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The Dragon Who Never Sleeps

The Dragon Who Never Sleeps

The Dragon Who Never Sleeps

The Dragon Who Never Sleeps, the Verses for Zen Buddhist Practice by Robert Aitken is a profound and enriching collection of verses designed to guide and inspire Zen Buddhist practitioners. Published in 1992 and reissued in subsequent years, this book remains a vital resource for those seeking to deepen their practice through poetic reflection and contemplation.

The Dragon Who Never Sleeps – Verses for Zen Buddhist Practice by Robert Aitken

By Marguerite Dar Boggia


The Dragon Who Never Sleeps
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Robert Aitken, a revered Zen teacher and co-founder of the Diamond Sangha, offers in The Dragon Who Never Sleeps a unique compilation of gathas — short verses traditionally used in Zen practice. These gathas are intended to be recited or contemplated in various aspects of daily life, turning ordinary moments into opportunities for mindfulness and awakening. The book is divided into several thematic sections:

Verses of Waking and Sleeping: This section provides gathas for beginning and ending the day, emphasizing the Zen practice of mindfulness from the moment one awakens to the time of rest.

Verses for Daily Activities: Here, Aitken offers verses for everyday tasks such as eating, bathing, working, and interacting with others. These gathas aim to infuse routine activities with a sense of presence and awareness.

Verses for Special Occasions: This part includes gathas for significant life events and rituals, such as birthdays, anniversaries, and ceremonies. Aitken encourages practitioners to mark these moments with intentionality and gratitude.

Verses for Social and Environmental Awareness: Aitken expands the scope of Zen practice to include mindfulness in social and environmental contexts. The gathas in this section address issues like compassion for all beings, ecological mindfulness, and social justice, reflecting the engaged aspect of Zen Buddhism.

Verses for Challenging Times: This section recognizes life’s inevitable difficulties and provides verses for coping with challenges such as illness, loss, and conflict. Aitken’s words offer solace and strength, encouraging practitioners to face adversity with equanimity.

Each verse is accompanied by a brief commentary from Aitken, offering insights into its application and significance within Zen practice. Here are some of our observations

The Dragon Who Never Sleeps

Accessible and Practical: One of the book’s greatest strengths is its accessibility. Aitken’s gathas are concise and straightforward, easily incorporated into daily routines. The verses are written in plain language, free from complex jargon, making the book approachable for beginners and seasoned practitioners.

Depth and Wisdom: The verses are imbued with deep wisdom despite their brevity. Aitken skillfully captures the essence of Zen teachings in just a few lines, reflecting core principles such as mindfulness, compassion, and impermanence. His commentaries enhance understanding, providing context and elucidating the practical application of each gatha.

Integration of Practice and Life: Aitken’s focus on integrating Zen practice into all daily life is particularly valuable. The gathas remind practitioners that mindfulness and spiritual awareness are not confined to the meditation cushion but can be woven into every moment and activity. This holistic approach encourages a seamless blending of practice and everyday living.

Emphasis on Engaged Buddhism: Aitken’s inclusion of gathas for social and environmental mindfulness reflects a modern and engaged approach to Zen Buddhism. He addresses contemporary issues with verses that inspire practitioners to cultivate awareness and responsibility toward the world around them. This aspect of the book resonates with those seeking to apply their practice to broader social and ecological concerns.

Support for Difficult Times: The verses for challenging times provide comfort and guidance during struggle. Aitken’s compassionate and empathetic approach offers reassurance, helping practitioners navigate hardships with mindfulness and acceptance.

The Dragon Who Never Sleeps can be found on Amazon.


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