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Jill M. Jackson: Manifesting Your Magic

Jill M. Jackson: Manifesting Your Magic

Jill M Jackson

Jill M Jackson is an award-winning Psychic Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Retreat Facilitator, and Author. She works with students and clients to help them remember their innate sacred gifts. Her groundbreaking authorial debut was Mississippi Medium: My Journey from Southern Baptist to Talking to the Dead. Her latest work is Manifesting Your Magic in the 5D.

An Interview with Jill M. Jackson: Manifesting Your Magic in the 5D

Interview by Kathy Biehl


Jill M. Jackson


Born in the Bible Belt of the Deep South, Jill M. Jackson consciously began seeing spirits at around seven years old. Although certain she had seen them before, it was from this age that vivid memories of spirits always present began to form.

This experience was frightening as a child, yet she believed everyone could see what she was seeing. Confusion arose when the local preacher declared her spiritual gifts to be evil and associated with the works of the devil.

It would be many years before Jill ” came out of the psychic closet,” so to speak. Confronting skeptics and nonbelievers and sharing her gifts with the world required immense courage and a thick skin.

Striving to fit in and lead a normal life, Jill Jackson pursued a successful career as a CPA and Business Manager in Hollywood, California.

Despite these efforts, a couple of near-death hospital experiences led her to reevaluate and uncover the truth that she was not living in alignment with her soul’s purpose. Eventually, her resistance faded, and they metaphorically leaped off the cliff without a parachute, fully embracing her life’s journey.

Now, fully aligned with her soul’s blueprint, they are thrilled to have embraced her path. It has become her passion and mission to assist others in igniting and awakening her inner joy, helping them unveil and discover her own life’s purpose.

As a Spiritual Teacher and Mentor, she works with students and clients to help them remember their innate sacred gifts.

Witnessing her students undergo this magical transformation brings deep joy to the soul.


Click the player below to listen to the full interview of Jill M. Jackson by Kathy Biehl.


Kathy Biehl: Our guest today is someone I know very well in real life. Jill M. Jackson. She is an internationally celebrated psychic medium and spiritual teacher. She’s the recipient of the Psychic of the Year award two times in a row from Best American Psychics, to which we both belong, as well as its 2014 social activism award for her volunteer work with animals. She and her husband, Mystic D Francis, created and led Mystic Journeys, a spiritual retreat company that takes lightworkers to portals, power shock response, and sacred places worldwide. She’s the author of Mississippi Medium, my Journey from Southern Baptist to Talking to the Dead and the upcoming Children of the New Earth, and the new Manifesting Your Magic in the 5D going beyond the laws of attraction, which is what we will be talking about.

Before we get into your book, I always like to have a first-time guest. Give a little bit of the background of their journey because, like so many of us in this general line of work, you started out doing something extremely conventional and then found yourself here. So, could you talk a little bit about your journey to psychic mediumship?

Jill M Jackson: I was born able to see the spirit world. I have been able to see with my physical eyes since I was a child. And, I thought everybody could see spirit. I remember sitting outside many times because there were just so many people and visitors in my house. At the time, I could not hear them. Now, I can listen to them, but when I was a child, I could only see them, which was frightening to me. I didn’t quite understand what was going on. And when my grandmother passed away, I was 12 years old, and that was the first time I could hear a loved one in the other world. And she was floating above my bed. She told me that she was in a beautiful other world and just wanted to let me know she was doing wonderful.



But I tried to fit into, you know, the normal world. I wanted to fit in. So I went to college and, uh, became a CPA and a money manager. I lived in Los Angeles, California, and managed many celebrities’ finances and their money. And I was in that world for quite some time. I used psychics and intuition with my clients to help them make decisions. But I wasn’t following my path and started getting sick. I had two times I was in the hospital, I was near death, and I realized that I was not on the path that I came here to do.

But, like many of us, the income is quite wonderful and supportive when you are in this corporate career. I can see why people have a little bit of trepidation about jumping off that cliff. But I really didn’t feel like I had a choice any longer. And I jumped into this world. I started training. I’m a huge advocate of training. And I trained at Lilydale. I trained at Arthur Finley College. I trained on the journey within New Jersey and am here today.

The Mississippi Medium, Jill M. Jackson
To learn more about Manifesting Your Magic in the 5D, or to get YOUR copy, click the book cover!


Kathy Biehl: Before diving into your book, I’d like to clarify a few concepts. Now, your work stems from—well, I suppose the launching point is this phenomenon known as The Secret, which popularized the Law of Attraction through both a book and a film. I remember having a very strong visceral reaction when I first encountered it. The idea that you could look at a necklace in a shop window, and if you stared at it long enough and wanted it badly enough, it would just magically appear around your neck was a bit much for me. Anyway, you’ve spent quite a bit of time working with the ideas that came out of The Secret. How has your experience been with that?

