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Energy Flow, Feng Shui, and Pets

Energy Flow, Feng Shui, and Pets

Discover how Feng Shui and pets enhance energy flow in your home. Learn how animals raise positive vibes, transmute energy, and improve harmony.

How Pets Enhance Energy Flow and Harmony in Feng Shui



Our environments are extensions of our life experiences! Our homes and workplaces directly affect various aspects of our lives. There is a connection between us and the places we frequent most, and that’s precisely what Feng Shui addresses.

But our pets are experts when we talk about a connection with the environment!

Our furry friends (dogs, cats, etc.) experience everything in their environment with all their senses (smell, sight, touch, hearing, taste, and even energetic perception).

We, humans, rely on certain tools to identify energetically favorable areas. Feng Shui is one of those tools! On the other hand, animals possess this innate ability in their instincts.

For example, they can identify energetically favorable environments or stressful and harmful ones. They always find a favorite spot, and that’s not for no reason. It’s not a coincidence. They perceive which place is energetically good for them. They use their sensory abilities masterfully and have a sharper awareness of the environment and the people around them.


“Chi” Energy and Pets

Chi” energy is everywhere, including in pets, plants, and other inanimate things, such as furniture, buildings, and objects.


Harmonize Your Home

Animals keep the energy in the house moving and prevent the energy in the space they inhabit from becoming stagnant.

Animals ensure a constant flow of energy in the environment, benefiting all house residents. In the article “16 Practical Tips to Further Harmonize Your Home,” I recommended that people have pets and plants at home to create a more balanced environment.

Cats, in particular, have the “power” to transmute negative energy in their environment, meaning they can transform bad energy into good energy. On the other hand, dogs absorb negative energy from the environment, thus protecting their owners.

Another important thing: if you have a pet at home, do not keep it confined, as this reduces the flow or movement of energy in your house, creating bad or stagnant “chi” energy (sha) in your home.

For example, if you have a fish, try to keep it in a large aquarium so it has enough space to swim freely.


Animals Elevate the Vibes of Spaces

All pets also “raise the chi” in your home, bringing good vibes to you with their warmth and energy, providing a delightful and constant source of positive energy in your life.

They are a special source of fire energy, always in motion and evolving, “illuminating your life” in various ways. They warm the heart of the home and its inhabitants.

Remember that fire is associated with living beings, both people and animals. As the Fire element is connected to your sense of touch, you add positive energy to your life every time you pet or play with your animal. Isn’t that amazing?

Pets are also known to reduce their owners’ stress, fulfilling one of the main roles of Feng Shui: creating a home where you feel relaxed and comfortable. Nothing is better than being greeted at home every day by a pet that truly and selflessly loves you.

Furthermore, every time you walk your dog, the physical exercise you engage in awakens your own personal chi. Pretty great, isn’t it?



Cleanliness, Attention, and Care

It might seem obvious, but these points are important to emphasize. Simply having a pet and not paying attention to them is quite unfair and heartbreaking. Animals, like humans, need love and attention! Moreover, neglecting pets can create imbalances in the environment.

For example, if you don’t take care of your aquarium and leave it dirty and unmaintained in Feng Shui, it can lead to financial losses! Always keep places clean and pleasant-smelling (yes! odors have the ability to attract or repel good energy!), especially where your little ones do their business!

Oh… also remember to feed them and treat them very well! Playing with, loving, and caring for your pets will all attract good vibes to your home!


Proper Spaces for Pets

Many people love their little animals and, as a result, let them sleep and stay wherever they want. However, this is not highly recommended. Pets should have their own place to sleep and their own things.

Allowing our animals to sleep in our beds can significantly impact our relationships. I’ve already mentioned a bit about how Feng Shui can help you attract love and improve romance – Part 1: Bedroom. Our bedrooms are designed for romance and rest.

No matter how dear our beloved pets are, they can interfere with romance and relationships. Therefore, set up a warm, clean, and comfortable corner for your pet, but keep it out of the bedroom.

Domestic animals, the ones we choose to live with, are vibrant beings representing the fullness of life. They emit positive vibrations, assisting in harmonizing our homes.

They possess sensitivities different from ours, which enables them to attract and help resolve, or at least mitigate, energy issues within the house that we might not notice. This, in turn, uplifts the family’s spirits.


Having a Per Around is Always Beneficial


Recently, with the rise in stores selling ‘exotic’ animals, it has become common to have companions like tarantulas, lizards, and snakes, among others. These creatures are kept in homes, in small ‘terrariums’ – like aquariums without water- and their food, larvae, and other insects can be easily acquired.



Below, we describe the symbolism of some other animals and their beneficial roles in our lives.

