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Paranormality – Discover Your Paranormal Potential

Paranormality – Discover Your Paranormal Potential

We all have inner power and paranormal potential. Could you be a superhero? Learn the differences between mediumship and paranormality.

Unveiling the Mysteries: Discover Your Paranormal Potential



We are all spirits and possess an inner power that reflects divine attributes. To some extent, we all have mediumship or other gifts that are considered paranormal. Whether through the influence of spirits or a physical capability, the fact is that some people are almost like superheroes, possessing incredible powers. Could you be one of them?



Paranormality and mediumship have some conceptual differences despite their similarities and spiritual essence. The French Allan Kardec addressed this in his compilation “The Book of Mediums,” defining the concepts surrounding these different manifestations. He was the author of the five books of Spiritist Codification and the founder of the “Spiritism” religion.

According to his book, mediumship is the ability of some people to serve as intermediaries between the world of spirits and the material world. Although everyone possesses this ability, it doesn’t manifest the same way in everyone. Each individual has a unique aptitude for certain phenomena, with some being born with this faculty already evident, sometimes overtly, while others remain dormant throughout life. In any case, a medium is anyone who feels any degree of influence from spirits.

On the other hand, paranormality relates more to physical and psychic effects that science often regards with skepticism. This concept encompasses a variety of phenomena, such as parapsychology, telepathy, telekinesis, and materialization. The main difference is that in paranormality, the influence of disembodied spirits may or may not be present for the phenomenon to occur.

We are all spirits and possess an inner power that reflects divine attributes. To some extent, we all have mediumship or gifts considered paranormal. Whether through the influence of spirits or a physical capability, the fact is that some people are almost like superheroes, possessing incredible powers. Could you be one of them?

When each of us becomes an active and living book of lessons for those who see our examples, the boundaries of religious interpretation will give way to the new era of brotherhood and peace we’re waiting for.

Chico Xavier-Spiritualist




Navigating the vast realm of the unknown can be both intriguing and overwhelming. It’s completely natural to question and seek understanding about the unique experiences you might be having. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and many have walked this path of discovery before you. While paranormality and mediumship might seem different at first glance, they often intertwine, making it challenging to differentiate between them. But don’t worry; understanding these nuances is a journey.

It’s essential to approach this exploration with an open heart and mind. Everyone’s experience is unique, and what might be true for one person might manifest differently for another. The universe has its mysterious ways, and sometimes, it chooses to communicate or express itself through certain individuals in ways that might seem out of the ordinary.

If you’ve been feeling different or sensing things that others don’t, it’s okay to seek clarity. Here are 8 signs, presented with warmth and understanding, that might resonate with you and help you determine if you possess paranormal abilities:

EXCESSIVE SWEATING IN HANDS AND ARMPITS: It’s more than just a physical reaction. If you often find your hands or feet cold and clammy, it might be a sign even when it’s warm. Your body could react to energies and spirits around you, making this a potential sign of mediumship or spiritual sensitivity.

PERCEIVING AROMAS: Have you ever caught a whiff of a fragrance with no apparent source? Whether it’s a familiar perfume or an unexplained scent, these sudden olfactory experiences might be messages or signs from the spiritual realm.

PREMONITORY OR VIVID DREAMS: Dreams can be gateways to other realms. If your dreams often feel real, provide insights into future events, or carry messages, they might be more than just dreams. They could be your connection to the universe, revealing your paranormal gifts.

PHYSICAL PHENOMENA AROUND YOU: Lights flickering when you’re around or objects moving without apparent reason can be unsettling. But remember, these occurrences might be energies responding to your presence, indicating a strong connection with the unseen.



ABILITY TO IDENTIFY EMOTIONS: Being able to deeply sense or understand someone’s feelings, even without them expressing them, is a gift. If you often find yourself overwhelmed by others’ emotions or can detect insincerity easily, you might be an empath or have a heightened sense of intuition.

SYNCHRONICITY: Those “coincidences” that don’t feel like coincidences? They might be the universe’s way of communicating with you. Repeated patterns, numbers, or events that seem too orchestrated might indicate your connection with the cosmic realm.

READING THOUGHTS: If you often finish people’s sentences or know what they’re about to say before they say it, it’s not just a guess. You might be tapping into their energy or thoughts, indicating a deeper connection with the points around you.

CONNECTION WITH THE UNIVERSE: A strong intuition, a feeling of being guided, or a feeling that you’re not alone might indicate your deep-rooted connection with the cosmos. This bond can be a guiding light, helping you navigate life’s challenges.


Remember, these signs are just guidelines for paranormality. Everyone’s journey is personal and unique. If you resonate with any of these signs, it might be beneficial to explore further, perhaps with guidance from trusted spiritual mentors or by delving into personal reflection. Embrace your journey with love, patience, and understanding. Your gift, whatever it might be, is a beautiful part of who you are.

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Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.


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