Jill M Jackson: I have a lot of admiration for the original pioneers of the Law of Attraction movement and The Secret, which, believe it or not, was published about 20 years ago. They really created a level of excitement—around 20 million people started exploring and trying to understand energy because of that book. It was quite a movement. Kathy Biehl: It really was. And you’ve been successful in using the Law of Attraction in your life, right?

I’ve always considered myself a master manifester. I’ve been quite successful in many areas of my life. But there was one particular area where things didn’t go as planned—I was using those teachings to try to have a baby. After five miscarriages, I was completely devastated. It was a tremendous period of grief, and I felt like a failure.


Kathy Biehl: That sounds heartbreaking. How did you process that?

Jill M Jackson: In my book, I call it “Perceived Manifestation Failure.” I went through this deep period of questioning—wondering what I had done wrong if I had somehow misused the Law of Attraction tools. It was a very emotional time, filled with anger, sadness, and confusion.


Kathy Biehl: So, what did you do next?

Jill M Jackson: After some time, I decided to go on a quest. I needed to understand why this particular thing I wanted to manifest—having a child—hadn’t come to fruition. It was about a three-year journey of introspection and exploration. And through that process, I reached a new level of understanding, which led me to write the book. I wanted to help others who might feel the same way, to offer guidance and insight as to why certain manifestations don’t happen as expected.


Kathy Biehl: This book was the precursor to the current book, correct?

Jill M Jackson: The original book was titled The Secrets of the Secret, but I decided to republish it with a new title and a different cover, and I added some extra material. In about a month, there will also be a companion workbook journal coming out. It will include prompts and give people space to write and reflect as they go through the material.



Kathy Biehl: Oh, that’s great to know. Now, speaking of differences between the books, this brings me to another concept I’d like to define before we dive into your book—5D. What exactly is 5D?

Jill M Jackson: Great question. For a long time, spiritual teachers described 5D as a place or level, like ascending to the heavens. But in reality, it’s a state of mind. It’s about accessing another dimension while still being in the same physical space.

For example, you could be in the same room with someone grounded in the third dimension, filled with polarity, division, anger, and chaos. At the same time, someone else in that room might have integrated the fifth-dimensional energy into their vibrational field. 5D is all about unity, unconditional love, joy, and higher vibrational energy.

When someone has that 5D energy, their light shines brighter, which is why people on a spiritual path tend to attract others—they might not know why they’re drawn to them, but it’s that 5D frequency. It’s fascinating that two people can share the same physical space but experience completely different realities.

That reminds me of how I’ve sometimes found myself saying that what I see in certain situations feels like two realities masquerading as one.


Kathy Biehl: So your book explores the reality of manifestation from many different angles. Can you share what people can actually do with this knowledge? You also mention other universal laws beyond the Law of Attraction that influence the process. Could you explain that?

Jill M Jackson: Yes, absolutely. While the Law of Attraction is a key part of manifestation, it’s just one of many universal laws. In the book, I talk about other laws like the Law of Vibration, which focuses on the energy we’re putting out, and the Law of Cause and Effect, which is about the consequences of our actions. All of these work together in shaping what we experience and manifest in our lives. It’s about understanding the bigger picture and how these different laws interact to create the reality we want.


Kathy Biehl: Would you say it’s true that if you keep facing rejection when pursuing something, it might be a sign that your vibrational frequency isn’t aligned with what you’re trying to attract?

Jill M Jackson: Absolutely, that’s 100% true. A big part of manifestation is aligning your vibrational frequency with what you’re trying to attract. If you think about it, many of us can look back 5, 10, or 15 years and realize that what we wanted to manifest back then is very different from what we desire now. This shift is due to our own growth and soul evolution.

For example, if you want to manifest a soulmate, your energy and vibration need to be aligned with theirs. If someone hasn’t done their own inner work—like addressing their wounds and raising their frequency—they’re likely to attract someone vibrating at a lower level. So, if you’re aiming to bring in a high-vibrational soulmate, it’s important to first work on your own vibration and then let the universe handle the rest.


Kathy Biehl: In your book, you discuss some laws that aren’t immediately obvious or self-evident. They aren’t the kind of people who would naturally think, “Oh, of course.” Could you talk a bit about those, especially the concept of faith?

