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6 Keys to Mastering Spiritual Dating

6 Keys to Mastering Spiritual Dating

If you are tired of not finding someone on the same Path as you on conventional dating sites, you should try a Spiritual Dating site.

6 Things You Must Know About Spiritual Dating

By Jill Crosby



Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life.
Richard Bach


Spiritual dating is about finding someone who shares your beliefs, values, and practices. It’s more than just connecting physically or emotionally; it’s about aligning with a partner on your spiritual path. Whether that means you both practice the same religion, meditate together, or share a broader sense of spiritual growth, the focus is on building a relationship that nurtures every aspect of your being. The aim is to create a deep bond rooted in mutual spiritual understanding and growth.

Conscious Dating or Spiritual Dating is an enlightened way of meeting and dating. There are no rules or expectations, and it’s about being true to oneself and staying in the flow. Conscious dating is more fun than the traditional style of dating and yields much better results. As we raise our vibrational frequencies and approach fifth-dimensional living, it’s increasingly important to practice Spiritual Dating with respect to meeting a life partner, as our thoughts and feelings manifest extremely fast.

The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.


6 Spiritual Dating Tips


We realize that every person is a DIVINE ASPECT, and before incarnating, we have agreed to forget our Divinity. We chose to be here on Earth for this incredible time in history, so be joyful and grateful for ‘waking up’ and being part of this planetary ascension! Loving ourselves unconditionally and expressing this tremendous JOY that is our Divine Essence is the basis of Spiritual Dating. Allow this love of self and joy to radiate outward and attract the same. It’s much healthier and more fulfilling when two souls come together in joy and bliss rather than desperation and loneliness.




When we are truly PRESENT at the moment, we are OPEN to meeting the love of our life because we are paying attention. Enjoy each encounter, whether or not that person is a potential mate. When standing in line at the grocery store, bookstore, post office…(anywhere!), pass up reading the magazines or thinking about what you are going to make for dinner. Instead, be receptive and conscious of who might be coming into your space. ENJOY the moment you are experiencing NOW! Be bold and say hi to people, initiate conversations, and SMILE! One of the most efficient ways to meet other spiritual, “awake” people is to join an online dating site like, where there is a large pool of conscious singles to meet and be proactive by initiating contact with other members.



Chemistry comes in all shapes and sizes. Realize that our “types” have most likely been created by mass media programming and, therefore, the collective consciousness. Break free of this illusion, the matrix, if you will, and feel someone’s SOUL, their “beingness,” their heart. Our life partner may not look like the “type” we have been conditioned to see as attractive. They may be taller, shorter, thinner, or thicker, so let go of the attachment to how someone appears and look deeper.

As we thoroughly enjoy and experience every person we encounter, we can appreciate their uniqueness and see their Divinity. Listening to our guidance and knowing that we may be drawn to someone because they are our life partner, or maybe for another reason, perhaps they have some important insight or information for us.



Being real means letting one’s guard down and getting out of ego, being oneself without trying to impress or show off. In a relationship, true selves and personalities are eventually revealed and observed by our partner, so it’s more efficient to be genuine from day one. By expressing our true selves, we send out that energy to the quantum field and magnetize a partner who is also REAL!



When on a date, practice active LISTENING. Instead of planning out what we are going to say next or worrying about how we look, active listening involves being present and focused on the other person while they are speaking. Listen and feel what the other person is saying with an open heart. Be there for them 100%. When talking, speak from the heart and allow the conversation to flow naturally. Allow time for silence and just being together. Remember to breathe and relax.




Getting out of our heads and following our hearts, our feelings, and the current energy is the essence of staying in the flow. When we are tapped into our Divinity, we know what to do, where to go, who to talk with, etc. When in the flow, there is no ‘thinking things through’ for hours, days, or weeks….it just happens. It’s part of being present and open. Being open to whatever is in our highest and best for each moment and trusting that we are being perfectly guided by our higher selves (that part of us that always remembers its Divine connection), is the key to staying in the flow. Letting go of expectations and preconceived ideas about what something “should” look like or how something “should” be is essential.


Spiritually dating creates a fun, enriching experience to be savored and thoroughly enjoyed. When these six keys are put into practice, results happen quickly, and it’s possible to experience a blissful, devoted, loving relationship in no time, so ENJOY the process!


Our soulmate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of direction. When we’re two balloons, and together our direction is up, chances are we’ve found the right person. Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life.
Richard Bach

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About the Author

Jill Crosby founded the Conscious Dating Network, a conglomerate of spiritual/conscious dating sites, including, which make up the largest exclusively spiritual/ conscious dating network on the Internet. She is a dynamic public speaker, workshop/retreat leader and hypnotherapist. If you would like to try Spiritual Dating or Conscious Dating and want to connect with a community of like-minded souls on the same path as you, visit


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