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Visitations and Signs from the Spirit World

Visitations and Signs from the Spirit World

Spirit World

When discussing the journey into spirit communication, it’s essential to understand the question: Is the presence genuinely felt by a departed loved one, or could it be a spirit guide or another soul on the other side? Distinguishing between messages from spirit guides and those from our loved ones is needed for meaningful connections with the world beyond.

Spirit World Communication and Connection

By Susan Grau



Spirit guides, helpers selected by us before birth, are with us to help us navigate life’s journey, offering protection from negative choices and guiding our focus toward positivity. Their communication is primarily through telepathic thoughts, dreams, and meditation, unlike the familiar, comforting presence of a departed friend or relative. The essence of a spirit guide’s interaction lies in offering advice and steering us toward better choices, unlike loved ones who seek to reassure their presence and ongoing love, respecting our path of learning through personal experiences.

The distinction is palpable; a loved one’s presence carries a sense of familiarity, a “knowing” enveloped in shared love and memories, contrasting the less familiar energy of spirit guides. Recognizing this difference enables us to determine the nature of the spiritual communication we receive.


How do our loved ones bridge the gap between the spirit world and ours?

Their methods are infinite and subtle, without verbal exchanges. Sensing their presence, experiencing sudden fragrance without a source, temperature fluctuations, or hearing a significant song out of the blue are just a few ways spirits signal they are close by. These moments can come and go quickly but with deep significance, pushing us to trust and acknowledge these signals to open ourselves to clearer communication.

Moreover, spirits interact with us through visual manifestations like orbs or apparitions, physical sensations resembling a touch, and even electrical devices or moving objects to catch our attention. With their close affinity to the spirit world, children often serve as conduits for these messages, engaging with spirit friends in ways that entice us to listen and believe.



Symbols, another language of the spirit world, carry personal significance, often manifesting unexpectedly to convey messages from our loved ones. These symbols gently remind us of their presence and love, from butterflies to numbers.

Mediums, individuals capable of direct communication with spirits, provide evidential connections, offering messages and signs that relate to our loved ones, affirming their continued existence and involvement in our lives. This form of communication, evidential mediumship sessions, brings healing and sometimes closure to many.

Navigating through the veil that separates the physical from the spiritual realm unveils a fascinating array of signs and visitations from our departed loved ones. These manifestations of spirit communication serve as a bridge between two worlds and a testament to the enduring bonds of love and memory that reach beyond physical existence.

Beyond the initial sensing of a presence, spirits often communicate through our senses. These include auditory signals beyond music, such as hearing one’s name called out in the unmistakable voice of a loved one, with no one physically present. Such occurrences are offering reassurance of their ongoing presence in our lives.

Visual signs also extend beyond orbs and apparitions. Many report seeing specific animals or insects, like a cardinal or butterfly, that appear under unusual circumstances or repeatedly in a manner that defies ordinary explanations.

The physical world offers a canvas for our loved ones to signal their presence. Electrical phenomena, such as lights flickering, appliances turning on or off without explanation, or electronic devices malfunctioning, are common indicators. These occurrences, especially when they align with thoughts of the departed or significant dates, underscore the efforts of spirits to reach out across dimensions.

Objects moving without apparent cause or discovering items thought lost or significant to the departed appearing in unexpected places are tangible signs of spiritual interactions. These incidents often convey messages, reminders of shared moments, or affirmations of continued guardianship and love.

Dream visits from loved ones provide a deeply personal and intense connection experience. These dreams are distinguished by their vividness and emotional intensity, offering a sense of real interaction that goes beyond the boundaries of ordinary dreams. Spirits use this state to convey comfort, resolve unfinished business, or deliver messages that the dreamer may need to hear, using the openness of the dream state to strengthen bonds and offer reassurance.



The phenomenon of receiving phone calls, texts, or even social media notifications that seem to come from a loved one who has passed is a modern manifestation of spirit communication. These incidents, often occurring at significant moments or when we most need support, highlight the spirit’s ability to use technology to signal their ongoing involvement in our lives.

Nature offers a powerful medium for signs from the spirit world. Unusual occurrences in the natural environment, such as a sudden gust of wind, a lone flower blooming out of season, or a rainbow appearing without the rain, can often be interpreted as messages of love and comfort from those who have passed. These signs remind us of the loved ones’ connection to us and the message of their presence.

Finding personal items belonging to your loved one can be a powerful indicator of their presence and desire to communicate. Whether it’s a piece of jewelry that was significant to the loved one suddenly found after being lost for years or stumbling upon photographs or letters at a moment when you remember them, these serve as tangible links to the love and memories shared.

Intuition plays a vital role in recognizing and interpreting the signs and messages from the spirit world. A sudden insight thought, or memory that seems to come from nowhere but carries a deep emotional reaction can be a direct communication from a loved one. These feeling messages often provide guidance, reassurance, or simply a reminder of their enduring presence and love.

Shared experiences among family members or friends, where multiple people witness or sense the presence of a departed loved one simultaneously, reinforce the reality of the spiritual connection. These validations can occur during family events, anniversaries, or moments of interaction among family members.

During family gatherings, the spirit of our loved ones often permeates the atmosphere, joining in the celebration and offering signs of their presence, encouraging us to remain open to these moments of connection.

Understanding and embracing these many forms of spirit communication opens our hearts and minds to the infinite possibilities of connection with the beyond. It assures us of the undying bond of love, guiding us to trust in the signs and messages that bridge the worlds, enriching our lives with the comforting presence of those who have passed yet remain ever close, guiding and watching over us.

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About the Author

Susan Grau is the Author of Infinite Life, Infinite Lessons: Wisdom from the Spirit World on Living, Dying, and the In-Between.


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