Cats cleanse and renew the house’s vibrations. They move through the spaces, detecting where the energy is low. Their strong attachment to the home makes them its guardians. According to radiesthetics, cats can perceive and transform negative energy in environments. This is why they are drawn to areas with unstable vibrations. Cats are commonly found on top of TVs, sound systems, and computers. They indicate places where the energy is unfavorable for humans, thus protecting the residents.

Dogs possess a childlike spirit. They form strong bonds with people and prefer cheerful and calm environments. Dogs can sense where the positive energy resides. A domestic dog will gravitate toward specific spots repeatedly because these places exude highly positive energy.

Fish are the primary symbols of prosperity in Feng Shui. An aquarium with an odd number of goldfish revitalizes the ch’i and adds a new, vibrant quality to the room.

Birds bring happiness and harmony through their songs and plumage. Symbolically linked to the sky and, due to their flight to elevation, birds represent the immateriality of the soul and freedom. They convey the idea that we are free to ‘fly and seek our paths.’

Turtles symbolize stability, and their calmness radiates peace and security within the home. They suggest a long life for the inhabitants, ward off illnesses and attract luck and happiness. For the Chinese, turtles represent the Universe: their round, flat shell resembles the sky at the top and the Earth at the bottom. Having a turtle can help us focus our thoughts and actions, respect our boundaries, and enhance our tenacity and patience.

Bats are a Chinese symbol of happiness, as their name ‘fu’ sounds like ‘fu,’ which means wealth. Additionally, they are considered both a ‘quadruped’ and a ‘bird’ simultaneously. In Chinese culture, five bats together represent longevity, health, fortune, love of virtue, and natural death. This is not an endorsement to raise bats, but it may help dispel misconceptions we hold about them.

Butterflies represent the cycles of life, movement, and change. Contemplating them allows us to reflect on unity, self-transformation, mental clarity, new stages, freedom, and rebirth. We are reminded that ‘in every end, there is a beginning.’

“As swallows bring luck to homes, and storks deliver babies” are old folk sayings because these animals only build nests in places free from radiation! People feel well in these places, and women can give birth to healthy children. Among the “radiation-attracted” animals are cats, bees, ants, other insects, bacilli, and worms. Cats always lie down on a crossing of veins; at the very least, it’s always a location with strong radiation. Ants and wild bees also build their homes over vein crossings.

See Also

The spider symbolizes the manifestation of the Moon, dedicated to spinning and weaving. For some Eastern cultures, it represents the cosmic creator, the higher deity, or the demiurge.

The hamster makes a good pet, although if it escapes, it can be challenging to recapture due to its speed. It is gentle and playful and can be kept in cages or in a terrarium with a grid.

In symbolism, the rat is often associated with cunning and secrecy. In India, it appears as the mount of the benevolent god Ganesha, while in Japan, it accompanies the god of wealth. According to medieval tradition, when it appears in dreams, it signifies the need to pay attention to words and the little things in life.

The chameleon, known as iguana, can be kept as a ‘pet’! In African symbolism, it is a sacred animal, seen as the creator of the first humans. It is never killed, and when found in one’s path, it is handled with caution due to fears of thunder and lightning.

Frogs, toads, and other amphibians have been revered and pursued as characters in tales, ingredients in folk medicine, spiritual beings, and food, even as pets today. In ancient Asian cultures and pre-Columbian civilizations of the Americas, the toad was considered a deity, the great Mother Earth, the origin and end of all life.

The salamander is already considered a pet! Legend has it that salamanders like fire and do not burn when walking through it. This is because they prefer humid places, especially firewood, which they flee from when placed in the fire to avoid being burned.

Regarding the most common animals to have at home, dogs, fish, and birds are quite sensitive to telluric energies (“ground radiations” originating from underground water veins that rise vertically to the Earth’s surface; they usually have a detrimental effect on humans), preferring to stay away from them. On the other hand, cats seek out these areas for rest. Of course, if there are no telluric energy points in the house, your cat will have to lie down somewhere anyway, and if the whole house is unfavorable, the dog will also have to settle.


The important thing is to pay attention and expand your faculty of perception with the assistance of the presence of animals.



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About the Author

Ministry Earth is a collective Awareness-Raising, Perception-Building Initiative from Humanity Healing International, Cathedral of the Soul Educational outreaches created to introduce the perspective of Ethical Consciousness and Nonhuman Personhood to its Animal & Eco Ministries. Ministry Earth is a  Service-Oriented Initiative, and its Magazine is a Copyrighted Publication of OMTimes Media, Inc. Broadcasting and Publishing House.


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