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Physical Sensitivities That Can Arise During a Spiritual Awakening

Physical Sensitivities That Can Arise During a Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening

Unveil the lesser-known signs of spiritual awakening and delve into the depths of your soul’s awakening.




When experiencing a spiritual awakening, our body often gives certain signs that many people do not notice. Each person’s spiritual awakening is unique; there is no right or wrong sign. They simply indicate that your spirit is awakening in search of fulfillment. Below, we point out the 7 most common signs of a spiritual awakening – have you ever experienced one?

The nature of spiritual awakening is frequently misunderstood. The adoption of spiritual beliefs, seeing visions of God or celestial beings, the ability to channel, heal, and foretell the future, or other paranormal powers – all such phenomena are of value and are not to be dismissed. Still, none of them is in itself indicative of spiritual awakening in a person who experiences them.

Eckhart Tolle




A sudden need to sleep more or fewer hours than you are used to – it often happens that someone who sleeps 6 hours a day starts to feel extremely tired and needs to sleep 8 hours, or someone who likes to stay in bed until after 10 am suddenly starts waking up early and can’t go back to sleep.



Emotions are on the surface: suddenly, unexplained crying starts or immense joy invades the heart. You become nervous or anxious without knowing why. Advice: Accept your feelings as they arise, bless them, and let them go.



Suddenly, your eating habits and palate change. You who were not hungry in the morning may start craving breakfast. Someone who didn’t like certain foods may start wanting to try them and love them. Some types of food that you like may seem worse or more nauseating, and you may lose the taste for them.



People report having sharper senses: Some start to see better or see colors more saturated (the greener, the sky brighter, etc.). Others report that their hearing becomes so intense that they can hear people’s hearts. Others smell scents from a distance and can identify a person approaching by their smell, etc.



You are calm somewhere and suddenly feel a wave of energy passing through you, from head to toe. It is a quick, momentary sensation and not very comfortable. Some people feel this wave in the form of temperature, like cold or heat. Advice: If you feel discomfort, ask your Higher Self to increase or decrease the temperature.




Contrary to the dictates of time, our body rejuvenates instead of aging. You feel younger, more beautiful, and with more energy, and people around you notice this. Our body’s frequency increases, and it seems to have passed through a fountain of youth.



When we experience a spiritual awakening, we leave behind much of what used to be a part of us. We become different, better people. Things that we used to think and believe were common to our personality now seem strange to us, and we feel different from the people we used to be around. You have left your old self behind, and that’s a good thing! It’s a sign of evolution!


Symptoms and Side Effects of Spiritual Awakening

We have listed the six most common symptoms of awakening to help you identify whether what you are experiencing is due to a spiritual awakening.



As we have seen, mood and emotional swings are common spiritual awakening symptoms. When a person begins the journey of awakening the mind, they face an emotional roller coaster, leading some to think they might even be ill. You may find yourself on the verge of tears more often than usual. The person becomes more emotional, and crying is how the body expresses this emotion. At the same time, aggression and anger appear more frequently, bringing more depressing days and others full of joy. The person experiences the full range of human emotions, even without apparent reasons that trigger these emotions.

“Everything is a matter of awakening your soul.” Gabriel García Márquez



Nature is one of the most sublime divine expressions, and our relationship with it undergoes a total transformation when our mind begins to awaken. In addition to appreciating the beauty within it, a person starts to see beyond, feeling a great need to preserve all this magic. One develops an immense appreciation for the natural world and a spiritual connection that makes them feel better when in contact with greenery. Nature transforms from a beautiful landscape into something much greater and more intense.



One day, you wake up energetic and full of vitality and start the day excited. The next day, you can barely get out of bed, overtaken by an inexplicable lack of enthusiasm. Even your body may ache as if you were starting to get the flu. To alleviate these sensations, practicing yoga and meditation can help keep energy levels more controlled.



You feel different. You know something has changed, but you can’t pinpoint it. Sometimes, you feel strange. Things that once made sense no longer hold meaning for you. If you are experiencing this symptom, don’t worry. Be patient and let things flow, as surely the answers will come.



See Also


When our minds change, our bodies’ chemistry changes, too; as you become more sensitive to energy, your body may start reacting to foods you have always eaten. These sudden intolerances and allergies are not serious or permanent. Try to adapt to your new condition until everything normalizes again.



This is one of the most painful parts of awakening. Masks fall, and you begin to see the people you relate to in a completely new way. Very old friends to whom you swore eternal love may show their negative side during awakening, making you want to distance yourself.

Spiritual awakening is a deeply personal and transformative journey, often marked by subtle yet profound changes within ourselves. These signs – from shifts in our relationship with nature to variations in our energy levels, from internal transformations to new sensitivities in our physical bodies – are not random occurrences. They are, instead, indicators of a profound shift occurring within the core of our being.

The uniqueness of each person’s experience means there is no universal roadmap for a spiritual awakening. What might be a significant sign for one might be entirely different for another. However, the common thread that binds all these signs is the movement toward a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe.

Therefore, if you recognize any of these signs in your life, it might be worth exploring them further. They could be the gentle nudges of your spirit, guiding you towards a path of greater self-awareness and fulfillment. Whether through meditation, introspection, or connecting with nature, the journey of spiritual awakening is a call to delve deeper into the mysteries of existence and discover the true essence of who we are.


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About the Author

Ageless Wisdom Institute is a Soul Service-Oriented Initiative of Cathedral of the Soul and Humanity Healing International. The Institute was created as a multilevel educational platform encompassing an Esoteric School of Ageless Wisdom and a Mystical Seminary, especially intended for Old Souls, Mature hearts, and Spiritual and Conscious seekers.

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