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2024 Cancer New Moon Astrology Forecast

2024 Cancer New Moon Astrology Forecast

2024 Cancer New Moon

2024 Cancer New Moon – July 5, 2024

3:57 PDT / 6:57 PM EDT / 10:57 PM GMT

July 6, 2024, 8:57 AM AEST

14 Cancer 23

2024 Cancer New Moon – Time for Self Care



Click the player to listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl discuss the 2024 Cancer New Moon Astrology Forecast.


The 2024 Cancer New Moon is a time out from the recent volatility of life. Let the outside world take care of itself for a spell; you’ll go back to it soon enough. Your priority now: your own corner, your own family, your own nurturing, and above all your own emotional security.

The 2024 Cancer New Moon invites you to take them seriously and to commit. Act responsibly; act maturely; and act like an adult and fresh starts and new phases will enjoy stability and staying power.

The moon is in the sign she rules, hypersensitive, home-focused Cancer. Emotions flow freely here —  sometimes behind a shield (like the shell of the sign’s symbol, the crab), sometimes tinged with nostalgia and sentimentality, sometimes taking things personally that weren’t intended to be.

This is Mommy territory, where nesting and caretaking instincts rule, where food can serve as currency, where tradition and identifying with family can comfort or smother (and sometimes do both).

The 2024 Cancer New Moon brings these complex, nonrational fundamentals up for refreshing. The bent toward feelings is uncommonly high, with five bodies in water (not just the Moon, but also Venus in Cancer, past her conjunction with the Sun, as well as Saturn and Neptune in Pisces).

They aren’t bringing raging seas, though. The probability for calm, stable sailing is high, with the Moon in a trine to Saturn, ruler of time, structure and order, maturity and commitment.



Saturn’s presence brings containment and form to the New Moon’s impulses. These may arrive through obligations, impediments or walls. (Walls can have a comforting streak. Think of how you functioned as a child when adults were chaotic, and how you responded when rules or order existed.)

Containment and form are also within your power to impose. Has the world jeopardized your sanity lately? Take charge. Tend to your emotional well-being. Move it to priority position. Put effort into your home: organize it; clean it; make it feel more safe and secure. (Repair a fence; close the door, maybe?)

Pay attention to your kitchen especially. Reorganize it; make it a place you want to spend time. Actually use it, while you’re at it. (Bread and cookie baking epidemic on the way!)

Tend to your eating habits, too. This doesn’t necessarily mean cutting out comfort food – that may be exactly what the cosmic doctor is calling for, actually – but instead try being present while you’re eating. And if healthier habits are on your wish list, this Moon supports choices that could stick.

Emotional nurturing deserves effort as well. Circumstances may call upon you to step into caretaking or take on increased responsibilities at home—factor in your own needs. Creating a support network of chosen family would fit; what might specifically work for you? You could address and to an extent undo some ancient wounds, spurred on by Venus’ square to Chiron.

The 2024 Cancer New Moon favors action. Her sextile to cosmic first responder Mars makes follow through more than possible. His sextile to Saturn encourages stable, mature, committed action, plus results with a fighting chance for durability.

In all, the 2024 Cancer New Moon is a much-needed counterpoint. In a year packed with destabilizing and breaks from the norm, we finally have the chance to regroup, ground, and feed our hearts. Take it, immerse yourself in it, and work with it.



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Celestial Compass
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About the Author

Kathy Biehl is a professional astrologer with more than 30 years of experience. She has been translating astrology for the mainstream since high school and has a knack for combining humor and pop culture with her guidance. Visit to sign up for her mailing list, listen to her forecasts, and book a session for her. Find her on Facebook at Empowerment Unlimited, the Astro-Insight Lounge, and on YouTube at the Professional Aquarian Channel.  Listen to her radio show Celestial Compass on OMTimes Radio.


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