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July 2024 Astrology Forecast

July 2024 Astrology Forecast

July 2024 Astrology Forecast

The July 2024 Astrology Forecast shows July blazes with vibrant, life-affirming, attention-getting energy. It launches the month and sets the stage for the high drama coming midway through.

July 2024 Astrology Forecast



Click the player to listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl discuss the July 2024 Astrology Forecast.


The fieriness radiates from the Leo emphasis that courses through the month, with three bodies entering the sign: first Mercury, enlivening minds and mouths; then Venus, pumping up sociability; and then the Sun, encouraging everyone to come out and play.

This year’s Leo edition comes with a twist, though. Two, actually. The sign’s self-focused, grandiose propensities come softened, tempered, and sensitive to the existence of others – and quickly confront forces that outrank an individual ego. That’s because before each body enters Leo’s fires, it communes with the all-connecting, otherworldly waters of Neptune. Then, as those waters are burning off, each body stares down stark truths, power dynamics, and other challenges from Pluto, agents of unavoidable change.

The interplay presents inescapable reminders that we are each part of a greater whole. That we are each responsible for our individual role and to each other. And that we are individually and collectively in a surge of evolution.

Heady undercurrents for a month associated with fun in the sun. They’ll mold conversation, interactions, and self-expression, paradoxically suspending time and creating hyperawareness of being in the moment.

The pattern begins with communication and relationships. On June 2, Mercury trines Neptune as the Dreamweaver stations retrograde. Then, Mercury leaves ever-so-emotional Cancer and enters high-energy, outgoing Leo for a three-week stay. Meanwhile, Venus trines order-loving Saturn back in Cancer and unleashes a flood of commitments, obligations, and stabilizing.

Challenging conversations and subterranean impulses grab attention the next day when Mercury opposes Pluto. Firm footing returns by the 5th. Mars’ sextile to Saturn brings opportunities to act on those recent commitments and obligations and otherwise stabilize life, while the Cancer New Moon’s trine to Saturn grounds emotions and nurturing in structures with staying power.



Overbearing or smothering, however, is not the point. Sextiles from Venus to Uranus and Mercury to Jupiter encourage breaks from the ordinary, novel connections and lots and lots and lots of chatter. Watch for enhanced confidence and inner stability as the Sun trines Saturn on July 10.

Interpersonal dealings are flowing nicely as well. Creativity and relationships enjoy a touch of heaven on earth when Venus trines her counterpart, Neptune, on July 11. She immediately trades that glamour for the glitz of Leo and confronts us with some hard truths and power games with an opposition to Pluto on July 12.

And then comes the month’s big event, on July 15. Mercury’s inconjunct to Saturn is the lead-in, with obligations requiring tweaks in thinking and messaging. Something big gives, moves, and erupts when Mars conjoins Uranus. The meeting re-detonates April’s Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. It’s a recipe for bold, sudden, perhaps unexpected activity, which could – take care – include accidents. This is the moment for implementing ideas and possibilities that broke loose for you in April. You may be the instigator; you may be the recipient.

And if chaos erupts, don’t panic. It carries a liberating, awakening potential. Opportunities quickly arrive to capitalize on that when the Sun sextiles Uranus on July 18. Openings for inspired, divinely guided action follow. Mars sextiles Neptune on July 20 and then flies into Gemini, where our drive, motivations, and approaches turn to ideas, multitasking, flexibility, and quick change artistry.

The most astrologically complex day of the month follows, on July 21. The year’s second full moon in Capricorn occurs at the last degree of the sign. An exact sextile to Neptune’s waters and softens this otherwise hard, goal-oriented Moon, which is preparing the ground for Pluto’s final visit to Capricorn September 1- November 18.

Fittingly, the environment is hardly cozy. IN July 2024, Venus’ sextile to Jupiter is amplifying desires and a sense of entitlement to having them fulfilled. A square from Mercury to Uranus is peppering the air with startling, shocking news and messages, while the skies’ movers and shakers, Mars and Pluto, are unleashing verbal assaults and aggressions.

If something isn’t adding to your long-term security…let the purging begin.

The immediate, personal ramifications become clearer after the Sun enters Leo on July 22 and opposes Pluto on July 23. The standoff is delivering evidence of what you can and can not control and calling for streamlining your life.

Approach communications with a full shaker of salt when Mercury inconjuncts Neptune on July 25. Don’t believe everything you think, hear, or read. On the other hand…hunches may be more accurate than what’s flowing through information channels and social media.

Logic and analytical thinking come back into reach that same day after Mercury enters his earthy, discriminating home of Virgo. Don’t retreat into your head; the opportunities outside are too good and self-enhancing. Send feelers out into the world. Connect with pals and share your unique self as the Sun sextiles Mars.

July ends with some rebalancing. Socializing gives way to obligations and commitments, with Venus inconjunct Saturn (like a parent saying, “Not until after you do your homework”). Meanwhile, Mercury’s inconjunct to Pluto creates an interplay between the spoken and the unspoken. You realize or spot something in a corner and think better of mentioning it. Or a revelation causes you to reconfigure your thinking or your phrasing.

Saturn will have more for us in August. For now, let him show the contours of your existence, then dance within them.



See Also
Astrology forecast for November 2019

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Daily Horoscope for Your Sun Sign

Click the image to read the Daily/Weekly/Monthly Horoscope for your Zodiac Sign.

Daily Horoscope Aries Taurus Gemini
Aries Taurus Gemini
Cancer Leo Virgo
Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces


Celestial Compass
Click the image to connect with Astrologer Kathy Biehl’s show, Celestial Compass, on OMTimes Radio.


About the Author

Kathy Biehl is a professional astrologer with more than 30 years of experience. She has been translating astrology for the mainstream since high school and has a knack for combining humor and pop culture with her guidance. Visit to sign up for her mailing list, listen to her forecasts, and book a session for her. Find her on Facebook at Empowerment Unlimited, the Astro-Insight Lounge, and on YouTube at the Professional Aquarian Channel.  Listen to her radio show Celestial Compass on OMTimes Radio.


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