium connecting both parties.


A New Consultation Might Yield a Better Outcome

Tarot readings aim to reflect reality, not necessarily what one wishes for. Unexpected, sorrowful, or challenging outcomes may lead the querent to distrust the reading and seek another, hoping for a different result. Recognizing and understanding the message can be incredibly beneficial in avoiding undesirable situations.


I Can Draw Cards for Someone Else

Definitely not. Seekers should only look for answers about themselves. It’s not something you do on behalf of a friend. The energies and questions at play are personal.


Fear and Caution Are Natural and Expected

Not necessarily. Tarot serves as a guide to highlight potential situations, solutions, and answers you’re searching for, but it doesn’t mean a negative indication will manifest into reality. Tarot isn’t a harbinger of doom; on the contrary, it’s a tool for navigating toward the best path forward.


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day, ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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