Jill M Jackson: Yes, faith is an interesting one, and for me, as a recovering control freak, it’s been really important. The original Secret and Law of Attraction teachings encouraged us to focus intensely on what we want, like putting sticky notes everywhere and obsessing over them daily.

But what I’ve learned is that once we’ve done the work—like creating our mantras and vision boards and following the other spiritual laws—there comes a point where the spiritual law of faith kicks in. That’s when we have to step back and allow the Law of Attraction to do its work. We need to trust that what we’re manifesting will come to us if it’s aligned with our soul’s original blueprint. This idea of faith is such a key piece of the puzzle, and it’s something I think is crucial to understand.



Kathy Biehl: Okay, hold on before we dive into that. You mentioned the Law of Divine Oneness, and honestly, that one made me stop and go, “Wait, what?” Can you explain that?

Jill M Jackson: Yes, absolutely. The original Law of Attraction did incredible work, and I have a lot of respect for it. It got about 20 million people on their spiritual path. But now, as humanity’s consciousness has evolved, it’s time to manifest on a higher, more unified level.

Think about it this way: if everyone on the planet wanted to manifest a Ferrari, it would get pretty boring if we were all driving around in red Ferraris. It just wouldn’t make sense. So, instead of manifesting purely for our own desires, we should start thinking about how we can manifest from a place of divine oneness, a frequency of unity.

As we manifest for ourselves, we can also create a ripple effect that benefits humanity’s collective consciousness. Since quantum physics has shown that everything is energy, why not use the Law of Attraction to bring in what we want and raise humanity’s consciousness? That’s where the spiritual law of oneness comes in—it reminds us that we’re all connected.


Kathy Biehl: That’s a great explanation; thank you. In your work, you also talk a lot about past lives and soul contracts. How do those concepts fit in with 5D and manifest what we want?

Jill M Jackson: Yes, absolutely. Before we incarnate, we meet with our spirit guides and decide what we want to experience in this lifetime. I like to call these soul growth opportunities rather than lessons. We choose who we’ll meet, such as soulmates or other relationships, and this is written into what my guides have shown me as a kind of blueprint.

But what’s really interesting about this blueprint is that, like an architect designing a house, it can be changed over time. You can take out a wall or add a new room. Our soul contracts and blueprints work the same way.

When we incarnate, our spirit guides have our blueprint and help guide us through it. Now, if we try to manifest something that wasn’t part of our original soul’s plan, 99.9% of the time, it won’t happen. For example, in my case, I wrote into my soul’s blueprint that I wouldn’t be a biological mother in this lifetime. I had experienced that in many past lives, and this time, my soul chose a different path—to be a stepmother and care for animals. However, I didn’t remember that consciously when I was trying to manifest becoming a biological mother.


Kathy Biehl: You’ve touched on uncovering your soul’s purpose and path. How does that fit in with everything you’ve mentioned, like manifesting and soul contracts?

Jill M Jackson: It fits in so many ways. Until we truly understand our soul’s blueprint and life purpose, it’s hard to manifest properly. If we’re focusing all our energy on manifesting something that isn’t part of our soul’s plan for this lifetime, we’re essentially wasting time and energy. That’s why I encourage people to uncover their blueprints.

How do you do that? One way is through astrology, which can reveal key elements of our original blueprint, especially when preparing charts for babies and children. Another tool is finding your life path number, which gives insights into your purpose. It’s like a fun puzzle, combining astrology, numerology, and even past-life regression. Past-life regression helps us understand who we’ve been and what we’ve learned in past lives, which gives us wisdom for this lifetime.

I also teach intuitive development because tapping into our intuition is key to understanding our soul’s purpose. Shadow work is another important aspect—it helps us clear out subconscious wounds from past lives or childhood that create energetic blocks.

When we raise our vibrational frequency and integrate 5D energy into our aura, we connect more easily to collective wisdom and the quantum field, allowing the manifestation to flow more effortlessly.


Kathy Biehl: You also talk about something that I find really interesting, and it often comes up as a “homing thought” for me. On my podcast, I do these weekly homing thoughts, and often, if there’s a specific Uranian aspect happening, my thought is, “Show me another way to look at this.” You discuss reframing your thinking—doesn’t your mindset play a role in undercutting the Law of Attraction?

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Jill M Jackson: Absolutely! And it’s important to have grace with ourselves because we’re all living a human experience. But if we can consciously pay attention to our words, it can make a huge difference. It’s helpful to have a spiritual buddy who can point out if you’re using negative words like “should,” “coulda,” “woulda,” “I can’t,” or “I never.” These are lower vibrational words.

