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5 Key Elements of a Soul Contract You Should Know

5 Key Elements of a Soul Contract You Should Know

Soul Contract

Soul contracts revolve around love because love is the key to evolution, never around hatred or resentment.

What You Need to Know about Soul Contracts



What is a Soul Contract?

Theories that believe in Reincarnation explain that before we incarnate into the life we currently live on Earth, our soul chooses the lessons it came to learn.

Everything we experience was previously chosen by us in a kind of “contract” that our soul committed to. As controversial as this may seem, do we choose to suffer?

According to the theory of Reincarnation, our soul serves the purpose of evolution, something that our limited human understanding does not always allow us to see.

If you look at a closed box, you don’t know what’s inside (unless it’s transparent). Yet, there could be a notebook, a pencil, a bunny, an apple… and infinite other things.

You can’t see them because you can’t see through objects, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. The same is true for the lessons the soul experiences: you may not understand why you live through situations that cause you suffering, but your soul knows they are necessary to achieve maximum happiness on the spiritual plane.

According to this theory, before incarnating, your soul agrees according to the specific purpose or destiny it set out to fulfill. This destiny is “written” in your Soul Contract.

A soul contract is a freely made agreement between souls before incarnating, meaning souls make agreements to evolve and learn together, taking up intense lessons or experiences that have remained pending. These agreements are always chosen freely and respectfully to learn; a pact is always a free agreement, never an imposition, never a forced commitment, always in freedom, because the soul is free.

The Soul Contract is also “signed” between our soul and the master souls who preside over the council of souls before we incarnate in each life. This “Contract” designates the teaching and training lessons we come to learn in this specific life.


 Etherical Healing Codes

When we incarnate, the contract is seared into us; we carry it in our aura as if our energetic bodies were layers of an onion. Within this energy, layers reside codes with information, and this encoded information unfolds when connecting with the person with whom we are to live a certain type of lesson.

It’s an encrypted code that only that person can decipher. This happens unconsciously and involuntarily, but my encoded information decodes only with that specific person, with their code, where the key to the lesson lies. For example, two people who hated each other in past lives freely meet again to put a final point on it, healing it.

Each encoded information activates when they meet, giving rise to the relationship.

Why are there people who hook me from the first moment, and I intuitively trust them?

Similarly, there are people whom I know from the start that I simply cannot connect with. There are people with whom we establish intensely deep relationships because our souls already know each other.



 Soul Serendipity

Coincidence doesn’t exist; they meet because the reunion was planned to evolve, not to punish or suffer. My information and your information activate automatically, and together, we move towards learning; the goal is to learn freely.

Soul contracts revolve around love because love is the key to evolution, never around hatred or resentment. We might use an experience based on hate, but evolution occurs through love, from what the soul truly is. Perhaps you have no idea what a soul contract is, but they don’t need to be recognized to be effective; the soul has no limitations.

When you know that soul pacts exist, you can allow yourself to live each experience more consciously, coherently, wisely, and deeply, and you learn the lesson more quickly, understanding that between you and me, the arguments, the conflicts, are because there is a lesson behind them. Then, the experience changes; now, I can see the web of things that unite us and how to heal it. There are no good or bad; look beyond and understand the lesson you face.


We are Mirrors, a Tool for Learning

Delving into our relationships allows us to enjoy life more, escape from judgments of good and bad, and have a much wiser point of view. Even your pet is not a coincidence; it is a lesson of souls, there for a reason, a companion on the path to be honored, respected, and thanked, although its body differs from mine. They are helping us evolve; there is an integration and so much affection that it becomes an ideal mirror for my evolution.

It’s not the body; it’s energy-carrying information that, in turn, helps me decode mine, and together, we simply walk and make life more fruitful. Feeling superior to animals is a meaningless ego thing. We recognize soul contracts through intuition or intensity.

The mirror is not because we are identical; it’s not necessarily so. It might be the complementary aspect that gives you what you need to develop and grow in what you lack. It’s not that you hate the same as the other person, but it allows you to love, be patient, set boundaries when it’s time to leave, be compassionate, manage guilt, etc.

If you have a complex relationship, with intensity, that enriches you, where you see yourself reflected, or if it is the polar opposite, there is a soul pact.



Soul Pacts: Souls Teaching Souls

There are two types of teachers: the teachers of Light and the teachers of shadow.

The teachers of Light help us evolve from fullness; they love me, approve of me, respect me, in a way, someone who has a positive view of me and helps balance my shortcomings, but always from the positive. The teachers of the shadow always act from lack, offend, cruelly criticize, and drive you crazy, those who seem to encourage us to develop more flaws. The teachers of Light and shadow are soul pacts. Everything around us is a mirror, but soul pacts are more intense, either balancing you or incentivizing the worst in you.

Conflict has a bad reputation; nobody wants conflicts, but they are necessary on the evolutionary path. The difference, the black sheep, leads to evolution, change, learning, and healing. Let’s lose our fear of conflict; they are sacred healing tools.

Let’s live the conflict in peace, without fear, without guilt, and learn to manage it with wisdom. An honest heart is a huge compass in your life; now ask yourself: What am I learning in this situation? What is this person showing me?

What are the elements a Soul Contract specifies?

Your date, time, and place of birth – which is not random, but rather the one that best suits the lessons you are here to develop.

The family you are born into – which is specifically chosen for you.

The people who will appear in your life to help you heal something from a past life or even from an earlier point in your current life.

The events you are confronted with – which arise to help you evolve to a higher state of consciousness.

Your death – not the date itself, but the moment in your life that, like birth, best allows for your learning and your return to the spiritual form, detached from the earthly form.

We incarnate with a specific purpose, so we incarnate at a given time and place.


Evolution and Free Will

However, there is something that is not pre-determined and is crucial for the whole process of learning and evolution:

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Your free will, your choices.

Life presents us with choices at every moment. Our free will gives us responsibility for how we want our life to unfold. Although we cannot change our destiny, the choices we make at each moment determine how our destiny is fulfilled – how we approach or deviate from our path.

Our destiny is to achieve the Unconditional Love of the Universe, the Divine Light, the Primordial Source of existence, and this journey takes many travels across various lives and dimensions until we rediscover this energy from which we came. Souls undertake this learning to be able to reach this Light already in a state of evolution.

All souls on Earth are at a point in their spiritual journey; some are more evolved, and others have started their “journey” more recently.

And all have signed a “contract” with themselves to fulfill their evolutionary purposes.

To be able to fulfill it, souls are assisted by a set of Spiritual Guides and Angels assigned to them. Throughout our lives, our Guardian Angels and Spiritual Guides help us to fulfill this contract. People more receptive to this constant presence receive signs and messages indicating whether they are on the right path, according to what they came to fulfill.



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About the Author

Cathedral of the Soul intends to undertake the challenge of creating a multidimensional healing space that is dedicated to those who seek to enrich, enlighten, and heal themselves while serving and assisting in the healing of others. Cathedral of the Soul is one of the many spiritual outreaches of Humanity Healing International, a registered 501C3 nonprofit with Church status.

Cathedral of the Soul is developing an Animal Ministry program. If you want to volunteer and help animals, join the Facebook group @circleofprayersforanimals

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