When you catch yourself saying something like that, just release it and reframe it in a more positive way. Speaking in the present tense also creates a powerful energy signature. This helps raise our vibration and integrate 5D frequencies into our aura and supports us in manifesting everything our soul chooses before we incarnate.



Kathy Biehl: I’ve been working with this idea since I read it—the difference between saying “I’m sorry” and “I apologize.” Can you elaborate on that?

Jill M Jackson: Absolutely. The difference between “I’m sorry” and “I apologize” might seem subtle, but energetically, they carry different vibrations. When we say “I’m sorry,” it often has a lower, more disempowering energy. It can make us feel small or stuck in guilt. On the other hand, “I apologize” is a more empowered statement. It acknowledges responsibility but without the same weight of guilt or self-blame. It allows us to take accountability while still maintaining our sense of self-worth and higher vibration.

Using words consciously, even small shifts like this can help us stay in a higher vibrational state and align better with our intentions and manifestations. Kathy Biehl: You talk about mapping out alternative timelines when deciding what you want to imagine for your life. How does that work?

Jill M Jackson: Yes, the idea of mapping out alternative timelines is really about understanding that we have multiple possible futures based on the choices we make. When you’re manifesting, you can visualize different paths or timelines that your life could take, depending on the decisions you make or the energy you’re aligning with.

For example, you might create a timeline where you stay in your current job, another where you start a new business, and maybe another where you move to a different country. By mapping these out, you can explore how each feels energetically and which one aligns more with your soul’s purpose and growth. This process allows you to choose the timeline that resonates most with you consciously and, from there, focus your energy and intention on manifesting it. It’s a way of expanding your options and ensuring you’re not limiting yourself to just one possible outcome.


Kathy Biehl: This is such a fascinating topic, and it ties back to what I mentioned about the Soul’s blueprint. While we do have a blueprint, we also have free will, meaning we can choose to alter, amend, or even close out a soul contract.

Jill M Jackson: This is such a fascinating topic because, as I mentioned, with the soul’s blueprint, we have free will to alter, amend, or even close out a soul contract. I teach this in my workshops to help people feel empowered as co-creators of their reality. I believe, and have seen, that we all have different timelines from which we can choose.

For example, if you feel it’s time to move to a new city, you might start researching options—that’s the spiritual law of action. You gather information, talk to people, read forums, and explore different possibilities. Let’s say you’re torn between two cities. Part of intuitive development is energetically placing yourself in each potential timeline as if it has already happened.

In higher dimensions, time works differently, so when you connect with the quantum field—the field of infinite possibilities—you can “try on” each timeline. You might visualize yourself living in San Francisco, feel how that resonates in your body, and then do the same for New York. This helps you sense which option feels right.

A professional psychic or astrologer can also assist by using tools like astrocartography and tuning into the energy of each timeline to guide you toward the best path. Once you find the right timeline, you can focus your energy on manifesting it, allowing the other spiritual laws to help make it a reality.



Kathy Biehl: Another topic that ties into this is the younger generation, who seem to approach life very differently than we do. You’ve been writing and talking about this for a long time—about the Children of the New Earth. Are these the post-millennials, born in this century or maybe at the tail end of the last? We see that they’re just different in how they think, what they value, and how they do things. Can you tell us more about them?

Jill M Jackson: Yes, absolutely. The most recent beings to incarnate are what spirit calls the Golden Ray children, and I channeled that they started arriving in 2014. Many of them are around 10 years old now, and more are still being born. What’s unique about them is that they have no past lives on Earth. However, they carry immense wisdom from other dimensions, star systems, and planets, and their souls agreed to come here to help Mother Earth.

Their mission is different from that of the Crystal or Rainbow Children, whose purpose is to help humanity. Indigos often gave birth to crystal and rainbow children, and these children would often choose parents who weren’t yet spiritually awakened to help them on their path. But the Golden Ray children aren’t here for individual humans—they’re here to help raise the consciousness of Gaia, Mother Earth, on an energetic level.


Kathy Biehl: Yes, and one last thing—can you tell us about your YouTube channel? Do you share monthly predictions, or do you post whenever you’re guided to share something? How often do you post?

Jill M Jackson: Yes, I do monthly predictions, and from time to time, I also share channeling. I also have a community called the High Vibe Tribe, which you can find more about on my website. It’s a group of like-minded, heart-centered Lightworkers, and we host at least three live events each month.

Kathy Biehl: Thanks, Jill. It’s been wonderful talking with you, and I’m excited about your book release and the signing at Lilydale.

Wishing you great success with it, and I can’t wait to see Children of the New Earth when it comes out!


Connect with Jill M. Jackson at her website



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